- "Honest" Max
- "Shotgun" Jones
- 10-player heroic mode
- 10-player mode
- 10 Exalted Reputations
- 15 Exalted Reputations
- 1st Legion
- 20 Exalted Reputations
- 25-player heroic mode
- 25-player mode
- 25 Exalted Reputations
- 30 Exalted Reputations
- 35 Exalted Reputations
- 40 Exalted Reputations
- 45 Exalted Reputations
- 5-player heroic mode
- 5-player mode
- 50 Exalted Reputations
- 55 Exalted Reputations
- 5 Exalted Reputations
- 60 Exalted Reputations
- 64-bitowy klient
- 7th Legion
- 7th Legion (faction)
- A Hero's Welcome
- Abandoned Armory
- Abandoned Camp
- Abandoned Reach
- Abedneum
- Ability
- Abomination
- Abyssal
- Abyssal Council
- Abyssal Depths
- Abyssal Shelf
- Acherus: The Ebon Hold
- Achievement
- Action bar
- Adamant Wrynn III
- Adamantite
- Addon
- Adult Plainstrider
- Advanced Tooled-Leather Bands
- Advisor Valwyn
- Aegis of the Blood God
- Aegwynn
- Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt
- Aerie Peak
- Aeris Landing
- Aesir
- Aessina
- Aethas Sunreaver
- Agamaggan
- Agamand
- Agamand Family Crypt
- Agamand Mills
- Age of Chaos
- Aggramar
- Agnetta Tyrsdottar
- Agronomical Apothecary
- Ahab Wheathoof
- Ahlurglgr
- Ahn'Qiraj
- Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom
- Aiden Perenolde
- Air elemental
- Airy Pale Ale
- Akama
- Aktualizacje
- Aku'mai
- Aku'mai's Lair
- Alamma
- Alandien
- Alanna's Embrace
- Alchemia
- Aldor
- Aldrassil
- Aldrich Rolan
- Aleanna Edune
- Alexandros Mograine
- Alexston Farmstead
- Alexstrasza
- Algaz Station
- Alixander Swiftsteel
- All that Glitters Prospecting Co.
- Alleria Windrunner
- Allerian Stronghold
- Alliance Beachhead
- Alliance Expedition
- Alliance Vanguard
- Alliance organizations
- Alliance territory
- Alonsus Faol
- Altar of Shadows
- Alterac
- Alterac Mountains
- Alterac Mountains NPCs
- Alyissia
- Alzzin the Wildshaper
- Aman'Thul
- Amani Catacombs
- Amani Empire
- Amani Mountains
- Amani Pass
- Ambassador
- Ambassador of the Alliance
- Ambassador of the Horde
- Ambercorn
- Amberglow Signet
- Amberstill Ranch
- Amberweb Pass
- Ambush
- Ammen Fields
- Ammen Ford
- Ammen Vale
- Amnennar the Coldbringer
- Amulet of Wills
- An'daroth
- An'owyn
- An'telas
- Anachronos
- Anasterian Sunstrider
- Ancestral Bracers
- Ancestral Cloak
- Ancestral Grounds
- Ancestral Spirit (NPC)
- Ancient
- Ancient Grove
- Ancient Hakkari Manslayer
- Ancient Lichen
- Ancient Measuring Rod
- Andilien Estate
- Andonisus, Reaper of Souls
- Anduin Lothar
- Anduin Wrynn
- Andurg Slatechest
- Anetheron
- Angel
- Angerfang Encampment
- Ango'rosh tribe
- Angrathar the Wrathgate
- Annihilan
- Annihilator Holo-Gogs
- Anthony Allain
- Antonidas
- Antonidas Memorial
- Antur Fallow
- Anub'Rekhan
- Anub'arak
- Anubisath
- Anveena Teague
- Anvilmar
- Anvilmar family
- Apothecary Berard
- Apothecary Dithers
- Apothecary Helbrim
- Apothecary Maple
- Apothecary Oni'jus
- Apothecary Renferrel
- Apothecary Renzithen
- Apothecary Venustus
- Apprentice
- Apprentice Shatharia
- Apprentice Vor'el
- Aqir
- Aquantion
- Arakkoa
- Arathi Basin
- Arathi Highlands
- Arathor
- Arathor and the Troll Wars
- Arcane Guardian
- Arcane Pinnacle
- Arcane Quickener
- Arcane Shot
- Arcanist
- Arcanist Janeda
- Arcanist Vandril
- Arcanoweave Bracers
- Arch Druid Lathorius
- Archaeologist Andorin
- Archbishop Benedictus
- Archdruid
- Archeologia
- Archery Training Gloves
- Archimonde
- Archimonde's Return and the Flight to Kalimdor
- Archivist Mechaton
- Archivum Data Disc
- Archivum Data Disc (heroic)
- Archmage Gaiman
- Archmage Shymm
- Archmage Vargoth's Retreat
- Archmage of Kirin Tor
- Area of Effect
- Arena Floor
- Argent Confessor Paletress
- Argent Dawn
- Argent Dawn templar
- Argus
- Ariden's Camp
- Aristocrat
- Arkkoran
- Armbraces of the Vibrant Flame
- Armor
- Arngrim the Insatiable
- Arra'chea
- Arsenal Absolute
- Arthas Menethil
- Artifact
- Artisan
- Ashbringer
- Ashelan Northwood
- Ashenvale
- Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood
- Aska Mistrunner
- Astranaar
- Astrid's Riding Gloves
- Astrid Bjornrittar
- Aszune
- Atal'ai tribe
- Atal'alarion
- Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
- Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian (achievement)
- Attack speed
- Attendant Tock
- Attributes
- Auberdine
- Auchenai Healing Potion
- Auchenai Mana Potion
- Auchindoun
- Auction House
- Auradin
- Avatar of Sargeras
- Aversion Leggings
- Aviana
- Awakened Handguards
- Axtroz
- Axxarien
- Ayanna Everstride
- Aysa Cloudsinger
- Azar Stronghammer
- Azeroth
- Azeroth (continent)
- Azeroth (world)
- Azeroth Army of the First War
- Azgalor
- Azj'Aqir
- Azjol-Nerub
- Azshara
- Azshara (original)
- Azshara Crater
- Azure Watch
- Azurebreeze Coast
- Azurelode Mine
- Azuremyst Isle
- Azuremyst Isles
- Azzleby
- BKP 42 "Ultra"
- Backhanded Grips
- Badlands
- Bael'dun
- Bael Modan
- Baelir
- Bag Slot
- Bahrum's Post
- Baine Bloodhoof
- Balacgos
- Balacgos' Bane
- Balgaras the Foul
- Balir Frosthammer
- Balnazzar
- Ban'ethil Barrow Den
- Ban'ethil Hollow
- Band of the Exorcist
- Bands of the Stoneforge
- Bank
- Bank of Dalaran
- Bank of Silvermoon
- Banshee
- Baradin Bay
- Barbarian
- Barbershop
- Barbershop (Dalaran)
- Baron
- Barrens
- Barrier Hills
- Bastard Sword
- Bathran
- Bathran's Haunt
- Battle.net
- Battle.net Balance
- BattleTag
- Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate
- Battleboar
- Battleboar Flank
- Battleboar Snout
- Battleship
- Battleworn Leather Gloves
- Bay of Storms
- Bazaar
- Beaded Cord
- Becanna Edune
- Beer Garden
- Belt of Vivacity
- Belt of the Prairie Wolf
- Belt of the Stars
- Bena Winterhoof
- Benjari Edune
- Bent Staff
- Beram Skychaser
- Berthold
- Beryl Coast
- Beryl Egress
- Big Baobob
- Bilgewater Battalion
- Bilgewater Harbor
- Bilgewater Soldier
- Billy Club
- Bind on Equip
- Bind on Pickup
- Bindings of the Windseeker
- Birgitte Cranston
- Bjarngrim Family Signet
- Bjornrittar's Chilled Legguards
- Black Channel Marsh
- Black Crystal Dagger
- Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Black Tooth Grin clan
- Black Vault
- Black dragonflight
- Black wyrm
- Blackchar Cave
- Blackfathom Camp
- Blackfathom Deeps
- Blackhand
- Blackhand (Warlords of Draenor)
- Blackhand (comic)
- Blackmaw
- Blackrock Depths
- Blackrock Foundry
- Blackrock Mountain
- Blackrock clan
- Blacksilt Shore