- Article en cours de traduction.
- Pour le personnage du film Warcraft, voir Go'el (univers du film).
- Pour le personnage d'un univers alternatif, voir Thrall (univers alternatif)
Thrall / Go'el
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Titre | Gardeterre, Lieur de terre, Chaman universel, Chef du Cercle terrestre, Fils de Durotan, Chef de guerre de la Horde (anciennement), Chef du clan Loup-de-givre (anciennement) voir plus bas |
Sexe | Masculin |
Race | Orc |
Classe de personnage | Chaman, Guerrier[1] Long-voyant Gladiateur[2] |
Affiliation | Clan Loup-de-givre, Orcs loups-de-givre, Cercle terrestre, Horde, Orgrimmar |
Occupation | Chef du Cercle terrestre; ancien chef de guerre de la Horde et chef du clan Loup-de-givre |
Emplacement | Variés |
Statut | Vivant |
Proche(s) | Rhakish (arrière grand-père maternel); Garad, Geyah (grands-parents paternels); |
Mentor(s) | Orgrim Marteau-du-Destin (Ancien chef de guerre), Drek'Thar (mentor chaman), Sergent (entraîneur gladiateur) |
Disciple(s) | Garrosh Hurlenfer |
Compagnon(s) | Chant-de-neige (partenaire de chasse), Shuk'sar (monture talbuk), Grom Hurlenfer, Cairne Sabot-de-Sang, Vol'jin, Taretha Foxton (famille de substitution) |
- "Le début de la sagesse est de déclarer 'je ne sais pas'. Celui qui ne peut dire ceci n'apprendra jamais rien. Et je suis fier de ma capacité à apprendre."[6]
Thrall (né Go'el), fils de Durotan, est l'ancien chef de guerre de la Horde chamanique restaurée, le fondateur de la terre rouge de Durotar en Kalimdor et un des chamans de la deuxième vague.[7] Ses parents ayant été tués par des assassins de Gul'dan's peu après sa naissance l'année de l'éclatement de la Première Guerre[8], il fut trouvé et élevé par Aedelas Landenoire qui donna son nom à Thrall. Élevé comme esclave et gladiateur, il rejoint plus tard Orgrim Marteau-du-Destin dans la libération des orcs emprisonnés après la Deuxième Guerre, et est nommé chef de guerre après la mort de Marteau-du-Destin. Après avoir mené la Horde hors des Royaumes de l'Est, revendiqués par l'Alliance, il porta secours et s'allia avec les trolls sombrelances et les taurens sabots-de-sang. Thrall mena la nouvelle Horde contre leurs anciens maîtres démoniaques à la bataille du mont Hyjal. Il déploya par la suite des efforts diplomatiques de paix entre entre la Horde et l'Alliance après la fin de la Troisième Guerre.
Après la chute du roi-liche et l'agitation grandissante des éléments, annonciatrice du Cataclysme, Thrall laissa son titre de chef de guerre à Garrosh Hurlenfer et rejoignit le Cercle terrestre pour combattre les éléments furieux, assistant en fin de compte les Aspects dans la chute d'Aile de mort .
La victoire contre l'aspect corrompu derrière lui, Thrall fut forcé de s'occuper du chaos qu'avait répandu son successeur dans son sillage. La campagne de Pandarie démontra clairement la folie imprévisible et l'orgueil de Garrosh, ce qui mena à des dissensions au sein de la Horde. Thrall revint défendre la Horde et ses alliés contre leur dictateur de plus en plus impitoyable. Avec Vol'jin et les autres chefs marginalisés de la Horde, Thrall renversa son infortuné successeur au Siège d'Orgrimmar. Après la capture de Garrosh, Thrall choisit personnellement Vol'jin pour unir la Horde et lui jure allégeance, en même temps que les autres chefs de la faction.
Durant les événements de Warlords of Draenor Thrall est un membre clé de l'expédition de la Horde sur la version alternative du monde natal des orcs, Draenor. Sachant que Garrosh est responsable des événements sur cette Draenor, Thrall se lance à sa poursuite afin de le mettre une fois pour toute hors d'état de nuire.
Finalement, le poids de toutes les guerres qu'il avait menées commença à peser plus lourdement sur l'ancien chef de guerre et les capacités et la détermination de Thrall elles-mêmes commencèrent finalement à faiblir. Au cours de la troisième invasion de la Légion ardente d'Azeroth, il transmit à la fois Marteau-du-Destin et le manteau de chef du Cercle terrestre à un chaman aventurier, sachant que l'avenir était désormais entre de meilleures mains. C'est ainsi qu'il se retira avec sa famille à Nagrand, où il établit une petite ferme. Cela ne dura pas, car il fut tiré de sa retraite par Varok Saurcroc, qui avait besoin de son aide pour empêcher Sylvanas Coursevent, le successeur de Vol'jin après sa mort lors de l'invasion de la Légion, de déchirer la Horde. Menant une rébellion aux côtés de Saurcroc, Thrall a tenu sa promesse à Saurcroc qui a péri lors d'un mak'gora contre Coursevent, qui a ensuite abandonné la Horde. Prenant à nouveau la tête de son peuple, Thrall devint membre du Conseil de la Horde, qui remplaça le poste de chef de guerre, en tant que représentant des orcs.
Thrall est l'un des principaux protagonistes de la franchise Warcraft.
Biographie[ | ]
Jeunesse[ | ]
Go'el est le fils de Durotan, ancien chef du clan des loups-de-givre, et de Draka. Il est né en l'an 1 dans leur nouvelle maison dans les montagnes d'Alterac. Peu après la naissance, Draka et l'enfant ont accompagné Durotan à une réunion secrète avec Orgrim Marteau-du-Destin dans le Loch Modan.[9] Alors qu'il se trouvait dans le Loch Modan, Durotan a averti Orgrim de la trahison du sorcier Gul'dan et de son Conseil des Ombres qui utilisaient la race orque comme vassaux pour leur soif de pouvoir. Peu après, Durotan et sa famille furent escortés par les gardes du corps personnels d'Orgrim lors de leur retour au nord alors qu'en réalité, les gardes étaient des assassins fidèles à Gul'dan et assassinèrent brutalement Durotan et Draka tout en laissant l'enfant Go'el mourir sans défense dans le désert.[10]
Il fut trouvé parmi les cadavres ensanglantés de ses parents assassinés quelque part au nord du Loch Modan par Aedelas Landenoire, commandant des camps d'internement où étaient enfermés les orcs après la fin de la Deuxième guerre. Landenoire lui donna le nom de Thrall, qui est un autre mot pour "esclave" dans le langage humain. Landenoire retourna à sa forteresse, le Donjon de Fort-de-Durn, avec Thrall et l'éleva en tant que gladiateur, avec toute la sauvagerie d'un orc, mais avec la fine d'intelligence d'un humain. Il fut entraîné et enseigné par beaucoup, il eut pour nourrice une humaine, et se lia d'amitié avec sa fille, Taretha Foxton. Thrall s'avéra être un excellent élève et un exceptionnel combattant. Thrall devint gladiateur dans l'arène de Fort-de-Durn et source de revenu pour Aedelas. Durant l'un de ces combats, le prince Arthas Menethil vint visiter le Donjon de Fort-de-Durn afin de voir Thrall combattre.
La première rencontre de Thrall avec d'autres orcs arriva en s'entraînant avec Sergent et plusieurs jeune recrues à Fort-de-Durn. Une charrette d'orcs capturés passait alors dans Fort-de-Durn, pour y être gardés, l'un d'eux vit Thrall et pensa que, au lieu d'un entraînement, il était entouré d'humains voulant l'attaquer. L'orc se libéra de ses chaînes et entreprit de sauver Thrall, lui criant en langage orc de s'enfuir, mais à l'époque, Thrall ne comprenait aucune autre langue que le commun, il n'avait donc aucune idée de ce que disait son soit-disant sauveur. L'orc fut battu et tué juste sous les yeux de Thrall.
Il était intelligent, agile et massif même pour les standards orcs. Les passages à tabac abusifs de Landenoire, que ce soit dans l'arène ou en dehors, commençaient à se faire sentir. Taretha commença à lui écrire des lettres et les lui faisait secrètement livrées avec des livres dans sa cage, et il lui répondait. Il finit par écrire à Taretha qu'il souhaitait s'échapper, à la suite d'une série de combats où il avait combattu bravement mais avait refusé de finir le dernier, ce qui lui avait valu d'être puni physiquement par Aedelas.
Taretha créa une diversion dans le donjon de Fort-de-Durn qui permit à Thrall de s'évader inaperçu de sa cellule. Ils se retrouvèrent hors de la forteresse dans une grotte où Taretha lui donna de provisions. Il partie ensuite de Fort-de-Durn en espérant ne jamais y revenir.
Thrall fut capturé et emmené dans un camp d'internement par Lorin Remka. C'est là qu'il rencontra un vieil orc aux yeux rougeoyants appelé Kelgar, qui lui raconta la corruption de Gul'dan, et à quel point les anciennes traditions étaient bien mieux pour la Horde. Il lui dit que le seul à encore penser comme cela était l'invaincu Grom Hurlenfer, chef du clan Chanteguerre. Quand un autre orc dit à Thrall que Landenoire venait inspecter le camp pour le retrouver, il s'évada à nouveau et se mit à la recherche de Grom Hurlenfer.
Draka défendant Go'el contre les assassins, tel que décrit dans Les Éternités.
- Aedelas and Tammis found Thrall.JPG
Landenoire et Foxton trouvant Thrall, illustré dans Warcraft Legends 2.
- Thrall as a gladiator.JPG
Thrall le gladiateur, illustré dans Warcraft Legends 2.
- Taretha allows Thrall to escape.JPG
Taretha aidant Thrall, illustré dans Warcraft Legends 2.
Les orcs[ | ]
Après que Thrall ait trouvé le chef de clan et fait ses preuves, Hurlenfer le prit sous son aile, lui apprenant la langue orque, et lui apprit que, en voyant les langes déchirées que lui avait montré Thrall, il faisait parti du clan exilé des loups-de-givre. Après avoir passé du temps avec Hurlenfer, Thrall décida de prendre congé pendant quelques temps pour trouver ses racines dans les Montagnes d'Alterac.
Après avoir marcher jusqu'à l'épuisement, Thrall fut secouru par les loups-de-givre et amené à leur camp. Là il rencontra Drek'Thar, qui dit à Thrall qu'il était le fils du chef de clan Loup-de-givre. Une fois que Thrall eut trouvé sa place parmi les loups-de-givre, Drek'Thar lui enseigna les anciennes traditions de la Horde, avant la corruption de Gul'dan, les histoires à propos de la Crête de Givrefeu, la patrie ancestrale des loups-de-givre, et Thrall fut bientôt accepté en tant que membre du clan. Un loup de givre nommé Chant-de-neige finit par choisir Thrall comme compagnon. Ce fut peu après qu'il fut appelé par Drek'Thar, et se rendit dans un endroit paisible qu'il n'avait jamais vu auparavant. C'est là que débuterait son initiation.
Dans l'une des plus spirituelles expériences de sa vie, Thrall se lia aux esprits de la terre, de l'air, du feu, de l'eau et des étendues sauvages. Il devint le premier nouveau chaman depuis l'infâme corruption de la Horde par Guld'dan. Il retourna au camp en nouvel orc et devint pleinement immergé dans les anciennes traditions chamaniques de son clan, embrassant son rôle de fils de chef de clan. Ce fut un événement significatif et symbolique, Thrall étant devenu le premier chaman à être accepté par les esprits depuis l'époque de Drek'Thar. Non seulement cela signifiait que Thrall serait destiné à être l'un des plus grands chamans de l'histoire orque, mais aussi que les esprits avaient finalement pardonné aux orcs d'avoir utiliser les énergies démoniaques, et qu'il considéraient Thrall comme le premier d'une toute nouvelle génération de chamans.
Le camp fut bientôt visité par un étranger errant. Au début, Thrall parla aimablement avec lui, mais la colère le gagna quand l'étranger accusa les loups-de-givre de se cacher dans les montagnes. Sa fureur — et sa fierté d'orc — montant en lui, Thrall informa l'étranger qu'il avait l'intention de rejoindre Hurlenfer et les chanteguerres pour assiéger les camps d'internement. L'étranger qualifia Hurlenfer de "rêveur en proie aux démons", et dit que les humains ne valaient pas la peine d'être combattus. Enragé, Thrall défia l'étranger en combat singulier. L'étranger jeta sa cape pour révéler une armure de plates noire usagée et un marteau de guerre massif. Après une lutte courte mais brutale, Thrall parvint à le désarmer, mais fut empêché de l'étrangler par certains de son clan. Ce fut à ce moment que l'étranger se révéla être Orgrim Marteau-du-Destin — le chef de guerre de la Horde. Marteau-du-Destin avait été contacté par Drek'Thar à propos du retour du fils de Durotan. Le chef de guerre voulait provoquer Thrall au combat pour voir si les éloges de Drek'thar étaient méritées — et c'était le cas. Non seulement Thrall avait été capable de rivaliser avec la force de Marteau-du-Destin, mais il l'avait aussi battu — une prouesse uniquement accomplie auparavant par le père de Thrall.
Libération[ | ]
Marteau-du-Destin fit de Thrall son commandant en second et lui expliqua sa stratégie pour libérer les camps. Suivant le plan de Marteau-du-Destin, Thrall infiltra les camps en se faisant passer pour un des prisonniesr opprimés et léthargiques, et troubla les orcs en leur montrant ses pouvoirs chamaniques. Revitalisés par leur héritage restauré, lui et les orcs envahirent rapidement les camps. Cela s'avéra être une tactique efficace sur les trois premiers camps. Au quatrième, Thrall fut trop facilement reconnu, et ils durent ainsi avoir recours aux effectifs de la nouvelle Horde — et aux pouvoirs chamaniques maniés par Thrall — pour libérer le camp. Au cinquième camp, leurs ennemis étaient mieux préparés — des chevaliers de Fort-de-Durn avaient été envoyés aux camps restants pour que, quel que ce soit le camp attaqué, il y ait une plus grande résistance. Durant la libération de ce camp — aujourd'hui un avant-poste de la Horde appelé le Trépas-d'Orgrim dans les Hautes-terres Arathies — Marteau-du-Destin fut tué, empalé dans le dos par une lance de chevalier. Dans son dernier souffle, il donna son armure noire et son marteau de guerre à Thrall, et le nomma chef de guerre de la Horde. Il s'assura de remettre à neuf, mais de ne pas remplacer, l'armure noire percée par la lance qui avait prit la vie de Marteau-du-Destin [11] et un symbole du clan Loup-de-givre fut ajouté sur le marteau.
La première action de Thrall en tant que chef de guerre fut d'attaquer Fort-de-Durn pour démanteler la totalité du système des camps d'internement. Il rencontra secrètement Taretha, lui demandant de quitter Fort-de-Durn avec sa famille, mais elle refusa, craignant les conséquences si Landenoire remarquait son absence (il l'avait prise comme maîtresse, un arrangement qu'elle n'avait jamais apprécié). Quand Thrall arriva à Fort-de-Durn a la tête de la Horde, il confronta un Landenoire ivre, et essaya de parlementer paisiblement dans le but d'éviter une effusion de sang inutile. Landenoire passa par une pléthore d'émotions — l'amusement en voyant la montée en puissance de Thrall, la colère devant la demande du chef de guerre, et l'amertume à propos de la soit-disant trahison de Thrall. Demandant une fois encore à Landenoire de se rendre ou de mourir, le maître de Fort-de-Durn lui donna sa réponse en jetant devant Thrall la tête de Taretha Foxton, hurlant que c'était là le sort réservé aux traîtres.
La vue de la tête décapitée de la Taretha était si choquante que Thrall a pleuré pour la première fois de sa vie. Elle était pour lui ce qu'il y avait de plus proche d'une famille. Thrall hurla de rage et de douleur, les éléments eux-mêmes faisant écho à sa fureur, et il donna l'ordre d'attaquer. Durant le siège, Thrall accula Landenoire dans son tunnel caché, et jeta une épée aux pieds de cet homme perfide. Landenoire était suffisamment sobre pour faire face au chef de guerre — qui s'était retenu pour laisser une chance de se battre à Landenoire — mais il tenta de s'expliquer, et demanda à Thrall de l'aider à asservir l'Alliance. La rage du chef de guerre quant au sort de Taretha brisa toutes les barrières, et il lui délivra un coup mortel. Alors qu'il gisait mourant, le maître de Fort-de-Durn exprima fierté envers ce qu'était devenu Thrall — ce que Landenoire avait fait de lui ou du moins le pensait-il.
Thrall émergea secoué du donjon pour trouver ses orcs victorieux. Thrall donna un message au commandant en second de Landenoire, le seigneur Karramyn Langston, pour ses supérieurs : libérer les orcs restants, et leur céder des terres. Si l'Alliance les laissait en paix, ils ne feraient pas de vagues et seraient même enclins à la coopération et à l'échange. Si l'Alliance choisissait de les combattre, elle se confronterait à un ennemi comme elle n'en avait jamais vu auparavant — rendant insignifiante l'ancienne Horde. Il quitta ensuite Fort-de-Durn après avoir permis à Sergent et aux humains survivants de repartir sains et saufs, et il fit livrer le collier de Taretha à ses parents. Quand il furent partis, il invoqua l'esprit de la terre pour détruire le fort avant de conduire son peuple à la liberté.
Thrall composa plus tard une lok'vadnod ("chanson de l'héroïne") pour commémorer le sacrifice de Taretha.
De Sang et d'Honneur[ | ]
A un moment durant la libération des camps, Thrall apprit qu'un orc nommé Eitrigg était sur le point d'être exécuté à Stratholme et il y mena une attaque. Cependant, Eitrigg fut secouru par un humain et amené dans une forêt près de Stratholme où ce même humain le soigna. Thrall et ses orcs les suivirent et les trouvèrent. Thrall rappelait Durotan à Eitrigg. Celui-ci fut autorisé à rejoindre la nouvelle Horde et l'humain, Tirion, fut stupéfait quand Thrall lui permit de s'en aller car il avait sauver la vie d'Eitrigg.[12]
Fuite vers Kalimdor[ | ]
Thrall et Grom passèrent beaucoup de temps à rassembler les forces dispersées de la Horde. Mais ce fut plus tard, quand Thrall se trouvait avec une petite troupe dans les Hautes-terres Arathies, qu'il fit un étrange rêve. Il voyait des armées s'affronter, du feu pleuvant du ciel, et une voix l'avertissant des choses à venir.[13]
Quand il se réveilla, il réalisa que ce n'était pas un rêve mais une vision donnée par le mystérieux Prophète. Il lui avait dit énigmatiquement qu'il n'était pas ce qu'il semblait être, qu'il avait abandonné son humanité il y a longtemps, qu'il avait vu dans l'avenir que le seul espoir de salut des orcs était de quitter Lordaeron et de faire voile à l'ouest vers Kalimdor, et qu'ils y trouveraient leur destinée.[14]
Thrall obéit et commença à rassembler la Horde pour se préparer à traverser la Grande Mer. Les clans commencèrent à se rassembler et construisirent une base pour donner à la Horde un endroit où demeurer en attendant d'être prête. Grom se fit capturer par les humains, et Thrall intervint rapidement pour le sauver. Hurlenfer eut alors l'idée de voler les navires humains pour qu'ils puissent quitter ces terres pour de bon. Avec la Horde rassemblée, ils volèrent les navires et partirent à travers la Grande Mer vers les terres oubliées de Kalimdor.[15]
Exode de la Horde[ | ]
A mi-chemin de leur voyage vers Kalimdor, les navires de Thrall furent encerclés par une violente tempête près du Maelström et durent se réfugier sur une petite île. Les orcs y rencontrèrent le chef troll, Sen'jin, qui leur dit qu'un avant-poste humain attaquait sa tribu nuit et jour sur l'île. Craignant pour la sûreté de la Horde et des trolls sombrelances, Thrall et ses guerriers assaillirent la base humaine, durant ce temps il réactiva une Fontaine de santé et découvrit que l'île contenait des volcans en activité. Assisté des trolls sombrelances, le dirigeant humain, un archimage, fut tué, mais ensuite de nombreux murlocs attaquèrent la Horde, les humains et les trolls sombrelances. Alors que les forces orques et humaines étaient occupées les unes avec les autres, les monstres aquatiques cherchaient des sacrifices pour leurs rituels.[16]
Thrall fut ensuite emprisonné dans les cachots ardents des murlocs. Il apprit d'un chasseur de têtes troll, avec qui il partageait sa cellule, que les murlocs prévoyaient de les sacrifier tous les deux pour une sorcière des mers. Par chance, bien que les murlocs étaient étrangement avancés, ils n'étaient pas au courant des compétences chamaniques de Thrall, le chef de guerre put alors s'échapper et libérer ses guerriers. Un grunt rapporta que Sen'jin ne se trouvait pas dans les cellules — et qu'il avait été pris en tant que premier sacrifice. Thrall accourut vers l'autel, mais il fut forcé de regarder avec horreur le sorcier murloc tuer Sen'jin. Thrall et ses guerriers tuèrent les trois gardiens murlocs maintenant la barrière magique qui les empêchait de s'échapper ainsi que le sorcier murloc, mais il était trop tard pour le chef troll. Sen'jin, mourant, révéla une vision — que Thrall conduirait la tribu Sombrelance vers la grandeur. Thrall offrit ensuite aux trolls une place dans la Horde pour la bonté qu'ils avaient manifesté envers les orcs.[17]
Thrall émergea de la grotte et fut confronté par la sorcière des mers. Elle menaça de se venger pour la destruction de son autel et de ses adorateurs. Elle plaça une malédiction sur le chef de guerre ; que lui et toutes ses forces seraient engloutis par la mer. En retournant à son camp de base, Thrall découvrit que ses navires, endommagés par la tempête, n'était pas encore prêts à prendre la mer. Il apprit également que le volcan endormi de l'île était en éruption et que l'île commençait à sombrer. La sorcière des mers, pendant ce temps, lança ses forces murlocs contre la Horde, assoiffée de vengeance. Néanmoins, assistée par les trolls, la Horde parvinrent à repousser leurs assaillants assez longtemps pour réparer leurs navires et réussirent à s'échapper avant que l'île ne sombre. La sorcière des mers dit ensuite à Thrall qu'une "vague sombre" les engloutirait tous et qu'il n'y aurait nulle part où se cacher.[18]
La malédiction de la sorcière est peut-être devenue réalité, selon la distance où l'île se trouvait par rapport à Kalimdor — car les forces de Thrall ont fait naufrage. Il est supposé que les autres clans, comme celui de Hurlenfer, n'étaient pas parmi ceux pris par le tempête et conduits vers l'île.
Kalimdor[ | ]
Les navires avaient été dispersés et bon nombre de ceux qui étaient à bord sont arrivés à grand peine jusqu'aux rivages de Kalimdor en vie. Les clans étaient éparpillés, et Thrall parcourait lentement la côte, rassemblant les orcs et les trolls qu'il rencontrait. Mais Grom était introuvable. Cette nouvelle terre abritait de nombreuses et étranges nouvelles créatures, mais les plus brutales étaient les centaures, en particulier dans leur façon de traiter les taurens.[19]
Quand Thrall combattit un groupe de centaures qui attaquaient des taurens, il fut accueilli de manière inattendue par Cairne Sabot-de-Sang, chef de la tribu Sabot-de-Sang. Impressionné par leur comportement féroce mais noble, Cairne offrit de l'aider à trouver la destinée de son peuple. Thrall parla à Cairne de l'armée centaure qu'il avait vu avançant en direction du nord, ils partirent rapidement alors que Cairne rapportait que son village était en danger. Les forces de Thrall suivirent Cairne et défendirent le village contre les centaures.[19]
Les centaures ayant chassé tout le gibier de la région, la tribu Sabot-de-Sang devait abandonner leur foyer et voyager jusque Mulgore s'ils ne voulaient pas mourir de faim. Cairne était d'accord pour révéler l'emplacement de l'Oracle, qui aiderait les orcs dans leur quête de leur destinée, s'ils aidaient à protéger les caravanes de Cairne jusque Mulgore. Thrall accepta ces termes, et aida les taurens dans leur long périple, les protégeant eux et leurs bêtes kodos contre les centaures en maraude.[20]
Cairne parla à Thrall du mystique Oracle du Pic des Serres-Rocheuses, qui pouvait les aider à découvrir leur destinée sur ces étranges terres. Thrall, heureux de s'être fait un ami sur cette terre étrangère, remercia chaleureusement Cairne, et ils se séparèrent en alliés.[20]
Quand Thrall arriva à la base du Pic des Serres-Rocheuses, il fut stupéfait de trouver Grom Hurlenfer et le clan Chanteguerre combattant des humains sous le commandement de Jaina Portvaillant. Ses forces avaient encerclé la majorité du col menant dans la montagne, et Thrall pensait engager quelques gobelins pour leur faire traverser la montagne en zeppelins et ainsi éviter toute défense. Alors que Thrall essayait de se frayer discrètement un chemin vers les gobelins, l'impatient Hurlenfer attaqua subitement les humains, qui ripostèrent en les attaquant lui et les forces de Thrall. Celui-ci fut forcé d'attaquer leurs bases. Finalement, il parvint à obtenir quelques zeppelins. Thrall confronta Grom, mais Hurlenfer répliqua qu'un "véritable guerrier" aurait attaqué les humains sans se poser de question au lieu d'essayer de les contourner et d'éviter une bataille.[21]
Thrall, inquiet que la soif de sang impétueuse de Grom ne cause de problèmes, ordonna à son ami, ainsi qu'à son clan, de demeurer en retrait à Orneval pendant que Thrall parcourerait la montagne. Grom accepta à contrecœur.[21]
Thrall se fraya une chemin dans la montagne et fut surpris de croiser la route de Cairne une nouvelle fois. Thrall ne pouvait accéder au sommet sans soutien aérien. Cairne suggéra alors de s'allier avec les wyvernes des Serres-Rocheuses. Les wyvernes étaient prisonnières d'un groupe de viles harpies qui, après une courte bataille, furent vaincues. Les wyverns, reconnaissantes, se mirent à disposition de Thrall et de la Horde. Avec leur aide, Thrall pénétra dans la montagne.[22]
Thrall et Cairne se séparèrent et cherchèrent eux-mêmes les grottes. Quelques temps plus tard, ils trouvèrent la chambre de l'Oracle, mais ils trouvèrent également Jaina Portvaillant. Ils étaient sur le point de se battre quand l'Oracle apparut, se révélant être le Prophète que Thrall et Jaina avaient rencontré à Lordaeron. Il parla à Thrall de la corruption de Grom, et que les orcs et les humains devaient joindre leurs forces ou être détruits. A contrecœur, Thrall accepta, désespéré de sauver Grom.[23]
Levée de la Malédiction du sang[ | ]
Ils revinrent aux Tarides pour trouver Grom aux commandes du clan Chanteguerre corrompu, Thrall alla alors à sa rencontre alors que débutait l'invasion démoniaque de Kalimdor. Un combat épique se déroulait entre les forces du chef de guerre et celles de Hurlenfer tandis que le feu provenant de la chute d'infernaux illuminait le ciel nocturne. Thrall, aidé de Cairne et Jaina, taillèrent leur chemin à travers les rangs des orcs du chaos que leur sang rendait fous furieux, déterminés à parvenir à tout prix jusqu'à Hurlenfer. Finalement, après avoir vaincu l'armée de Hurlenfer composée d'orcs, de gardes funestes, de gangrechiens et de démonistes, Thrall fit face à son vieil ami. Hurlenfer se moqua du chef de guerre, lui révélant que les démons n'avaient pas corrompu les orcs de force, mais que les chefs de clan orcs avaient eux-mêmes volontairement choisi de boire le sang du démon, sachant parfaitement que cela les rendrait à jamais esclaves de la Légion. Enragé par cette révélation et trahison, Thrall chargea son vieil ami et leurs armées respectives s'engagèrent en combat. Après une longue lutte désespérée, Thrall reprit le contrôle de lui-même et parvint à capturer l'essence de Grom dans une gemme d'âme et la ramena dans un Cercle rituel où, en combinant le chamanisme orc et la magie elfe, l'énergie démoniaque fut purgée du système de Grom. Ce dernier, réalisant ce qu'il avait fait, se confondit immédiatement en excuses, puis lui et Thrall partirent sur-le-champ affronter Mannoroth dans un canyon ciselé par les chutes d'infernaux.[24]
Thrall lança un premier assaut contre Mannoroth, mais il fut repoussé promptement, il aurait été tué si Grom n'avait pas rassemblé ses forces et lancé un coup dévastateur contre Mannoroth, brisant son armure et plongeant sa hache profondément dans son ventre. Ce fut suffisant pour tuer le seigneur des abîmes, mais alors que Mannoroth mourrait, une vague d'énergies explosives jaillit de son corps et toucha Grom à bout portant. Le chef du clan Chanteguerre en fut mortellement blessé. Alors que la lueur rouge démoniaque quittait ses yeux ainsi que ceux de son clan, Grom dit qu'il était libéré. Thrall s'approcha de lui en lui disant qu'il avait aussi libéré tous les orcs de la corruption.[25]
Bataille du mont Hyjal[ | ]
Thrall et Jaina se rendirent à Orneval, mais se heurtèrent bientôt à une nouvelle menace. Les elfes de la nuit, les maudissant d'avoir tué Cénarius, les attaquèrent alors qu'ils tentaient de construire un nouveau campement.[26]
Les démons et les morts-vivants, les orcs, les humains et les elfes de la nuit se battaient chacun pour leur survie,[27][28] jusqu'à ce que finalement, Thrall reçut une vision pour amener Jaina vers un bosquet à la base du mont Hyjal. Là, il tomba sur les chefs des elfes de la nuit, Tyrande Murmevent et Malfurion Hurlorage. Ils furent mutuellement surpris de se trouver là, jusqu'à ce que le Prophète apparaisse une nouvelle fois, et se révèle être Medivh, le dernier Gardien de Tirisfal. Il tenta de les convaincre qu'ils devaient s'allier contre la Légion ardente ou bien ils seraient vaincus à coup sûr.[29]
Bien qu'inquiets, Tyrande et Malfurion acceptèrent, et ils s'allièrent tous contre Archimonde et sa pléthore de serviteurs démoniaques et morts-vivants.[30]
Toutes les races alliées défendirent collectivement Nordrassil et le mont Hyjal avec trois installations fortifiées s'élevant dans la montagne, la base de Thrall ayant des orcs, des trolls sombrelances, des taurens et des gobelins, chacun faisant de son mieux pour ralentir l'ascension d'Archimonde jusqu'à ce que le piège des elfes de la nuit soit prêt.[30]
Alors qu'Archimonde avançait fers la base de Thrall, il provoqua celui-ci en disant que sa race n'en valait pas la peine et que les orcs étaient faibles. Thrall répliqua que leur esprit était fort et que, s'ils venaient à être vaincus, au moins ils seraient libres, il attaqua alors Archimonde et le blessa légèrement avec une Chaîne d'éclairs, avant que Jaina ne le téléporte. Après une grande bataille, Archimonde fut finalement détruit et la Légion ardente fut vaincue.[30]
Fondation d'Orgrimmar[ | ]
Suite à la victoire du mont Hyjal et de la défaite de la Légion ardente, (il est également laissé entendre que cela se soit passé juste après leur premier débarquement)[31] Thrall rassembla son peuple et résolut de trouver un endroit pour eux sur les magnifiques terres rocailleuses des Tarides. Thrall mena ses orcs au combat contre les hurans tranchecrins et revendiqua la majorité du territoire,[32][33] fondant Durotar, nommée ainsi en hommage à l’héroïsme de son père.[34] Sa capitale fut appelée Orgrimmar, en hommage à Orgrim Marteau-du-Destin. Après de nombreux mois, les choses commencèrent à prendre forme. Les orcs se développaient à Durotar,[35] les taurens étaient partis à Mulgore,[36] et les trolls s'étaient installées sur les Îles de l’Écho au large des côtes.[37]
Thrall rencontra bientôt Rexxar, un fils des Mok'Nathals, qui avait tenté de secourir son éclaireur Mogrin d'un groupe de hurans, celui-ci lui livra un message. Thrall le lut soigneusement, fut attristé par la mort de Mogrin, et accueillit Rexxar sur cette nouvelle terre. Rexxar envisagea de rester, mais dit qu'il devrait mériter sa place. Thrall accepta, et envoya Rexxar parler à divers citoyens d'Orgrimmar et voir ce qu'il pouvait faire pour les aider dans leurs tâches. Il demanda également à Rokhan le chasseur des ombres d'assister Rexxar. Les deux hommes furent ensuite rejoints par un maître brasseur pandaren errant nommé Chen Brune d’Orage, qui avait cherché dans la région les ingrédients à utiliser dans sa nouvelle concoction. Après que Rexxar l'ait aidé à trouver ces ingrédients, Chen suivit le troll et le Mok'Nathal, avide d'aventure. Thrall attendait dans Orgrimmar, aidant à construire la ville. [35]
Rexxar accomplit ses tâches avec succès, et Thrall commença à respecter le maître des bêtes. Mais bientôt, il apporta de mauvaises nouvelles : les humains s'amassaient sur les rives de Durotar. Thrall était troublé. Le traité qu'il avait conclu avec Jaina avait pour but d'empêcher de telles incursions. Après plusieurs autres rencontres avec des humains hostiles, un sommet fut organisé entre Thrall et Jaina. Rexxar encouragea Thrall à l'envoyer à sa place, sentant un piège. Thrall accepta à contrecœur. En effet, les "émissaires" n'étaient pas intéressés par les discussions et tentèrent sans succès de tuer Rexxar et ses amis, après avoir exprimé leur déception de ne pas voir Thrall lui-même se faire massacrer.[35]
Rexxar revint et dit à Thrall qu'il y avait eu une trahison. Incapable de croire que Jaina ordonnerait une telle chose, Thrall prépara une note pour que Rexxar la cache à Theramore afin d'organiser une rencontre avec Jaina elle-même. Ce n'est qu'en se rencontrant face à face qu'ils pouvaient assurer une quelconque paix entre les deux races.[35]
Après avoir entendu le rapport de Rexxar sur l'arrivée de l'amiral Portvaillant et ses intentions contre les orcs, Thrall réalisa que la seule façon d'empêcher une nouvelle guerre était d'attaquer la base de l'amiral Portvaillant et de le tuer. Avec l'aide de Rexxar, Thrall sollicita l'aide de son vieil ami Cairne et des taurens, ainsi que des orgres Cognepierres. [38] Alors que les préparatifs pour la prise d'assaut de Theramore étaient en cours, Thrall fut informé que l'île était entourée d'un blocus de navires que les forces assemblées n'avaient aucun moyen de briser. Thrall fut frustré par cette nouvelle. Puis Jaina se téléporta sur les lieux. Elle assura à tout le monde qu'elle était venue en paix. Elle n'avait rien su des plans de son père et ne savait pas quoi faire, disait-elle. Thrall fut compatissant, mais lui dit que les actions de son père pouvaient détruire Durotar et que la seule façon d'assurer la sécurité de la nouvelle nation et de son peuple était de tuer Daelin.[39]
Jaina comprenait et était prête à aider, même si cela signifiait la mort de son père. Elle indiqua à Thrall l'emplacement d'un chantier naval gobelin proche qui pourrait lui fournir des navires pour briser le blocus de l'amiral. Elle supplia Thrall d'épargner le plus grand nombre possible de ses hommes dans la bataille à venir ; même si la plupart d'entre eux suivaient son père, ils étaient la seule famille qu'il lui restait après la chute de Lordaeron. Thrall lui donna sa parole qu'il essaierait de limiter au maximum les effusions de sang du côté humain et conseilla à Jaina de se mettre à l'abri, car la bataille était sur le point de commencer.[39]
En utilisant les navires acquis auprès des gobelins, les forces de Thrall réussirent à se frayer un chemin jusqu'à l'île, où elles engagèrent le combat contre les troupes de Daelin Portvaillant.[39] Rexxar, Rokhan, Chen et Cairne se frayèrent un chemin directement jusqu'à l'amiral Portvaillant lui-même et engagèrent le combat. Avant la fin de la bataille, Thrall tenta de dire à l'amiral que cette Horde était différente de celle qu'il avait affrontée il y a des années, qu'ils n'avaient aucun intérêt à la conquête ou au meurtre. Portvaillant s'insurga contre le fait que la race de Thrall était coupable de génocide, qu'ils ne pourraient jamais expier leur carnage à Hurlevent et Lordaeron qui avait fait d'innombrables morts innocents. Il fit le vœu sinistre de ne jamais cesser de combattre les orcs, et se battit donc jusqu'à sa mort comme Thrall l'avait prédit. [40]
Dès que Daelin Portvaillant tomba, Rexxar cria que la bataille était terminée et ordonna aux forces humaines de se retirer. Ils obéirent. Jaina tomba à genoux près du corps de son père, lui demandant pourquoi il n'avait pas écouté. Rexxar essaya d'apaiser la douleur de la sorcière en lui disant que son père était un fier guerrier par-dessus tout, et qu'il fallait se souvenir de lui comme tel. Thrall proclama que la Horde n'avait pas de rancune envers les humains survivants et qu'ils quitteraient Theramore en paix. Il ramena ensuite ses forces à Durotar et laissa Jaina en deuil. [40]
Reconnaissant à Rexxar pour tout ce qu'il avait fait, Thrall invita les Mok'Nathal à rester et à s'installer à Durotar. Rexxar déclina poliment l'invitation, disant à Thrall qu'il était un nomade et que sa place était dans la nature. Mais il promit à Thrall qu'il faisait partie de la Horde et que si jamais son aide était à nouveau nécessaire, il serait là. Thrall dit donc au revoir à Rexxar et reprit la construction de Durotar. Pour le moment, tout se passait bien.[40]
Souveraineté[ | ]
Thrall a été averti par un chaman Kalthar d'une étrange anomalie dans les montagnes de Kalimdor. Thrall envoya Broxigar et Gaskal pour enquêter à ce sujet. L'anomalie entraîna Brox, Gaskal, Krasus et Rhonin dans le passé - il y a 10 000 ans. Bien que Gaskal soit mort pendant le voyage et que Broxigar soit mort à la fin de la guerre des Anciens, sa célèbre hache fabriquée par Cenarius a été récupérée et livrée à Thrall par Korialstrasz en l'honneur du brave Broxigar.[41]
Trois ans ont passé, et Orgrimmar a grandi. Une série d'incidents mineurs entre les orcs de Durotar et les humains de Theramore ont menacé la stabilité de toute la région. Thrall et Jaina tentèrent désespérément de maintenir la paix, mais la Horde échappa à son contrôle lorsque son chef guerrier Burx emmena une armée d'orcs et de trolls au donjon de Guet du nord, le même donjon que Portvaillant utilisait pour ses opérations, et leur demanda de le démanteler. Après le début de la bataille, Jaina contacta Thrall pour l'informer que Burx travaillait pour la branche orc de la secte de la Lame ardente. Furieux à l'idée qu'un orc puisse à nouveau servir la Légion (le démon Zmodlor tirait les ficelles du culte), Thrall mit immédiatement fin à la bataille (avec l'aide impressionnante des esprits) et dénonça Burx. Lorsque le guerrier protesta qu'il agissait dans l'intérêt de la Horde, Thrall lui fracassa le crâne avec Marteau-du-Destin.[42]
Les événements incitèrent Jaina et Thrall à élaborer un traité plus officiel entre la Horde et l'Alliance. Malgré la montée des tensions depuis environ un an, leurs actions ont permis de mettre un terme au cycle de la haine, sans toutefois le briser complètement.
World of Warcraft[ | ]
Thrall, fier chef de guerre de la Horde, demeurait dans son domaine, situé dans la Vallée de la sagesse à Orgrimmar. Il était considéré comme le plus puissant orc vivant. Il était le chef de guerre de toute la Horde, dominant les trolls sombrelance et les tribus tauren. Son honneur, sa ruse et sa compassion lui ont valu de nombreux alliés au fil des ans, même parmi les humains et les elfes de la nuit. Thrall vit pour défendre la liberté de son peuple et assurer la sécurité de la Horde étendue. [43]
Les membres de la Main brisée qui sont restés en Azeroth sont devenus partie intégrante de la nouvelle Horde de Thrall. Avec la fondation de Durotar, et la capitale de la Horde, Orgrimmar, la Main brisée est devenue le clan d'assassins de la Horde, formant de nouveaux voleurs au service de leur chef de guerre. Cependant, comme pour tous les voleurs, l'étendue de leur loyauté est inconnue ; un membre, Zando'zan, déclare avoir prévu la mort de Thrall, mais que ce soit juste une prémonition qu'il avait de la disparition du chef de guerre ou que lui ou la Main brisée dans Orgrimmar projette de tuer Thrall reste un mystère. Cependant, Wrenix le Misérable, le contact de Zando'zan, fait remarquer qu'il n'est pas tout à fait sain d'esprit et que ses paroles ne devraient peut-être pas être prises au sérieux.
Malgré la défaite de la Légion ardente et du doyen Portvaillant, la vie du chef de guerre est encore loin d'être ennuyeuse. Les menaces qui pèsent sur Durotar de l'extérieur et de l'intérieur l'obligent à rester vigilant. À un moment donné, Thrall a reçu des ambassadeurs réprouvés de Sylvanas qui ont demandé à rejoindre la Horde. Thrall n'était pas sûr d'eux, mais avec le soutien de Hamuul Totem-Runique, Thrall fut convaincu de les accepter. Ainsi, la Horde a pu accéder à Lordaeron.[44]
La [tribu vengebroche]] a appris l'existence de la nouvelle Horde et a envoyé des coureurs à Thrall. Thrall se méfiait des trolls au début, mais il s'est rendu compte que les trolls vengebroches étaient uniques parmi les trolls des forêts d'une manière fondamentale. La tribu vengebroche n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de combattants ou de ressources, et elle avait donc décidé de se spécialiser dans l'art plus délicat de la négociation. Lorsqu'ils ont parlé avec Thrall, les vengebroches avaient acquis une réputation de confiance bien méritée. Les trolls ont été impressionnés par Thrall et son rêve. Malgré cela, ils se sont souvenus de l'imprudence et de la corruption de la première Horde. Ainsi, les Vengebroches ont refusé de rejoindre la Horde, mais ils ont accepté un pacte d'amitié et d'assistance mutuelle.[45]
A cette époque, Nazgrel et Eitrigg étaient ses conseillers. Thrall chargea ce dernier de superviser les nouvelles recrues de la Horde.[46] Il observa un danger croissant dans les cavernes d'Orgrimmar et travailla avec les jeunes membres de la horde qu'il envoya pour espionner Neeru Lamefeu. Thrall apprit qu'il était le chef de la Lame ardente et travaillait avec la Lame brûlante sous Orgrimmar. Finalement, Thrall envoya les aventuriers sous Orgrimmar pour s'occuper des chefs de la Lame brûlante. Il envoya également l'orc Gol'dir et ses trois compagnons à Hautebrande pour régler le problème du Syndicat. Au cours de cette opération, ils furent kidnappés, mais plus tard, ils furent secourus et finirent par tuer le chef du Syndicat - Aliden Perenolde. Ils ont également obtenu le collier de Taretha de sa maîtresse Elysa et l'ont finalement livré à Thrall.
À un moment donné, Thrall a envoyé le corps expéditionnaire de Kargath aux Terres ingrates afin d'explorer un nouveau territoire et le commandant Gor'shak fut envoyé dan les Profondeurs de Rochenoire. Là-bas, il se laissa capturer par les nains sombrefers afin de recueillir des renseignements. Gor'shak apprit que la princesse Moira Barbe-de-Bronze avait été capturée. Thrall apprit l'existence de la princesse et envoya immédiatement un groupe d'aventuriers pour tuer Dagran Thaurissan et sauver Moira. Son objectif était d'améliorer les relations. Les aventuriers réussirent à tuer l'empereur, mais Moira fut attristée et jura que lorsque son fils, Dagran Thaurissan II deviendrait le roi de Forgefer, la Horde serait attaquée. Après que Thrall ait appris cela, il alla s'entretenir avec Sylvanas et Cairne. On ne sait pas à quel point c'est canon car L'Effondrement : Prélude au cataclysme dit que c'est l'équipe d'élite de Magni qui a tué l'Empereur et omet d'impliquer la Horde.
Il a également envoyé le sorcier Fel'zerul pour enquêter sur d'étranges événements survenus au Temple d'Atal'Hakkar.[47] A un moment donné dans le passé, Thrall a essayé d'entrer en contact avec la tribu Grumegueule des furbolgs au nom de la Horde.[48]
À un moment donné, Thrall a appris de Drek'Thar l'histoire de la race des orcs en Draenor et a commencé à écrire un livre à ce sujet. Pour la première fois, lorsque Durotar et Orgrimmar ont été fondés et construits, Thrall et ses orcs ont pu participer à d'anciennes cérémonies orcs, telles que Om'riggor. Plus tard, un espion humain a apporté un message, que les draeneïs, dirigés par le prophète Velen, s'étaient écrasés sur Azeroth et avaient rejoint l'Alliance. Thrall craignait qu'avec cette alliance il ne puisse y avoir de paix.[49]
The Burning Crusade[ | ]
Au cours de l'an 25, Thrall entre en négociation avec Quel'Thalas pour rejoindre la Horde.[50] Il s'oppose ouvertement aux méthodes des elfes de sang, mais reconnaît la valeur stratégique des chevaliers de sang. [51] Finalement, Thrall accueillit les elfes de sang aventuriers envoyés par Sylvanas Coursevent pour que Quel'Thalas rejoigne la Horde.
Une faction d'orcs existe en Outreterre, qui est restée intouchée par la corruption démoniaque. Ces orcs se nomment eux-mêmes les Mag'har, et sont composés de divers clans orcs qui ont choisi de ne pas rejoindre la légion de gangr'orcs de Magtheridon, et semblent avoir été complètement épargnés par la corruption perpétrée par Kil'jaeden. En entendant parler d'eux, Thrall décida immédiatement de se rendre en Outreterre et de prendre contact avec les Mag'har. Eitrigg demanda à Thrall de faire les préparatifs nécessaires, au lieu de laisser Orgrimmar et le reste des orcs d'Azeroth à la merci des attaques.[52]
Plus tard, Thrall, aux côtés de Drek'Thar, fit une brève apparition en Outreterre et rencontra sa grand-mère Geyah et montra à Garrosh Hurlenfer que son père Grom était mort en héros, et avait mis fin à la Malédiction du sang. Lors de cette rencontre, Grand-mère Geyah révèle le nom de naissance de Thrall : Go'el, fils de Durotan - chef légitime des Loups-de-givre.
- Thrall-in-nagrand.jpg
Thrall arrive à Garadar pour rencontrer sa grand-mère, Grand-mère Geyah.
Sommet de la paix à Theramore[ | ]
Après son retour des ruines de Draenor, Thrall amena avec lui Garrosh Hurlenfer, fils de Grom Hurlenfer, pour être son conseiller. Plus tard, le maître gladiateur à la retraite Rehgar Rageterre devint également l'un des conseillers de Thrall. Rehgar et Garrosh eurent une grande discussion : tandis que Garrosh voulait détruire l'Alliance, qu'il considère comme les ennemis de la Horde, et s'emparer d'Azeroth, Reghar voulait rester ouvert à la diplomatie avec l'Alliance et conserver leur traité de non-agression avec Theramore. Puis, soudainement, Thrall reçut un appel de Jaina pour se rencontrer à Tranchecolline. Lors de leur rencontre, Jaina lui dit que Varian était revenu et raconta à Thrall l'histoire de l'enlèvement de Varian. Avec le retour de Varian et sa volonté affichée, Jaina désirait organiser un autre sommet de paix à Theramore dans l'espoir d'apaiser les tensions entre la Horde et l'Alliance. Bien que Thrall se sentait mal à l'aise de quitter Orgrimmar à une époque où les orcs étaient agités par la tolérance passive de Thrall envers l'Alliance, Thrall accepta néanmoins d'assister au sommet.[53]
Lorsque Thrall décida de se rendre à une nouvelle réunion avec le roi humain Varian, il amena avec lui ses deux conseillers : Rehgar et Garrosh[54] et quelques kor'krons.[55] Reghar recommanda à Thrall de ne pas amener Garrosh avec eux mais le chef de guerre pensait que ce serait une bonne idée car cela aiderait Garrosh à reconsidérer son attitude envers les humains.[54]
Thrall se rendit à Theramore à bord d'un zeppelin,[54] où il eut une discussion pacifique avec pour objectif un gain mutuel. Ils ont d'abord parlé de leur passé, puis des problèmes de ressources, comme la guerre de la Horde contre les elfes de la nuit pour le bois. Varian proposa de fournir du bois au peuple de Thrall et, en échange, le chef de guerre offrit du cuivre et des peaux exotiques. Varian dut mettre fin au sommet quand il apprit que Comté de l'or et Austrivage étaient simultanément en détresse à cause du fléau. Thrall et Varian étaient sur le point de se quitter en bons termes, mais à la sortie de Theramore, le culte du Marteau du crépuscule envahit la ville. Les races de l'Alliance des cultistes du Crépuscule ont attaqué les représentants de la Horde tandis que les races de la Horde des cultistes du Crépuscule ont attaqué les représentants de l'Alliance. Après avoir aperçu Garona, Varian pensa que Thrall l'avait envoyée pour l'assassiner comme l'avait fait dans le passé le Conseil des ombres avec son père.[55] Après un certain temps de combat, les victimes du Marteau du crépuscule commencèrent à se multiplier. Med'an arriva alors pour protéger sa mère, et en voyant cela, les sectateurs portèrent leur attention sur l'enlèvement de Med'an, tout en laissant Garona mourir. Garrosh accusa l'Alliance d'avoir orchestré l'attaque tandis que Varian accusa la Horde ; plus précisément Garrosh. Thrall essaya de calmer les parties en conflit et de leur rappeler de ne pas tirer de conclusions hâtives. Thrall tenta de convaincre le roi Varian que la tentative d'assassinat inattendue de Garona n'était pas le fait de son peuple, mais Varian resta sceptique quant à l'honneur des orcs. Rehgar et Valeera étaient tous deux sûrs que ni Thrall ni Varian ne s'abaisseraient à une tactique d'assassinat en terrain neutre et ils essayèrent de rationaliser la tournure surprenante des événements. Jaina et Thrall se quittèrent, toutes deux désolés que toute chance d'alliance humain-orc ait été gâchée. Cette attaque a ébranlé les délicates tolérances entre humains et orcs, laissant les deux factions dans la méfiance l'une envers l'autre. Peu après, Thrall est reparti chez lui, à Orgrimmar.[56]
Thrall fut plus tard invité à rejoindre le nouveau Conseil de Tirisfal mais refusa et à sa place, Rehgar Rageterre rejoignit le Conseil.
Echos du Destin[ | ]
Thrall arriva à Orgrimmar mais le roi-liche exécuta son plan et provoqua une Infestation de zombies. Le grand apothicaire Putrescin a pu trouver un remède contre la peste du Fléau. [57] Devant cette menace, Thrall rencontra dame Sylvanas Coursevent, Garrosh Hurlenfer, Varok Saurcroc, le grand apothicaire Putrescin[58] et Rehgar Rageterre[59] dans Orgrimmar pour discuter de ce qu'il convenait de faire face au Fléau. [58]
After consulting Saurfang and the spirits, Thrall favored a more cautious approach to dealing with the Scourge: an advance scouting party to the frozen continent before committing troops, as well as meeting with Jaina Proudmoore to find out what the Alliance were planning to do about the Lich King.[58] Garrosh felt that dealing with the Alliance would put the Horde in danger and wanted to take the Horde's armies and conquer the humans and then march to Northrend and crush the Scourge; advocating that the Horde should rule all of Azeroth.[59] Thrall, irritated by Garrosh's recklessness and bold challenges to his authority, answered that the humans were not a threat[59] and that he would not underestimate the Lich King by walking blindly into a Scourge trap.[58] In order to make an example of Garrosh's impudence, Thrall then provoked Garrosh to challenge him to a duel by saying that he would not make the same mistakes as his father, Grom Hellscream. Frustrated with his leader's apparent lack of action and the insults to his father, Garrosh challenged Thrall to a duel in the Ring of Valor to settle the matter.[58][59] The two orcs fought for some time until it seemed Garrosh had gained the upper hand.[58] He began to taunt Thrall, but the battle was interrupted by a Herald of the Lich King threatening Orgrimmar with destruction.[58] Hearing this, Thrall used Chain Lightning on Garrosh[59] and both left the ring, with Thrall telling the younger Hellscream that they would settle their dispute later.[58][59] The city was attacked by countless abominations and frost wyrms[58] and a few death knights.[59]
Thrall and Garrosh led the forces of the Horde in repelling the Scourge attack, with the help of Saurfang, Sylvanas,[58] Reghar,[59] the city defenders, and some adventurers. After the Scourge assault force had been dealt with, Garrosh asked to be sent to Northrend again. This time, Thrall agreed and ordered Saurfang to begin preparations for war.[58]
Death knights adventurers freed of the Lich King's will visited Thrall in Orgrimmar in order to be accepted to the Horde and gave him a letter in which Tirion asked to have Eitrigg in Northrend. Thrall agreed.
Legends : Fear[ | ]
Fleeing towards Northrend, Trag Highmountain avoided his kin and tried to slip past the orcs. The corruption caused Trag to suffer from fits of violent thought, and he felt he would eventually succumb to the power of the Lich King.
Trag encountered Thrall, who became aware of his presence through his shamanic magic. Thrall offered to help, but Trag lost control of himself and the two battled. Even after calming down, Trag warned him to run before Trag lost control of himself again. Thrall outright refused to fight him, nor abandon him to fight against the voice of the Lich King alone. Thrall then told of how he had once feared becoming the animal Aedelas Blackmoore thought him to be, of falling into bloodlust to escape that fear; but the truth is, bloodlust would have only hidden his fear, leaving it to eat away at him forever. By bringing peace into his soul (possibly by facing his fear and accepting that his past is part of who he is), Thrall conquered his fear, survived, and found his redemption. If Thrall could do it, if Grom Hellscream could do it, so too could Trag if he would allow Thrall to help him. Trag denied that Thrall could do anything for him and warned him away once more. Thrall again refused, and when told that he would be struck down in accepting such a fate, he asked that Trag look him in the eyes "as you do so I know my executioner".
Trag prepared to kill Thrall, only to see in his eyes that he truly does understand Trag's fear, a calm understanding that allowed Thrall to beat his own fear, and from which Trag now draws enough strength to deny the Lich King's demands to kill him. Thrall offered him shelter and safety with the orcs, which Trag turned down; he knew even better than Arthas that his fear would have turned him into a monster, but can't fully trust himself around others just yet. He decided to continue to Northrend and ensure for himself that he will never become one of the Scourge, even if that means self-destruction. Thrall told him that a Horde fleet of ships on the nearby shores of Durotar would be sailing north soon, and offered a small Frostwolf clan mark should he need to contact orcs. Trag turned down the mark but thanked Thrall for the offer; he was kind to someone who might have killed him. Thrall admitted with a smile that he wouldn't have just stood there if Trag had tried, but had judged the tauren correctly. Thrall said he would ask the spirits to watch over Trag and to his surprise bid him farewell by name, even though Trag had not mentioned it.
Trag stowed away on one of the ships and reached Northrend. Even though he was almost sure that he would fail, more so that he would die, Trag was determined to meet his fate...without fear.[60]
Paix brisée[ | ]
As the combined Horde and Alliance forces began their assault upon Angrathar the Wrathgate, an uprising broke out within the Forsaken capital Undercity. Varimathras and hordes of his demonic brethren overran the city, slaying all those who would not submit to their dark rule. Sylvanas herself was nearly killed in the coup, but managed to escape with a number of loyalists and fled to Orgrimmar. Determined not to allow the Dreadlords a foothold in Horde territory, Thrall and Sylvanas planned an immediate counter-attack. In the midst of their planning, Jaina Proudmoore arrived bearing terrible news: in the wake of Bolvar Fordragon's death, King Varian was preparing for a possible war with the Horde. Jaina had been sent to elicit an explanation for the betrayal at the Wrathgate. Though Thrall and Sylvanas explained that the Horde was not responsible for Putress, Jaina had warned them that King Varian would most likely pursue retribution.
Thrall along with Sylvanas and Vol'jin led the assault into Undercity itself to reclaim it for the Horde. After fighting the Forsaken rebels and the demons within, the combined might of the Horde slew the traitorous demon Varimathras. The joy of victory was short-lived as Varian, having killed Putress and hearing the orcish cries of victory, arrived on the scene. He confronted Thrall and declared that peace could never be achieved after discovering the horrors the Forsaken had created in Undercity. Just as the two forces charged at one another, Jaina stopped them from killing each other by teleporting Varian, herself and the Alliance army back to Stormwind. As Thrall lamented on the broken peace between the Alliance and the Horde, Varok Saurfang arrived and reminded Thrall of his duty to lead their people. In order to ensure that no more Legion-aligned abominations crawled out of the Apothecarium, Thrall sent a legion of Kor'kron Guard led by Bragor Bloodfist to guard the Undercity from threats outside of it and any that may remain within following Quest:The Battle For The Undercity (Horde).
Les secrets d'Ulduar[ | ]
When Brann Bronzebeard learned that the Old God Yogg-Saron had escaped his ancient prison in Ulduar he hastily informed Rhonin, who asked Jaina to summon Thrall and Varian to the Violet Citadel for an emergency council. Correctly guessing the gravity of the situation, Thrall made haste to Dalaran with Garrosh. Upon arriving at the Violet Citadel, he was intercepted by Jaina, who was desperate to avoid a confrontation with Varian, who was already within. When Jaina told them what had happened, Thrall listened to Garrosh's doubt with irritation, then proceeded to Rhonin's chambers, where, predictably, Varian and Garrosh exchanged harsh words that eventually led to a fight. Thrall was unable to stop the fight, but a frustrated Rhonin succeeded in doing so. Rhonin pleaded to all in the room to put aside their differences and work together against their common threat. Varian flatly refused citing the events of the Wrathgate as reason to never work with the Horde again and departed, while Garrosh offered the opinion that a true warchief would never partner with cowards. Thrall expressed disappointment at Garrosh's actions.[61]
L’âme du guerrier[ | ]
After the events at Dalaran, Thrall and Garrosh travel to Warsong Hold. On the way Garrosh contemplates the past events where Thrall first brought Garrosh to Orgrimmar. After defending Warsong Hold from an attack from the Scourge, Thrall witnesses a report given from Icecrown about the Horde forces flanking the Alliance during their assault at the Broken Front. Thrall watches as Garrosh deals with the situation, telling the commander from Icecrown, Sky-Reaver Korm Blackscar, that the Horde would fight with honor or not fight at all. Thrall, watching Garrosh, feels proud of him for his decision.
Colisée du Croisé[ | ]
Thrall, accompanied by Garrosh Hellscream, attended the Crusaders' Coliseum in Icecrown. Upon arrival Tirion greeted them personally. After a heated exchange of words the two were escorted into the colliseum by their host.
Later, he and Garrosh observe the Trials, surrounded by a congregation of the Horde's representatives.
Guerre contre le Cauchemar[ | ]
Thrall, upon counseling with his most trusted shaman, gave Brox's Axe of Cenarius to Thura.
The whole of Azeroth was caught in by Emerald Nightmare and so was the Warchief. His wolf companion Snowsong felt mists of the Nightmare but it was too late. Orgrimmar with its inhabitants had already fallen to the mists. After the threat of Emerald Nightmare was over, Malfurion returned Thura to her Warchief and told him of her significance in the events. Thrall then sent a letter of well wishes to Tyrande and the archdruid. The bearer of the message was Thura.
Thrall also acted as a nightmare in Thura's dreams where he executed her for her failure.[62]
In Thrall's nightmare, he was forced to continuously relive the moment of his dear Taretha Foxton's death. Though he tried alternate ways to save her life, Tarethra always ended up dying. Finally, Thrall attacked Durnholde with stealth and used Blackmoore's own tactics, he reached the bedroom and found Taretha alive. Blackmoore threw wine into Thrall's face and while blinded, Thrall killed Taretha. The nightmare ended with Thrall crying in his sleep.[63]
Chaman (Manga)[ | ]
Muln Earthfury traveled to Orgrimmar to seek Warchief Thrall's council on the matter of the rising division between the Earthen Ring's traditionalists and Shotoa's advocates of his modern and effective methods in dealing with elements. Thrall was unsure on the matter and told Muln that change is a natural part of life but it's only good if it's right for their people. He advised Muln to follow the guidance of the spirits. Muln later relayed his fears with Drek'Thar about Thrall's indecisive stance. Drek'Thar told him that it's his fault as his advice to Thrall has been useless lately. Drek'Thar told Muln that lately he's been seeing two futures and his visions have been less reliable for Thrall. Drek'Thar told Muln that a time will come where the Earthen Ring will become Azeroth's salvation or lead it to ruin. The Farseer suddenly became frantic and warned Muln about the “fire that consumes all”.[64]
L'Effondrement[ | ]
Thrall's life would change in the events leading up to the Shattering.
When Garrosh Hellscream and his soldiers finally returned home from Northrend, Thrall held a banquet in the young orc's honor and presented him with Gorehowl, also authorizing bonfires to be lit in Orgrimmar. Thrall held a speech of problems of the nature and also of financial ones. It was decided that Hamuul would go to a meeting with the Cenarion Circle in order to get help for the Horde. Now, it was impossible to trade with Alliance´s night elves as of broken peace. Unfortunately Durotar had been suffering a very severe drought causing one of the bonfires to become a conflagration that destroyed several buildings. Thrall himself tried to calm the flames using his shamanic powers, but found that the fire was hell-bent on destruction, resolving to snuff out the flames forcibly, an act he regretted. He realized that something was very wrong with the elements and that they were out of control, and pondered the situation.
There were other troubles, such as an orc attack on a group of Sentinels in Ashenvale which was in direct violation of the Horde-Alliance treaty. The Sentinels had been skinned and then chopped up into pieces, left for carrion feeders. Whether or not they had been alive when they were skinned was debatable. The skins of the murdered night elves were hung on trees that had painted Horde symbols depicted on them; written with elven blood. Since the night elves have ceased to allow Horde members into Ashenvale in protest of the incident at the Wrathgate, many orcs celebrated this attack. With the Horde’s supplies almost depleted on account of the war with the Lich King and the unusual droughts affecting Orgrimmar, many orcs viewed the night elves' exclusion of the Horde from their trade routes unfairly brutal. He received a letter from King Varian Wrynn demanding to denounce the attacks and turn over any attackers he could find to the Alliance for justice. Thrall refused to turn over violators of the treaty (he had suspects but didn't have proof and it would also hurt orc morale) and also refused to apologize for the thievery of the night elves' goods, the murders, or the brutal methods in which they were performed. Though he did express anger that the treaty had been violated, his unwillingness to publicly reprimand those who use brutal methods to assault Alliance members greatly weakened his popularity with Alliance leaders.
After a meeting with Jaina Proudmoore and Eitrigg, Thrall decided that he was going to have to travel to Nagrand in Outland to converse with the elements there and try to discover why the elements in Azeroth were so out of control. Before setting out on his quest, Thrall appointed Garrosh Hellscream acting warchief of the Horde and met with Cairne who was against this decision, though Thrall was certain that he did the right thing.
Upon his arrival, he met with his grandmother, who advised him to turn to the Mag'har female Aggra for shamanic instruction. Aggra wasn't particularly fond of Thrall and often made comments about and toward him bordering on the snide, sometimes referring to him as "Slave". Yet, she dutifully took him on a vision quest in Garadar in order for him to become truly connected to the spirits, and a true shaman.
Thrall eventually met with the elements of Draenor, the Furies, all of whom except the Fury of Earth were unable to help Thrall understand what was happening in Azeroth. The Fury of Earth was able to help him after ingesting a small rock Thrall had brought with him from Azeroth, and the Fury told him that the elements were afraid of a shattering, a cataclysm akin to the one that had broken Draenor.
As Thrall prepared to return to Azeroth to attempt to prevent the cataclysm, Aggra revealed that she had secretly been growing more and more attracted to him and wanted to go with him to Azeroth, but only if he refused to be weak. Thrall welcomed her company, as he too had begun to slowly grow closer to her. That was when Perith Stormhoof arrived in Garadar to tell Thrall all what had transpired on Azeroth - about Cairne, Garrosh and the Grimtotem attacks. Thrall returned to Azeroth immediately, bringing Aggra with him.
He attended his old friend's funeral and bid his final farewell to his companion. His heart was heavy knowing how his last encounter with his most cherished friend consisted of harsh words. The former warchief took with him the smallest piece of his old friend's runespear to forever remember him. The fragment was etched with a single rune, whose meaning did not escape Thrall - "healing". It was there where he put off the armor of Orgrim Doomhammer. Baine agreed to have it delivered to Orgrimmar.
Not long after all this, a massive earthquake hit, which caused a tsunami to hit Stormwind Harbor, a sinkhole to appear off the coast of Westfall, and the very ground to split beneath Thrall's feet. Thrall decided to make his way to the Maelstrom, which he sensed was the center area where the cataclysmic event was coming from, to attempt to calm the elements. Aggra agreed to go with him, and they set out together, sailing from Ratchet to the Maelstrom on a ship named "Draka's Fury".
Cataclysm[ | ]
Thrall, the Horde's warchief, is a living symbol of nobility, strength, and unwavering courage. He led the orcs from the internment camps of Lordaeron into a new era of freedom and prosperity, and under his leadership the Horde has established itself as a major force on Azeroth. As a shaman, Thrall has a deep connection with the elements, and their wisdom has proven to be a great boon to the warchief. But although the Horde's faith in its warchief remains strong, some orcs who relish the tales of orcish ferocity and martial prowess are frustrated with Thrall's decisions. It remains to be seen whether his recent differences with Garrosh Hellscream are a one-time event or a hint at the shape of things to come.[65]
He first appears on the Lost Isles, part of the goblin starting zone, where he helps bring the goblins into the Horde.[66] As the storyline plays out, it is revealed that Thrall was captured by agents of SI:7 while sailing towards the Maelstrom, and the goblins, having recently fled Kezan, play a part in rescuing him. In gratitude Thrall aids the goblins in their battles across the Isles, where after beating Trade Prince Gallywix, he proclaims that the Cartel will join the Horde and have a home in Azshara, and allows Gallywix to remain as the Cartel's leader; sending goblin agents to speak with Thrall's successor Garrosh Hellscream.
As tensions within the Horde begin to rise in Thrall's absence, notably between Warchief Garrosh and Chieftain Vol'jin, Thrall steps back into the picture to reassure the Darkspear chieftain that Garrosh was the right choice to keep their Horde united.[67]
As one of (if not the) pre-eminent shamans of Azeroth, Thrall steps away from his duties as Warchief to join with the Earthen Ring. He journeys to the Maelstrom at the center of the Great Sea, where Deathwing made his return to Azeroth from the depths of Deepholm. The corrupted Aspect's entry has shattered the barriers between Azeroth and the Elemental Plane, and Thrall lends his powers to stabilize the rift.
Thrall is also seen during a nightmare caused by Iso'rath. There, he desperately watches as his friends, Nobundo, Aggra and Muln are killed by the Aspect.
Le Crépuscule des Aspects[ | ]
Following Thrall's failure to delve deep into himself during a relatively routine ritual alongside the other mighty shaman of the Earthen Ring, Thrall and Aggra begin to feel the strain of life at the Maelstrom. Despite the encouraging words of his good friends Nobundo and Rehgar, Thrall finds himself at a loss as to how best to aid his comrades. Aggra outs this doubt to pertain to his longing for the Horde, which Thrall angrily denies. After some argumentation, Thrall leaves their sanctuary to clear his head and gain some clarity.
Elsewhere, events are being put into motion beyond Thrall's control. After the Wyrmrest Temple was attacked and taken over by the Twilight's Hammer cult, Alexstrasza's consort Korialstrasz had seemingly betrayed the Accord; destroying the sanctums underneath the temple and all of the unhatched eggs in the process. Distraught, the embittered Life-Binder officially disbanded the Accord, and fled the scene. Ysera, who was present to witness this, appears before Thrall in her kaldorei guise.
Ysera asks Thrall to undertake a journey - of seemingly minor proportions - to relieve a small druid camp in Feralas of a rampant fire elemental. Though Thrall is dubious as to why a shaman needed at the Maelstrom itself would be tasked with such a thing, he quickly accepts upon learning of his new companion's true identity. With Ysera's urging, Thrall and Snowsong set out to the find the camp and relieve its inhabitants. Thrall is surprised to see that the camp is inhabited mainly by night elf sentinels, though after some mutual hostility, Thrall converses with the fire elemental (its attitude reminiscent of those who had attacked Orgrimmar prior to the cataclysm) and convinces it to leave. Thrall's reputation with the gathered kaldorei increases immensely, and the former warchief spends the evening feasting and drinking with them as friends.
Having succeeded in his small task, an elf named Desharin approached Thrall and urges him to come into the local woodland. After speaking with the relieved ancients, Desharin reveals himself as a green dragon; informing Thrall that Ysera has a far more important task for him and him alone.
Desharin takes Thrall to the Caverns of Time, where they are admitted entry by the bronze dragons on Ysera's behalf. While there, the two are attacked by a mysterious human in eerily familiar armor. Desharin is beheaded by the assailant, and he and Thrall do battle. The figure is able to match Thrall’s abilities with a strange mastery over time; cloaking his presence to deliver devastating blows upon the former warchief. The bronze dragons relieve the battle, and Thrall is instructed to flee through a time portal. As he makes his leave, Thrall cannot help but sense a strong aura of familiarity from the attacker.
On the other end of the time portal, Thrall finds himself at a late point in the Second War of an alternate timeline. Though overwhelmed by the possibilities - such as meeting with Doomhammer - he remains mindful that the timeline must be preserved. He is mistaken as a warlock by an orcish patrol party, and taken to a neighboring base camp. To Thrall's astonishment, he catches a glimpse of none other than Doomhammer himself inside, along with his parents - both Durotan and Draka. After struggling to avert his gaze from them, he is approached by Draka (with an infant Thrall in tow), and after an awkward conversation with his mother, leaves to escort his parents to safety with the patrol who picked him up to begin with. This patrol party was none other than the one responsible for betraying his parents on the orders of Gul'dan - and Thrall is forced to watch his parents be killed by them, firsthand. Thrall throws himself into the fray as the violence ends, and exercises all of the restraint within him to let their sole surviving killer live, for the sake of the timeline.
Shattered, Thrall approaches the body of his father. He swears to a dying Durotan that his child will live, that their people would be redeemed, and that the orcs will have a land of their own. Durotan dies secure in this knowledge. Desharin's murderer makes a reappearance in this timeway - and attacks Thrall once more. He informs Thrall that his death is all that's on his agenda, and that killing him as a child will be far easier than his adult self. As Blackmoore approaches the infant, such as proper in the true timeline, Thrall grabs his attacker and hurls him into a neighboring river. The two struggle for a time, though after noticing a curious glittering of bronze scales, Thrall is taken to another point in time and his attacker disappears once more.
Thrall comes face to face with a slightly older Taretha; embittered by what appears to have been a far harsher life. After convincing her that he is who he says he is (and showing her an identical necklace to prove it), Taretha informs him of some damning news - in this timeline, Thrall had died as a child. Blackmoore, robbed of his prized future-gladiator, did the unexpected: rather than fall further into drink and depression, he sobered up; conscripted mercenaries into his new army, and trained them all himself. Gaining huge support, Blackmoore led his army against Orgrim Doomhammer, and slew the Horde warchief in one-on-one combat. Rather than have the stunned orcs killed, Blackmoore engaged in a secret pact with them - to join him, and overthrow the Alliance. Blackmoore killed Terenas Menethil, slaughtered Uther the Lightbringer and Anduin Lothar; usurping the kingdom of Lordaeron and deposing House Menethil.
Thrall can barely believe it, especially the thought of the pathetic, drunk Blackmoore taking down the mighty Orgrim in a fair battle. He and Taretha travel to Dalaran, where they are admitted to Krasus' presence. Thrall grants him the ancient’s acorn, and Krasus warily assists Thrall and Taretha in finding a way to break this false timeway. The three come to realize that not only is their "timeline" false; but rather, "time" itself was the illusion here. The understanding allows him to leave the timeway, and Thrall finally finds the Aspect of Time, Nozdormu, awaiting him.
Nozdormu begins to piece together the various events occurring in both the alternate the true timeline. To Thrall's - and the onlooking bronze dragons' - immense shock, Nozdormu informs him that the great Aspect’s retreat from the world was in order to discover the cause of a dire event destined to happen in the future, and to avert it. This event would be Nozdormu founding and presiding over the Infinite Dragonflight. Nozdormu also admits that, as such, he was also responsible for sending the assassin after Thrall. At this point, Thrall comes to realize his mysterious assailant’s identity - the missing Blackmoore from the false timeline. Regardless of this pressing matter, Nozdormu thanks Thrall for giving him clarity; setting him another task: to find and (hopefully) lift Alexstrasza from her grief over Krasus’ demise, and to convince the blue dragonflight to set aside its differences with the others and join forces against the impending darkness.
Thrall and Tick set out to confront the bereaved Life-Binder, and the two find her in the barren wasteland of Desolace. Though Alextrasza rebukes his comfort and banishes him from her sight, Thrall does not give up hope for the Life-Binder just yet. Thrall then makes the journey to the Nexus, and after an extremely cold reception, is admitted audience with Arygos and Kalecgos. Though Kalecgos goes out of his way to make his orcish visitor comfortable; conjuring scenery of Horde-designed indulgences to make him seem more at home; Arygos is on edge with the visitor and even goes so far as to suggest his death. Thrall learns that the blue dragonflight is in the process of electing its next Aspect, and that the two most likely candidates are Maylgos’ ferocious son, Arygos himself, and none other than Kalecgos. An event known as the "Embrace" is set to occur shortly; a time where the two moons of Azeroth meet in what cosmetically appears to be the form of a mother embracing her child, hence the name. This sacred event heralds a celestial time for the blue dragons, and their best chance of truly empowering a new Aspect for their flight. To Thrall’s great relief, and to Kalecgos’ great bemusement, Kalecgos is chosen as the new Aspect. The flight as a whole are pleased with this decision, and watch eagerly as their new leader is empowered by the titans’ might. Arygos, enraged, curses the flight for fools; abandoning Coldarra.
As the flight begins to celebrate its new leader’s ascension, twilight dragons interrupt the ceremony. Thrall leaps atop Kalec's back, and the two prove a formidable fighting force. After disposing of several of the creatures, the blues give chase to the fleeing remainder. They arrive at the Wyrmrest Temple, and catch sight of the semi-functional Chromatus. Regardless, the blues press on; fighting back the twilight dragonflight with efficiency. Chromatus - now awakened with the blood of the murdered Arygos - engages in the battle, and cuts a swathe of destruction through the blues. Thrall is hurled off Kalec in the ensuing chaos, and finds his footing in the snow. As he calls upon the aid of the elements, he is granted a peculiar vision of Krasus’ final moments, and resolves to inform the Life-Binder of the truth behind his demise.
Thrall is brutally attacked by a newly-arrived Blackmoore. Wielding the Doomhammer in tandem with his powerful elemental skill, Thrall catches his mortal enemy off-guard. Blackmoore is lambasted by Thrall's summoned wind-vortex, and collapses on the floor before his former slave. As Thrall moves in to deal the final blow, Blackmoore begs for his life. Though Thrall takes no pleasure in the act, he refuses to relent; bringing the Doomhammer down upon Blackmoore and conquering the shadow he cast over Thrall's life for good.
Elsewhere, the blue dragons were beaten back by the powerful Chromatus. Kalec has Thrall rescued by one of his drakes, though the strain of leadership in the wake of their defeat begins to gnaw at the new Aspect of Magic. Thrall encourages Kalec to remain strong, and he leaves once more for Desolace.
Thrall finds Alextrasza in an even more shattered state. He shares with her the vision he was granted, and in solemn silence, the two witness Krasus' heroic sacrifice to protect the Wyrmrests' unhatched children from being born as chromatic beasts. Reinvigorated and regaining her confidence, the Life-Binder travels to the Nexus to join forces with the new Aspect of Magic.
Before long, the red, blue, and green dragonflights are reunited with their respective Aspects. With their might combined, they leave to do battle with the murderous Chromatus and his ilk. After a vicious battle, Chromatus reaches his full potential - and overpowers all three of the mighty Aspects. The downhill fight is relieved by the arrival of Nozdormu and his bronze flight, and the Aspect of Time puts forward the notion that they will need to work together, in the most fundamental sense of the word, to defeat this creature that embodies all of their traits and powers. Chromatus has a head for each dragonflight, and there are no black dragons present to assist in this task - though Thrall, as a shaman, offers to take on that role. In their humanoid forms, the aspects open themselves along with Thrall to truly gain a sense of unity; and while he struggles to hold the ceremony together, Thrall succeeds in his role in Neltharion‘s stead. Knowing that he could never become as Aspect, he remains content with the notion that he could assist his allies in their hour of need.
The four Aspects launch a volley of powerful abilities at the stunned Chromatus, who cannot bring himself to counter the volatile new powers at their disposal. The chromatic dragon is blasted downwards; the Twilight Father in tow.
Chromatus' lifeless body is stored in a specifically-made arcane prison by the blue dragonflight, as it seems impossible to completely eradicate him.
Later, the Aspects and Thrall meet on the top of Wyrmrest temple, where Nozdormu informs the group of a plot by the Old Gods To destroy the dragonflights. The hour of Twilight was fast approaching and the Dragonflights, thanks to Thrall's help, will now be ready to face it. Thrall is given both the thanks and a scale each of the dragon aspects; in return for assistance asking only for a way to travel back to the Maelstrom.
Tick takes him back to Aggra's side, where the two orcs overcome their past differences. Thrall acknowledges that he has been a slave to outside influences his entire life, though resolves to see that end.
Knowing that greater trials still approach on the horizon, Thrall casts off his name; proclaiming himself as "Go'el."[68]
Rage sur les terres de Feu[ | ]
At the Maelstrom, Thrall strains himself attempting to commune with the elements. Able to feel how broken the world is, and with the elements remaining silent for him, Thrall tells Aggra that he will have to work without limits to fulfill this task. As he ponders the meaning of this, his elemental calls are finally answered - by none other than Ragnaros the Firelord. Ragnaros gives Thrall a vision of the Firelands, ensuring him that its flames will engulf both the world tree and the world beyond it, showing Thrall's reinforced home of Orgrimmar washed over in a tide of fire as the final Hour of Twilight approaches. Stunned, Thrall falls to the ground, and the cackling Firelord dissipates. Thrall then begins his journey to Mount Hyjal with Aggra.
After the druids and their allies thwarted the invasion of Hyjal by the Twilight's Hammer and Ragnaros, an air of peace settled on the sacred mountain. As new growth bloomed across the region, members of the Earthen Ring and Cenarion Circle, along with the noble Dragon Aspects, convened at the ancient World Tree of Nordrassil. Among the gathered heroes were the legendary archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, the former Horde warchief and accomplished shaman Thrall, and his strong-willed companion, Aggra. Together, this illustrious assemblage was to unite its wondrous powers and restore the World Tree for the good of Azeroth.
Yet this auspicious event ended in tragedy. The details are still unclear, but word has spread that an incredibly powerful Twilight's Hammer agent, shrouded to hide his identity, interrupted the ceremony and struck down Thrall with dark magics... casting his spirit into the four domains of the Elemental Plane. If these terrible rumors hold true, the Earthen Ring—indeed, all of Azeroth—has potentially lost one of its greatest champions. While the Aspects concede that Thrall may be lost to the elements forever, Aggra believes that her mate can be saved and calls on the aid of adventurers of both the Horde and the Alliance to venture into the Skywall, the Abyssal Maw, Deepholm, and Firelands to rescue her beloved from an eternity of torment. Before adventurers can return Thrall's spirit to the natural world they must help him overcome his doubts, his willfulness, his desires and his rage before he is bound to his elemental cage.[69]
The identity of Thrall's assailant is revealed to be none other than the former Archdruid of Darnassus, Fandral Staghelm - now allied with Ragnaros and Deathwing. Noting that an individual known as the "Twilight Prophet" had deemed Thrall the cult's final obstacle, Fandral goes about removing him from the picture - not with death, but turning Thrall's great bond with the elements against him; his raw essence scattered to their elemental domains. Aggra is unwilling to give up on Thrall - and resolves to restore her mate's essence in its entirety.
His self-doubt manifests itself in the plane of wind, where Thrall expresses regret over his decision to pronounce Garrosh Warchief, noting that he will lead the Horde to ruin. He mentions that he has failed both the Horde and the Earthen Ring, and that he is unworthy of Aggra. He laments that he believes his own weakness has delivered Azeroth into the face of ruin. The plane of water displays Thrall's desire, where he is seen laying down his weapon in front of Varian and making peace with his enemies. It was also shown that he desired to be free of the burdens of leadership and start a family with Aggra. Thrall's patience is viewed in the plane of earth, where he is frozen in stone to symbolize his patience and resolve.
Thrall's raw, unhinged emotion is seen in the various elemental planes - fire, where Thrall's hatred towards Gul'dan, for the murder of his parents is witnessed; Varian, for declaring war upon the Horde; Blackmoore, for the act of forcibly enslaving another; and even Thrall's rage towards Garrosh for his role in Cairne's demise is seen.
Ultimately, Thrall's essence is restored. He stands before Aggra, as Go'el, son of Durotan, and he and Aggra become life-mates. With his resolve renewed, Thrall overcomes his predicament, with the chains that had once bound him shattered—all that he once was, and more.
Thrall and Aggra return to the world tree, where Thrall declares his love for Aggra, and the two become life mates.
Les devoirs des Aspects[ | ]
As Thrall and the other Aspects, including the newly-elevated Kalecgos, debated on how to defeat Deathwing, the shaman's spirit communed with the earth and took an earthen form. It was there that he encountered Deathwing, using the power of the Old Gods to imprison his spirit within. The corrupted Aspect mocked Thrall, believing that the Aspects sought to replace him as Earth-Warder with the mortal shaman, and claiming that the "gift" he had been granted by the Titans - his charge to defend Azeroth - was in fact a curse, imprisoning him to his duty. To demonstrate, he allowed Thrall to experience what it was like to have the weight of the earth on his shoulders, claiming that this was what the Aspects wanted - "to damn you to a life of eternal torment", as Deathwing stated it. He then unleashed a series of scathing attacks against Thrall's earthen form; because the shaman had embraced Azeroth, and Azeroth embraced him, his "wounds" materialized in the physical world in the form of earthquakes. Finally, the Aspects called on the Earthen Ring and the Cenarion Circle to break Deathwing's hold, bringing Thrall back to himself.
The Aspects decided that in order to defeat Deathwing, they would have to acquire the Dragon Soul in its "purest form" - a period not long after its creation, during the War of the Ancients ten millennia earlier. As the Soul was imbued with a powerful enchantment to prevent dragonkind from ever using it, the Aspects called on Thrall to be the wielder of the Dragon Soul in the battle against Deathwing.
L'Heure du Crépuscule[ | ]
With Mount Hyjal secure and the firelord defeated, Thrall is tasked by the dragon aspects with taking the place of the maddened earthwarder once more. To this end, the defenders of Azeroth acquire the much-coveted Dragon Soul from a pivotal point in the past. Ultimately, heroes of Azeroth are successful in both claiming the Dragon Soul and averting a cataclysmic alternate future, woven by the corrupted aspect of time, Murozond. The Dragon Soul is delivered to Thrall, who makes his way to Wyrmrest Temple in order to defeat Neltharion for good.
Fighting his way through the snow-covered vestiges of an old god-corrupted Dragonblight, Thrall does battle with a formidable ice ascendant named Arcurion and a treacherous blood elven contract killer known as Asira Dawnslayer. After claiming victory, Thrall heals the drake she had slain, and makes his way to the inner sanctum of the temple astride it. As heroes arrive to rejoin forces with Go'el, the Twilight Prophet (former Archbishop Benedictus) makes an appearance - and attacks Thrall in an attempt to take back the Dragon Soul. Like Asira before him, Benedictus falls before Thrall, and the son of Durotan leaves to make preparations for the final battle.
La chute du Destructeur[ | ]
With the Dragon Soul in hand, Thrall and the dragon aspects Alexstrasza, Ysera, Nozdormu, and Kalecgos prepare to defeat Deathwing, while the united dragonflights and a group of mortal heroes fend off attacks from the forces of Twilight. Atop Wyrmrest, moments after the defeat of the twilight dragon Ultraxion, Thrall unleashes the artifact's power directly at Deathwing, damaging his armor and causing the Aspect of Death to attempt an escape. Chasing Deathwing in an Alliance gunship, the adventurers leap onto the corrupted Aspect and remove his elementium plating, giving Thrall a big enough opening to blast Deathwing again. The Destroyer falls from the sky and crashes into the Maelstrom.
Thrall and the Aspects briefly rejoice at the end of the Destroyer, only for him to suddenly rise from the Maelstrom, his form melting into a molten mass of unfathomable power. The adventurers work alongside the Aspects, preventing Deathwing from bringing about the final Cataclysm, and giving Thrall the chance to fire the third and final blast from the Dragon Soul, completely obliterating Deathwing. Thrall feels the elements "awakening", relieved that the Cataclysm is over. Alexstrasza explains that the Aspects have expended their ancient power and fulfilled their duties. She then reveals that Aggra is pregnant, much to Thrall's delight.
- Conséquences
- I can feel the elements awakening...Rejoicing...The Cataclysm...is over.
Le Déferlement[ | ]
After Deathwing's death Muln Earthfury decided to make Thrall, who has seemingly decided to be called by his birth name; Go'el, the leader of the Earthen Ring. Sometime afterwards Thrall and Jaina meet in secret where they were discussing Garrosh. Jaina urged Thrall to return to the Horde and reign in Garrosh's warmongering. Thrall maintained that he has found a new path and his work with the Earthen Ring was too important to abandon. After changing the conversation to his new life mate Aggra, Thrall tells Jaina that he hopes that she will find someone like he has. In response Jaina, who bitterly thought of both Kael'thas Sunstrider and Arthas Menethil, told him that she made better friends than love interests.
After the fall of Northwatch Hold and the Theramore, Eitrigg sent a courier with a message for Thrall at the Maelstrom. Deciding that his fellow shaman deserved to hear the message, Thrall told the courier to read the message out loud in public rather than in private. The gathered members of the Earthen Ring were horrified to hear that molten giants were enslaved during the fall of Northwatch. They were even further distraught and horrified with the knowledge that Theramore was destroyed by a mana bomb. As all had assumed that no one survived the blast, Thrall believed that Jaina was dead. This unpleasant news caused Farseer Nobundo to inform Thrall that the Earthen Ring would understand if he were to go back to the Horde and that they could continue to heal the land without him. Thrall knew that nothing was greater than healing the damage done by the Cataclysm and so remained, while remarking to himself that even if Jaina's ghost were to come to him and demand vengeance he would still reply no.
Later on Thrall and several others noticed that their efforts in healing the damage at the Maelstrom seemed to have less of an effect. As Thrall and Aggra went to converse with Muln about the subject, Thrall was shown a vision of Orgrimmar being drowned and destroyed by water elementals. While experiencing the vision, water elementals informed Thrall that they did not want to carry out such an act and become enslaved for all eternity. When he asked where the person who was going to enslave them was, he was shown a vision of Fray Island. When the vision ended, he informed his fellow Earthen Ring members about what he experienced. While Muln expressed the desire for all of them to help, Nobundo pointed that Thrall was the only who received the vision and as such only Thrall should go. After Aggra told him that she understood the task was his alone, Thrall departed to Fray Island.
Upon arriving Thrall discovered to his joy that Jaina Proudmoore was alive. That joy soon turned to horror upon realizing that it was Jaina trying to enslave water elementals and destroy his people. While trying to reason and plead with her to spare those in Orgrimmar from her retaliation for Garrosh's actions, Thrall was stunned to hear that Jaina blamed Theramore's destruction on him as Thrall had put Garrosh in charge of the Horde and did not return when she tried to convince him to. While shocked at her words, Thrall admitted that he blamed himself and asked that Jaina need not seek vengeance for Theramore by killing his people. In response, Jaina retorted that her father was right in believing that orcs were monsters and sent out a giant tsunami at Orgrimmar.
Calling upon the Spirit of Air for aid, Thrall was able to keep the tsunami at bay and soon learned that Jaina had gotten hold of the Focusing Iris. Trying to reason with his old friend, Thrall told her that while her pain was justified, innocent lives should not be killed for Garrosh's actions. In response, Jaina attacked Thrall, not with the intent to distract him but with the intent to kill. While reeling from this revelation, Thrall found that he could not bring himself to try and kill Jaina. Unwilling to kill Jaina, Thrall continued to plead for her to see reason by claiming that she should fight Garrosh, not innocent children who deserved to have a future. Jaina bitterly retorted that those who died in agony at Theramore have no future and Jaina pushed with all her might to unleash the wave under her command.
While Thrall found himself keeping the tsunami in check, he completely found himself at Jaina's mercy. Unwillingly to obey Jaina's order to release the tsunami, Thrall declared that she would have to kill him. Consumed by her quest of vengeance, Jaina began to gather energy in her hand but suddenly, the blue dragon Kalecgos arrived. When both, the dragon and the orc, told Jaina in their own ways to stop or she would turn back on everything that was right, Jaina retorted that she was only doing what she knew to be right. To Jaina's complete shock, Kalecgos told her that Arthas believed that same during the Culling of Stratholme. The dragon further told her that Arthas did not react with hatred in his heart and then asked her if she wanted to be remembered as another Garrosh, another Arthas. Reeling from such knowledge, Jaina's hatred left her and she poised herself. Jaina declared that she had hundreds of elementals enslaved to her and that she would use them to protect the Alliance. She further declared that Garrosh and the Horde, for as long as Garrosh was it's leader, were her enemies from now on.
As Jaina's tsunami fractured into water elementals, Thrall was freely able to move. Informing Jaina that her heart would be glad for her choice, he was told that he did not know her heart anymore. Realizing that the friendship held between them was another casualty of the destruction of Theramore, Thrall mentioned that the coming war would change Azeroth as much as the cataclysm. Thrall informed Jaina and Kalecgos that he has pledged to heal the world and mentioned that he wished he and "Lady Jaina" had departed in another way. Being told that Jaina felt the same but that wishes meant nothing, Thrall nodded and then departed back towards the Maelstrom.
Mists of Pandaria[ | ]
Débarquement[ | ]
Thrall, having finished his job at the Maelstrom, he wanted to resign from the politics and train young shaman in Durotar and live in peace with his beloved Aggra and their newborn son Durak.[4] He was soon roped into Garrosh's conflict after the Warchief attempts (and fails) to murder Vol'jin. Narrowly surviving the attempt on his life with the help of Chen Stormstout and Horde heroes, Vol'jin has them contact Thrall and save the Echo Isles from Garrosh's tyranny. Thrall leaves to do so, reiterating what his vision of the Horde—when it was simply an idea in the desert of Durotar—had first entailed.
Thrall finds the isles under martial law, the Darkspear rounded up by Thrall's very own Kor'kron. After relieving the isles of their control, Thrall ponders how best to deal with Garrosh, concluding that simply challenging him for the right to the Horde would be ill-advised at this point. Instead, he takes up leadership of the isles in the Darkspear heroes' absence, and plans to confer with Vol'jin before making any rash moves.
Escalade[ | ]
Following Vol'jin's return to Durotar, Thrall journeys to Sen'jin Village to reunite with his old friend and Chen Stormstout. It is there where Vol'jin openly begins the Darkspear Rebellion and the forces of Sen'jin are aided by Horde heroes, when the village comes under Kor'kron attack. During the attack, Thrall and Chen worked side by side against the Kor'kron, as the heroes help push back the invaders. With Sen'jin Village secure, Vol'jin proposes an attack on Razor Hill that is briefly halted when the shadow hunter objects to Thrall's plan to journey to Orgrimmar. While understanding Vol'jin worries that Hellscream's forces would kill him if he entered, Thrall is adamant about finding dissidents against his successor in Orgrimmar. After asking Vol'jin to look after his mate and son should anything happen to him, Thrall journeys to Orgrimmar.
Siège d'Orgrimmar[ | ]
Thrall alongside Varok reached the gate to Orgrimmar only to be stopped by the Kor'kron guard and Nazgrim. Nazgrim sent the Kor'kron away and allowed Thrall and Varok to enter but he had no guarantees for their safety. They entered to the Underhold (probably learning about it from Eitrigg) where they faced the mantid. Varok was badly hurt and urged on Thrall to continue. Thrall entered a throne room in the Underhold and confronted Garrosh, who explained that his dark shaman had corrupted the land, making it impossible for Thrall to call upon the spirits. Thrall engaged Garrosh in melee combat, but was soundly defeated. Garrosh himself was subsequently defeated by adventurers.
Thrall attempted to execute Garrosh with the Doomhammer, but he was stopped by Varian Wrynn, who argued that Garrosh's punishment was not for Thrall alone to decide. Taran Zhu said Garrosh should stand trial in Pandaria. Varian and Thrall agreed and stood down. After Garrosh was led away in chains, Vol'jin told Thrall that the Horde needed its true Warchief back. After pointing out that it was Vol'jin who held the Horde together and preserved its honor, Thrall knelt before Vol'jin and pledged to follow his leadership.
- Aftermath before cinematic
- Thank you for helping me end the great mistake I made long ago, that led our people into this dark place. I could not do it alone. Let me regain my honor, and end Garrosh's reign of terror once and for all.
- Alliance
- I have nothing to say to you, <race>.
- Horde
- I thought Garrosh was ready. I thought the mantle of Warchief would give him perspective. Of the many problems facing our people, he saw only one solution - his vision of the Horde brought us to the brink.
- It is time for a new direction. Vol'jin will take us there. In many ways he did not want this responsibility... but I think that will make him a better leader.
Crimes de Guerre[ | ]
During the meeting to decide who would be Garrosh's defender, Thrall stated that he had admired the tauren ever since meeting Cairne Bloodhoof. When Baine Bloodhoof thought this cannot be happening since Garrosh slew his father (due to Magatha Grimtotem poisoning Gorehowl, causing Garrosh to inadvertently kill him), Thrall suggested Baine should be Garrosh's defender. Baine did, after some coaxing from Vol'jin, accept the responsibility of defending Garrosh and promised he would do his job to the utmost whatever his misgivings. On the fourth day of the trial Go'el was called as a witness by Tyrande Whisperwind, Garrosh's accuser. Tyrande questioned Go'el about his past up until the events of the Siege of Orgrimmar and his appointing of Garrosh as warchief of the Horde and, with the help of Chronormu and the Vision of Time, showed a vision of when Thrall appointed Garrosh warchief. Go'el realised after Tyrande's examination that, as gruelling as Tyrande's had been, Baine's examination would be far worse.
Baine started his examination with questioning Go'el on whether he believed Garrosh threatened his vision of the Horde and then proceeded to, with the help of Kairozdormu and the Vision of Time, show a vision of when Go'el slew Aedelas Blackmoore, but not before giving him a sword with which to fight so that he could die with honour. Baine then proceeded to ask Go'el why he would not treat Garrosh the same as he had Blackmoore and was ready to kill Garrosh in Orgrimmar after he had been defeated. Baine's question led to some disturbance in the courtroom and objections from Tyrande. When asked by Taran Zhu to make his point Baine had Kairoz show another vision, this one of when Go'el was captured by the Druids of the flame and his essence was scattered to each elemental plane. The vision showed Go'el telling of his regrets such as the death of Cairne Bloodhoof. Another vision took place straight after, this one of Cairne meeting with Go'el just before he left to go to Nagrand just before the Shattering. In the vision Cairne attempted to convince Go'el that it was a mistake to make Garrosh the warchief but the conversation ended in argument as Go'el left for the Dark Portal. After the vision Baine claimed that Garrosh had also made mistakes and asked Go'el, if he could go back to the moment, would he still try to kill Garrosh in Orgrimmar. Go'el, surprised by his answer, said that he wouldn't. After Baine was finished with his questioning Tyrande stated that she had one more vision to show, claiming that it was a possible end had Go'el made a different choice. The vision was of the hour of twilight where everything was dead, the only living things being Twilight dragons, and Deathwing was impaled upon Wyrmrest Temple.
When Garrosh was to be sentenced on the ninth day, he and Kairoz escaped through a time portal using the vision of time. Alternate copies of many of the people present then emerged from the portal, including one of Go'el. Pirates and Dragonmaw, led by Warlord Zaela to cover Garrosh's escape also burst into the courtroom and joined in the fight. The alternate Go'el was wearing human armour and wore the tabard of Aedelas Blackmoore and was a version of himself where blackmoore's plans had come to fruition and Thrall had never escaped Durnholde. The two orcs fought but the Go'el of the true timeline had the advantage as he had trained with the elements where the other had not. He and the others were able to defeat their alternate selves when Xuen told them that they had to accept these alternate versions of themselves, which they did. Go'el realised that this alternate version of himself was a Thrall, in every sense of the word, and that name allowed him to realise what he had left behind and that he was now Go'el. After the battle Go'el went to find Aggra and embraced her. Go'el saw that the others had won their battles as well but was interrupted when Varian burst in carrying a mortally wounded Jaina. Jaina had been shot in the chest by Shokia who had arrived with Zaela, and both Go'el and Aggra attempted to heal her. Anduin Wrynn, Tyrande and Velen arrived as well but they were too exhausted and Jaina's wound was too serious. Go'el realised that Jaina would die his enemy and he could think of nothing worse than that. Aggra comforted him with an embrace and all had given up save Anduin who refused to stop trying to heal Jaina. Chi-Ji, who was now hovering above them, responded saying "And so, the student remembers the lessons of my temple" as a wave of calmness, contentment and healing washed over them. Go'el looked down to see Jaina's wounds had healed and Jaina opened her eyes. She reached out a hand and Go'el took it. Jaina squeezed Go'el's hand and let go.
Go'el, confused, asked why the August Celestials were not more distressed at Garrosh's escape, as it was their duty to pronounce sentence. When asked by Taran Zhu what verdict they would have rendered they stated that Garrosh would live so he could continue to learn. They also said that Garrosh was not the only one on trial and Go'el realised that everyone there had been, and he accepted it completely. The Celestials also stated that they had all been judged and sentenced and that they now had to go back out into the world and do what they must. Eventually all heads turned to Go'el, even though he was not in a position of leadership among them anymore. Humbly, Go'el spoke for all of them, stating that they would find Garrosh.
La Vague de Fer[ | ]
When the Dark Portal turns red, Thrall helps to stop the Ironmarch invasion in Blasted Lands and is located in the Shattered Landing along with the remnants of the now-occupied Okril'lon Hold and the Horde soldiers. He sent adventurers to eliminate the Iron Horde numbers and machinery and then joined with Okrilla and began pushing the Iron Horde and their new allies - the Dreadmaul ogres. He ultimately assists the adventurers in killing one of the leaders of this attack, Gar'mak Bladetwist. He sent report to the Warchief while he stayed there and continue the war effort.
Warlords of Draenor[ | ]
Thrall later participated in the Assault on the Dark Portal and was one of the first to enter the alternate Draenor of thirty-five[70] years ago. He assisted in the battle with the Iron Horde in Tanaan Jungle. Once the Dark Portal was disabled, he accompanied Khadgar and his group through the western camps, freeing the prisoner during the process, Drek'Thar included. Once they escaped from the Umbral Halls, Thrall blessed and equipped the rescued frostwolves and draenei, and went to fight against the blackrock orcs and the rest of the Iron Horde under the Worldbreaker. When the Portal was destroyed, he and the other attackers hijacked Iron Horde boats to flee.
The Frostwolf warrior Ga'nar was able to take the ship the Horde boarded to Frostfire Ridge, although his poor navigating skills resulted in the ship crashing. Thankfully, it crashed on the shore of the intended destination. Thrall came in contact with Durotan, who gave the Horde a piece of land in Frostwall, and the rest of the Frostwolf clan there. Thrall had Gazlowe summoned in order to build a Garrisom for the Horde. While building, Thrall confronted the gronn Skog in a nearby cave. Once the structures were built he and Drek'Thar went to Wor'gol to find Durotan. While in the main village of the clan, Thrall noticed a Shamanstone and felt that Draenor's elementals speak to him by a language he doesn't understand. Durotan decided to put an end to the ogre's threat thus Thrall assisted the clan in the taking of Bladespire Citadel. Before the main building he summoned a tornado to the attacking ogres only to have him weakened. When he caught his breath he rejoined the attack inside of the citadel. While the commander went to confront the ogre lord Gorr'thog, Thrall stayed and healed the injured Frostwolves. Once the lord was killed, the citadel was completely taken by the orcs and he stayed in the throne room for a time alongside Durotan. Some time later, he returned to the Garrison and Draka asked him about his mate. He answered that she stayed home with their newly born children. Draka was surprised by this and maintained that family needs to be together in times of war. The ogres weren't the only problem in Frostfire - the Thunderlord clan declared war to the Frostwolves. Thrall accompanied his clan to Grom'gar, ancient home of the Thunderlords and from there he continued to the Thunder Pass, where he assisted in the battle against the approaching Iron Horde. During the battle he destroyed a cannon and Drek'Thar noticed that he had to had a great teacher. Ultimately, he watched the sacrifice of Ga'nar.
He later journeys to Talador for the Battle of Shattrath but was only seen when Khadgar, Yrel, Maraad and Durotan planned their counter-attack for the harbor. He was next seen in Nagrand in Wor'var, this time accompanied by Aggra. Drek'Thar also traveled to Nagrand in order to commune with the troubled furies and Thrall sent adventurers to assist the shaman. Once the open threats of the Burning Blade clan in Hallvalor, the ogres of Mar'gok's Overwatch, and the Warsong clan in Telaar were dealt with, he asked the commander to secure Durotan's help in the upcoming and final battle against Garrosh. Once the adventurer defeated the Warsong clan in Lok-rath, Durotan promised to help the Horde in Grommashar. Thus the Horde attacked the home of the Warsongs. When the adventurer and Durotan attacked Garrosh himself, Thrall entered the fray and challenged Garrosh to mak'gora. Garrosh agreed and they met near the Stones of Prophecy, the location of Garadar in the main timeline, and started to fight. During the duel, Garrosh taunted and mocked him and even destroyed his beads. The tide of the battle turned when Thrall summoned his elemental forces that caught Garrosh in a stone fist and a lightning bolt ended Garrosh's life. After the battle, he was seen near the battlefield with Khadgar, Yrel and the others planning what to do next.
Back in Frostwall, he asked the commander to assist Draka and Drek'Thar in Farseer's Rock with their elemental problem. The trio entered Magnarok and freed the fury Exurotus. Thrall got there and witnessed the merging of the fury with Drek'Thar which he commented as the start of Draenor's greatest shaman. Right after that he sent the commander to Warmaster Zog to send Horde forces into the area.
Thrall was ultimately seen in the Throne of the Elements as he watched the elemental blessing passed on the Horde commander and their ring.
Legion[ | ]
Thrall and Vol'jin assault the Broken Shore and clear the shoreline. They make their way to Sylvanas and Baine, who are holding off the demons. Along with the Alliance, they chase Gul'dan whilst they take care of Krosus. Then the Horde covers a ridge, while the Alliance confront Gul'dan.
Thrall reunites with Aggra and their son Durak in Dalaran. Shaman adventurers are needed at the Maelstrom to gather the remaining Earthen Ring who survived the battle at the Broken Shore by Thrall's order. As Thrall and Farseer Nobundo discuss how to defeat the Burning Legion. Nobundo comments that the artifacts needed are capable of overcoming the Legion threat. Unfortunately, the Legion found them before they could reinforce. Lead by the Fel Lord Geth'xun, the Earthen Ring were able to push them back including the Fel Lord. However, Doomhammer was dismantled from Thrall's hands and it had fallen into Deepholm. Thrall, Stormcaller Mylra and the Shaman adventurer quickly made it to the realm of Earth.
Within the Crumbling Depths, they searched for the Doomhammer and eventually finds out that Geth'xun survived his encounter with Thrall. Thrall severely injured, he was falling behind Mylra and the Shaman adventurer. Thrall thinks that after his battle with Garrosh, the elements were silent and didn't react to his hour of need. As the three shamans pressed onward deeper in the depths, they saw Geth'xun and the Doomhammer. Mylra distracted Geth'xun as the shaman adventurer picked up the Doomhammer. After the battle was won, Thrall says that the Doomhammer chose the shaman adventurer and wielded powers even he couldn't tap into. Thrall then goes his own way with his family, he depended on the shaman adventurer to bring the Earthen Ring together against the Legion.
Locations[ | ]
Modèle:Col-3- Areas
Apparitions notables | ||
Lieu | Niveau | Points de vie |
Orgrimmar | ?? | 5,578,000 |
Nagrand (Outland) | ?? | 7,588,000 |
Argent Tournament Grounds | ?? | 106,350 |
Lost Isles | ?? | 11,506 - 230,120 |
The Maelstrom | ?? | 523,364,416 |
Assault on the Dark Portal | ?? | 21,003,600 |
Frostfire Ridge | 100 | 293,562 - 117,424,800 |
Talador | ?? | 66,042,000 |
Nagrand (Draenor) | 100 | 117,424,800 |
- Instances
Apparitions notables | ||
Lieu | Niveau | Points de vie |
Old Hillsbrad Foothills | 67 - 71 | 40,320 - 143,620 |
Battle for Mount Hyjal | ?? | 569,100 |
Crusader's Coliseum | ?? | 7,925,544 |
Hour of Twilight | ?? | 5,811,750 - 29,545,576 |
Dragon Soul | ?? | 858,920 |
Siege of Orgrimmar | ?? | 4,215,920 |
Quests[ | ]
From his position in Orgrimmar, he started the following quests:
- Quest:Hidden Enemies
- Quest:Hidden Enemies (2)
- Quest:Hidden Enemies (3)
- Quest:Hidden Enemies (4)
- Quest:Allegiance to the Horde
- Quest:The Eastern Kingdoms
- Quest:What the Wind Carries
- Quest:The Champion of the Horde
- Quest:The Lord of Blackrock
- Quest:For All To See
- Quest:For The Horde!
- Quest:The Royal Rescue
From within Durnholde Keep (Past) he starts the following quests:
Hero of the Mag'har quest chain:
- Lost Isles
- Quest:Precious Cargo
- Quest:Meet Me Up Top
- Quest:Warchief's Revenge
- Quest:Farewell, For Now
- Quest:Old Friends
- Quest:Repel the Paratroopers
- Quest:The Warchief Wants You
- Quest:Borrow Bastia
- Quest:Victory!
- Quest:Warchief's Emissary
From his rock overlooking the Maelstrom, he starts the following quest:
- Elemental Bonds
- During Landfall
- During pre-event
- Quest:Iron Horde Invasion! (Horde)
- Quest:Attack of the Iron Horde (Horde)
- Quest:Under Siege (Horde)
- Quest:Subversive Scouts (Horde)
- Quest:Investigating the Invasion (Horde)
- Quest:Lunatic Lieutenants (Horde)
- Quest:Attack on Nethergarde
- Quest:Toothsmash the Annihilator (Horde)
- Quest:Death to the Dreadmaul (Horde)
- Quest:Gar'mak Bladetwist (Horde)
- Quest:Warning the Warchief
- Tanaan Jungle
- Quest:Vengeance for the Fallen (Horde)
- Quest:The Shadowmoon Clan (Horde)
- Quest:Prepare for Battle (Horde)
- Frostfire Ridge
- Quest:Of Wolves and Warriors
- Quest:For the Horde!
- Quest:Great Balls of Fire!
- Quest:The Butcher of Bladespire
- Quest:To the Slaughter
- Quest:Armed and Dangerous
- Quest:The Iron Wolf
- Quest:To Thunder Pass
- Nagrand
- Quest:The Might of the Warsong (Horde)
- Quest:More Lazy Peons
- Quest:Blood of the Burning Blade (Horde) / Quest:The Friend of My Enemy
- Quest:A Choice to Make (Horde)
- Quest:The Farseer Awaits
- Quest:Shields Down! (Horde)
- Quest:Removing the Reinforcements (Horde)
- Quest:Reglakk's Research (Horde)
- Quest:Along the Riverside (Horde)
- Quest:Lok-rath is Secured (Horde)
- Quest:And Justice for Thrall (Horde)
- Garrison Campaign
Tactics[ | ]
The most critical part of the strategy is to give the Horde as little warning as possible. Mainly since Horde players tend to feel more obligated and passionate about defending Thrall than any other WoW leader. The slightest mention of an attack on Thrall is enough to send a fair number of players to his side. Diverting attention can be done either by using a warlock to summon, or if you are careful, gathering across the bridge west of Orgrimmar, then riding to Thrall's room at full speed. Approaching from Ratchet may not be the best option because of the number of Horde leveling in the area, so the best option is riding by the river from Azshara, making good use of a death knight's Path of Frost. Once on Thrall's room, use AoE spells to take care of the guards, then a simple tank and spank strategy on Thrall. Vol'jin may be offtanked at the same time, or Thrall can be taken down first by approaching from the left side of the room as you enter and Vol'jin may be optionally taken care of afterward. Two raids (80 people) are recommended.
He can be done easily with a 40 man raid if done right. With a well geared 40 man raid group you can drop him easily if summoned in and done without alerting many Horde.
The arena inside Orgrimmar is a great spot for summoning if you manage to successfully place a warlock and his summoning support in there. A decoy may be used as well, most likely a couple rogues attacking the bank or some other crowded area as this will take the Horde's attention from the attack, having them to think it's just an isolated act from bored players.
With the advent of the Wintergrasp battleground, a new technique is to wait until Wintergrasp has initiated and then storm Orgrimmar. Note that success is limited due to it being predictable, after being used once, it will be expected later.
His death was originally the requirement for Death to the Warchief.
Personality[ | ]
Go'el, despite the usual brutish nature of the orcs is wise beyond his years and a very honorable shaman. Go'el is seen as a kind and friendly person to his allies and will accept any visitors willing to help the Horde into his city. To any who try to harm his people, such as demons and the undead, he will end their lives without remorse. If someone under his leadership causes dishonorable and unnecessary bloodshed, or worse, consorts with demons, Go'el's policy is clear: a death sentence carried out by the Doomhammer.[71] Unfortunately his extremely forgiving nature has ultimately become the cause of his beloved Horde committing genocide and mass murder thanks to the short-sighted promotion of Garrosh to Warchief.
Names and titles[ | ]
Known as Thrall to most, it was revealed that his true name was in fact Go'el. Over the years Thrall was given many titles, including, but not limited to:
- Warchief of the Horde
- Liberator of the OrcsModèle:Fact
- Lord of the Clans[72]
- Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan
- Far Seer[73]
- Leader of the Earthen Ring[74]
- Earth-Warder[75]
- Earthbinder[76]
- Orc Father[76]
- World Shaman[74][77]
- Guardian of the Elements[78]
Memorable quotes[ | ]
Lord of the Clans[ | ]
- "Blackmoore gave me the name so I would never forget that I was something he owned, that I belonged to him. I never will. I will keep the name, and one day, when I see him again, he will be the one who remembers what he did to me, and regret it with all his heart."[79]
- "Blackmoore! Tonight you sleep in hell!"[80]
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos[ | ]
- The demons... are returning.
- Warrior, has there been any word from Grom Hellscream? He and the Warsong clan were supposed to have been here by now.
- You'll have no more sacrifices today, witch! Go back to the depths where you belong!
- I don't know exactly what the witch was talking about, but I do know that our destiny lies elsewhere. For now, we set sail for Kalimdor. That is where our future will unfold.
- Those pig creatures are unlike anything I've ever seen before.
- This land is rugged and beautiful, much like the place from which my people originally come.
- That's the young sorceress Grom told me about. It appears that she seeks the Oracle as well.
- That voice. You're no oracle! You're the prophet!
- I know, Cairne. It's just that I never thought I'd live to see the day... when I had to fight my own people.
- This is not natural storm! Blessed ancestors... Everyone brace yourselves!
- You did this... to our people... knowingly? Arrrgghhh!
- Then, let's go. I don't want to keep the bastard waiting.
- No, old friend. You've freed us all.
- Our spirit is stronger than you know demon! If we are to fall, then so be it! At least now... we are free!
Warcraft III: Frozen Throne[ | ]
- Mok'Nathal. I've heard tales of your people. They had both orc and ogre blood in their veins. It is an honor. We've built this kingdom--Durotar—for all our kind. Durotar is as much your home as it is mine, Rexxar. Stay awhile. Accept what hospitality we can offer. It is the least we could do.
- This is not the Horde you remember, old man. We have no interest in conquest or murder. We have paid for our sins of our forebears in blood.
- Durotar is now safe. We have no further quarrel with these humans. We will leave your isle in peace, Jaina. I pray we never have to come here again. Farewell, sorceress.
Rise of the Horde[ | ]
- "How easily the mind can be turned to hate from a place of fear - an instinctive, natural, protective response. Instead of focusing on the things that unite us, we focus on what divides us."[81]
- "To pretend it [the demonic corruption] did not exist is to forget how dreadful the impact was. To make ourselves into victims, rather than claiming our participation in our own destruction. We chose this path, we orcs. We chose it right up until it was too late to turn back. And having made that choice, we can, with the knowledge that we have of the end of that dark and shameful road, choose not to take it."[82]
- "I can only pray to the ancestors that I am never placed in the same position as my father—torn between what I know in my heart is right and the defense of my people. It is why I continue to strive to uphold the tenuous peace between us and the Alliance. Because few offenses and insults in this or any other world are sufficient to warrant the slaughter of children."[83]
- "I offer no judgment on anyone save a handful of individuals who knew full well what they were doing, knew that they were trading the lives and destiny of their people for gratification in the moment, and did so gleefully. For the others...I can only shake my head and be grateful that I was not forced to make the choices they did."[84]
- "When I reached adulthood, I became Orgrim's friend, as had my father before; and it is I who have fulfilled the prophecy of the Doomhammer. In their honor, this land is named Durotar, its greatest city, Orgrimmar."[85]
World of Warcraft[ | ]
In Grommash Hold[ | ]
All members of the Horde are equal in my eyes, <name>. We have all suffered many burdens, and if it were not for wisdom and honor, then we would be no better than the Scourge or my people while our blood was tainted by the demon Mannoroth.
It is your duty to aid the Horde and to defend our way of life. But it is also your duty to know when quarter and compassion should be given to friend and foe alike.
Understand this well. This is the new Horde, not some demon-spawned army who lack freewill.
- Aggro
- Lok'narosh! (Removed in Patch 4.0.3a)
- For Doomhammer! (Removed in Patch 4.0.3a)
- Your time has come! (Removed in Patch 4.0.3a)
- Greeting
- Lok'tar, friend. What is it you wish?
- Welcome to Orgrimmar. Have you come to serve the Horde? (Removed in Patch 4.0.3a)
- This is a savage land.
- Lok'tar Ogar, champion.
- The Horde has important work here.
- This land is nothing like Azeroth.
- Lok'tar, commander.
- Pissed
- Seriously, are we gonna do this?
- Is this what the Horde has come to? I have to speak to Vol'jin about this.
- Farewell
- Our spirit will triumph.
- For the Horde!
- Fight with honor!
- We will not be broken.
- Run our enemies into the ground.
Notable dialogue[ | ]
The Fall of the Dark Horde[ | ]
- Thrall crie: Honor your heroes! On this day, they have dealt a great blow against one of our most hated enemies! The false Warchief, Rend Blackhand, has fallen!
- Thrall crie: Be bathed in my power! Drink in my might! Battle for the glory of the Horde!
Thrall returning to Nagrand[ | ]
- Article détaillé: Quest:Hero of the Mag'har#Transcript from final cutscene
Battle for the Undercity[ | ]
- Article détaillé: Quest:The Battle For The Undercity (Horde)#Notes
On approach to the Tournament[ | ]
- Article détaillé: Argent_Tournament#Alliance_and_Horde_leadership
Passing his mantle[ | ]
- Article détaillé: Elemental Unrest meetings#At Grommash Hold
Committing to shamanism[ | ]
- Article détaillé: Elemental Unrest meetings#Phase_3.2C_At_the_Throne_of_the_Elements
The Vision of Fire[ | ]
From the Patch 4.2.0 trailer:
- Thrall stands over the great rift within the Maelstrom, channeling his energy into sealing it, when Aggra approaches.
- Aggra: You've been at this for days, Go'el.
- Thrall: The elements remain silent, Aggra. How can I help them if they won't speak to me?
- Aggra: You must rest. Everyone has their limits.
- Thrall: Look around you. This world is dying! I can't have limits.
- Aggra: When will you see...that you cannot carry this burden alone?
- Aggra turns and walks away. Thrall is seen shortly after seated on the rock, communing with the elements.
- Thrall: Great spirits, please, speak to me! Show me what I must do.
- The rift within the Maelstrom glows incredibly bright red, and a pillar of fire bursts from it. As Thrall stares in astonishment, Ragnaros rips through the rift!
- Ragnaros raises Thrall into the air with a pillar of fire.
- As Thrall hovers into the air, images of the Firelands flash through Thrall's mind. The images then change to a view of the forests of Mount Hyjal, surrounding the World Tree Nordrassil.
- Suddenly, Nordrassil is set ablaze, and a great wave of fire envelops Mount Hyjal and beyond, heading for the city of Orgrimmar as Thrall watches from nearby.
- The gates of Orgrimmar explode and crumble, as the wave of fire continues.
- Ragnaros laughs maniacally as the fire wave approaches Thrall.
- Thrall: NOOO!!!!!
- Back in the Maelstrom, Thrall falls to his hands and knees, overcome by the vision.
- Aggra: Go'el! I heard you call out...what's happened?
- Thrall: Fire, Aggra...it's coming for us. Unstoppable, unending rage...
- Aggra helps Thrall to his feet.
- Aggra: Take heart, Go'el. The end is not upon us yet.
- Thrall smiles and touches Aggra's cheek, then holds her to him.
- Thrall: Whatever comes, I know we will face it...together.
Elemental Bonds[ | ]
- Article détaillé: Elemental Bonds questline
Dragon Soul[ | ]
- I can feel the elements awakening...rejoicing...the Cataclysm is over.
Escalation[ | ]
- Article détaillé: Darkspear Rebellion#Quests
Siege of Orgrimmar[ | ]
- Article détaillé: Garrosh Hellscream (tactics)#Quotes
Final battle at the Stones of Prophecy[ | ]
Garrosh and Thrall approach the site of the mak'gora, the Stones of Prophecy -- future site of Garadar, as well as the same place they first met.
Thrall: You must answer for your crimes, Garrosh.
Garrosh and Thrall glare at each other, before Garrosh roars angrily at Thrall as he charges at him. The two exchange blows and argue during their fight.
Garrosh Hellscream: All I did, I did... FOR THE HORDE!
Thrall: You've failed the Horde!
Garrosh throws Gorehowl at Thrall, which he deflects, then leaps on him, landing a punch, and grabbing him by his prayer beads.
Garrosh Hellscream: You made me warchief...
Garrosh lands a punch on Thrall, breaking his prayer beads and knocking away the Doomhammer.
Garrosh Hellscream: ...you left me to pick up your pieces...
Garrosh continues to beat Thrall, while his voice trembles as he speaks, then grabs him and throws him down.
Garrosh Hellscream: ...YOU FAILED... ME!
Thrall partially gets up and glares at Garrosh angrily.
Garrosh Hellscream: You never had the strength of a true warrior.
Thrall: I do not rely on strength alone, Garrosh. My power is all around you.
Thrall gets up and hits Garrosh with a fireball, launching him into the air, manipulates the air to bring Garrosh down, and finally incapacitates him with a fist made of earth.
Garrosh Hellscream: THRALL!
Garrosh Hellscream: YOU made me what I am!
Thrall: No... You chose your own destiny.
Thrall casts down a single bolt of lightning that electrocutes Garrosh, ending his life. Thrall then stares off into the distance, picks up the Doomhammer and walks away.
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft cinematic[ | ]
- "It is said that wars are only won upon the anvil of honor."
Heroes of the Storm trailer[ | ]
- "We came to this world as exiles and outcasts, but together, we can be more. A weapon to break the chains of oppression. A bastion for the hunted and the lost. A family bound by blood and honor. And if our enemies do not give us peace, we will give them WAR! Victory or death! This I pledge as your Warchief: until the end of days I live and die FOR THE HORDE!"
Other[ | ]
- "In Deathwing's mad quest to forge new dragons, he ignored amazing breeds never before seen on Azeroth."[86]
Trivia[ | ]
- Thrall was born in the year the First War began. He is 30 years of age as of Mists of Pandaria.[8]
- The Warcraft 3 manual stated that he was 24 during the Third War, thus born -4 BDP. This has been since retconned to year 0.
- Thrall has never seen the spirits of the ancestors, not even in his dreams.[87]
- At some point, he saw the lost ones of Azeroth.[88] It was likely the ones in Swamps of Sorrows.
- The Thrallmar outpost on the Hellfire Peninsula in Outland is named after him.
- When Thrall visited the Caverns of Time in Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, Chronalis informed him that adventurers had helped to preserve his own history in the Escape from Durnholde Keep event, as his own memories had been erased of the interference. Thrall felt humbled and grateful to know that he had been helped in such a way.[89]
- Thrall held Neltharion's place as the Aspect of Earth (representative of the element of Earth) for several hours during the battle against Deathwing.[90]
- Thrall seems to use the Doomhammer with both his right and left hand.[91]
- Thrall was a part of the Great Alliance. The name is taken from world editor and is not mentioned in the game or in any other account.
- Li Li once retold the story of Thrall and his orcs to Strongbo.[92]
- Thrall thinks that the shaman Sergra Darkthorn is something special.[93]
- Thrall has declared Horde females to be on equal footing with men.[93]
- Thrall was interested in other cultures of the Barrens such as of the quilboar and centaur races, and so he sent Tatternack Steelforge there to study all kinds of weapons and armor.
- On Thrall's orders, the orc Aturk was to teach other members of the Horde blacksmithing, an order he did no like but obeyed.[94]
- Belgrom Rockmaul would often consult with Thrall who valued his opinions.[95]
- When the Shady Rest Inn was burned, Thrall sent Krog to assist with the investigation.
- There is a group named after him, Thrall's Thrashers.
- The wyverns that he and Cairne rescued from harpies during the Third War were the breeds of Blue Wind Riders, Green Wind Riders and Tawny Wind Riders.[96]
- After Jaina and Thrall's forces were forced to work together after the meeting with Medivh, the two leaders soon became good friends. Thrall stated that Jaina reminds him strongly of Taretha Foxton, but Jaina has stated no specific reason for her trust in Thrall. Their relationship was nonetheless strong, even having endured the battle of Durotar, which cost Jaina her father and Thrall many of his warriors. They still considered each other allies until the destruction of Theramore, where Jaina more or less blames Thrall for not listening to her about Garrosh, and effectively ended the friendship. Some fans speculated that Thrall and Jaina would be romantically involved at some point, but lore eventually denied this.[97]
- The novel The Shattering officially puts any speculation of romance between Thrall and Jaina down, as Thrall meets Aggra. The novel also seemingly makes a reference to this popular speculation, as Eitrigg comments to Thrall that Jaina would make a fine mate for someone one day if she so chose. As a human, she "cannot be [his]." Thrall merely laughs at the notion of having any mate, with so many crises at hand he has to deal with. Chris Metzen jokingly answered a question about the matter at Blizzcon 2010, "Thrall is meeting a nice girl from Nagrand and gonna have little brown babies. Let's put it to bed. Funny choice of words there."
- The White Punch Card that drops in Gnomeregan for the Quest:Data Rescue Alliance quest has many lines of binary code printed on it. When decoded, it reads "Thrall and Jaina sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G", as an in-joke for the fans.
- "Go'el" was the name chosen by Durotan and Draka for their only son, but they could not give him that name until the Naming Day of that cycle; when Durotan and Draka were killed, his name remained unknown to him until he met his grandmother in Garadar over two decades later.
- The name Go'el in Hebrew means "redeemer", derived from the verb lig'ol, "to free". A Go'el was a close kinsman, whose duty was to perform any task a man could not perform by himself. Another duty of the Go'el was to free his kinsman from slavery — appropriate, considering Thrall's role in liberating the orcs from generations of enslavement to fel magics, as well as being held in human internment camps. ("Go'el" is one of the traditional titles of the Messiah.)
- Go'el may have been inspired by Superman's Kryptonian name Kal-El. Thrall and Superman's origins are alike in many ways: both are aliens from a doomed planet, both their birth parents were killed while at a young age, and of course they both have special powers.
- The servers Thrall US and Thrall Europe are named after the former Warchief.
- Thrall was going to be voiced by Clancy Brown in the unreleased game Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans.[98] He is voiced by Chris Metzen in Warcraft III, World of Warcraft and their expansions.
- At BlizzCon 2010, Chris Metzen claimed that Thrall and his wielding of the Doomhammer was inspired by Thor.
- Thrall might be somewhat inspired by Caesar of 'Planet of the Apes'. Caesar was the son of a pair of talking chimpanzees (who also were murdered like Durotan and Draka) and was also raised as a slave, until he finally rebelled and led the Apes to freedom. Like Thrall, Caesar wishes to live in peace with the humans.[99]
- Thrall and Aggra briefly appear in Quest:Gods and Monsters, a story told by Lorewalker Cho.
- He is the Hero (player character) for the Shaman class in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. His flavor text reads: "Thrall quit his former job as Warchief to save the world and spend more time with his family."
- Additionally, the Thrall card back was rewarded for achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Season 21, which took place during December 2015. The flavor text reads: "The World Shaman is probably THE best known celebrity in Azeroth. It's a mystery that his signature necklace never caught on as a fashion trend."
- Thrall is a playable character in Heroes of the Storm.[100]
- One of his skins, "Hellhammer Thrall", depicts an alternate reality in which Go'el was the Warlord of the "Ashwolf clan". The description reads: "Go'el, the new Warlord of the Ashwolf clan, lifted the shattered Doomhammer from the Blackrock chieftain’s corpse. Of his father’s betrayers, only Gul'dan remained."
- Thrall has been nicknamed "Green Jesus" by many fans after World of Warcraft: Cataclysm due to his over centralness to the plot, super powered god-like abilities, being universally liked even by higher beings, and lack of personal flaws.
- However, Thrall shares more similarities with Moses than with Jesus. Like Moses, Thrall manages to free his people from the bonds of captivity and build for them a new future in a faraway land. The Warcraft movie makes the similarities more obvious by depicting Thrall being sent downriver in a basket as a baby.
- Thrall appears in Snow Fight, a children's book written by Chris Metzen and illustrated by Wei Wang.
Alternate timelines[ | ]
A version of Thrall existed in a timeway where history turned out completely different and which was entered by Thrall from the main universe during the Cataclysm era.[101]
Before Thrall entered the Blackmoore world, Thrall and the alternate Aedelas entered yet another timeway[102][103] at a point during the murder of Durotan and Draka. In contrast with the main universe, Thrall took his infant alternate self and held him for a while. Then the alternate King Aedelas came forward to kill the infant, an attempt interrupted by the main universe Thrall. The infant was then taken by Aedelas from this timeline.[104] Christie Golden's statement confirms that this infant was different from the one who died in the Blackmoore world.
In another timeline, Thrall was raised into obedient servitude of Aedelas, and fought with the main universe Thrall when Garrosh Hellscream escaped his trial in the Temple of the White Tiger. He wore traditional human plate armor and a tabard with a black falcon. The two Thralls clashed. According to Baine, Kairoz selected the most broken and darkest versions. To send them back to their own realities, one was to accept the other self.[102]
In yet another timeline, Thrall was unable to stop Jaina Proudmoore from destroying Orgrimmar which resulted in full war and many casualties.[102]
In Heroes of the Storm, there are four versions of Thrall - Warchief of the Horde, Hellhammer Thrall as a Warlord of the Ashwolf clan, Master Thrall and Earthbreaker. If they are part of the Warcraft universe is yet to be revealed.
The son of Draka and Durotan from a separate timeline[105] will appear in the Warcraft film.
Gallery[ | ]
- Escape from Durnholde Keep Tcg.JPG
Escape from Durnholde Keep.
- Thralltransformedintodwarf.jpg
Thrall being transformed into a dwarf as a disguise in Warcraft Adventures.
- Wc3-orc-thrall-full - Copy.jpg
Thrall's concept artwork.
- Warchief Thrall.JPG
Warchief Thrall on his throne in Orgrimmar.
- Thrall throne of elements.JPG
Thrall converses with Aggra and Gavan over the nature of his upcoming training.
- Heroes of the Storm
- Thrall HotS Master.jpg
Master Thrall.
Fan Art[ | ]
Videos[ | ]
- Thrall Lore: Origins Story
- Thrall liberates the Internement camps
- Thrall's Vision
- The Death of Hellscream
- The Last Guardian
- Thrall vs Garrosh (Scourge Invasion)
- Thrall at the Maelstrom
- Elemental Bonds
- Thrall uses the Dragon Soul on Deathwing
- Deathwing falls into the Maelstrom
- Fall of Deathwing cinematic
- Kor'kron Invade Sen'jin Village
- A Vision of Time
- Refining The Vision
- Seeking Fate
- Hidden Threads
- Hellscream's Downfall (Alliance)
- Hellscream's Downfall (Horde)
- Blasted Lands: Into the Portal
- Tanaan Jungle: A Taste of Iron
- Garrison (Horde)
- Frostfire Ridge: Thunder Pass
- Nagrand: And Justice for Thrall
- Heroes of the Storm: Thrall Trailer
Patch changes[ | ]
- Patch 6.0.2 (14-10-2014) : Model updated.
- Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28) : Model updated and seen during Elemental Bonds.
- Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23) :
- Now has a new model.
- Now an NPC at the Maelstrom; replaced by Garrosh as faction leader.
- Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14) : Updated for level 80.
- Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05) : Updated for level 70.
- Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-22) : Racial "Leaders" have been strengthened, and are now worth slightly less honor.
See also[ | ]
- Thrall's Gold Coin
- Thrall's Resolve
- Thrall's Gift
- World of Warcraft Trading Card Game cards:
- Warchief Thrall
Références[ | ]
- ↑ World of Warcraft : Manuel de jeu
- ↑ Seigneur des clans
- ↑ Warcraft: Legends Volume 4, page 147
- ↑ 4,0 et 4,1 Ultimate Visual Guide, page 116 - 117
- ↑ Thrall à Draka à Mur-de-Givre : Oui. Ma compagne est restée en retrait pour s'occuper de nos enfants.
- ↑ Le Cycle de la Haine, page 77
- ↑ L'Ascension de la Horde, chapter 18
- ↑ 8,0 et 8,1 Loreology on Twitter (dead link)
- ↑ {{{Ref WoWCV2}}}
- ↑ {Modèle:Ref WoWCV3
- ↑ Heroes of the Storm: Thrall Hero Week
- ↑ De Sang et d'Honneur
- ↑ Vision de Thrall
- ↑ Chasing Visions
- ↑ Départs
- ↑ Riders on the Storm
- ↑ The Fires Down Below
- ↑ Countdown to Extinction
- ↑ 19,0 et 19,1 Débarquement
- ↑ 20,0 et 20,1 La longue marche
- ↑ 21,0 et 21,1 Cry of the Warsong
- ↑ Where Wyverns Dare
- ↑ L'Oracle
- ↑ By Demons Be Driven
- ↑ La mort de Hurlenfer
- ↑ Enemies at the Gate
- ↑ Le réveil d'Hurlorage
- ↑ Les druides s'élèvent
- ↑ Le dernier Gardien
- ↑ 30,0 30,1 et 30,2 Le crépuscule des dieux
- ↑ Ultimate Visual Guide, pages 30 et 47
- ↑ Quête : Assumer ses responsabilités
- ↑ Quête : Empiètement
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ 35,0 35,1 35,2 et 35,3 To Tame a Land, To Tame a Land
- ↑ Old Hatreds, Mulgore
- ↑ To Tame a Land, Îles de l’Écho
- ↑ 'Old Hates, Old Hatesds
- ↑ 39,0 39,1 et 39,2 A Blaze of Glory]', A Blaze of Glory
- ↑ 40,0 40,1 et 40,2 A Blaze of Glory, Theramore City
- ↑ Trilogie de la guerre des Anciens
- ↑ Le Cycle de la haine
- ↑ World of Warcraft : Manuel du jeu
- ↑ Races de World of Warcraft - Undead
- ↑ Troll Compendium : Tribu des Revantusk
- ↑ Quest:The New Horde
- ↑ Quête:Piscine des larmes (Horde)
- ↑ Quête:Le courtage de la paix (Horde)
- ↑ Rise of the Horde
- ↑ Blood of the Highborne
- ↑ The Burning Crusade Townhall/Shamans et Paladins
- ↑ Quest:Messenger to Thrall
- ↑ Loyautés conflictuelles
- ↑ 54,0 54,1 et 54,2 Threat !
- ↑ 55,0 et 55,1 Gathering Thunder !
- ↑ Showdown !
- ↑ Desperate Research
- ↑ 58,00 58,01 58,02 58,03 58,04 58,05 58,06 58,07 58,08 58,09 et 58,10 Scourge Invasion#Orgrimmar
- ↑ 59,0 59,1 59,2 59,3 59,4 59,5 59,6 et 59,7 The Winds of War
- ↑ Legends Volume 2: Fear
- ↑ http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/underdev/3p1/index.xml#ulduartrailer
- ↑ Stormrage
- ↑ Warcraft: Legends Volume 5, Nightmares
- ↑ Shaman (manga)
- ↑ World of Warcraft: Cataclysm - Features - Lore
- ↑ Kirkburn's BlizzCon 2009 Report
- ↑ Quest:An Ancient Enemy
- ↑ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
- ↑ Patch 4.2 Preview: Elemental Bonds
- ↑ Tom Chilton at BlizzCon 2013 "...to connect this world of Draenor of 35 years in the past..."
- ↑ It does tend to sound informal
- ↑ Lord of the Clans
- ↑ Riders on the Storm
- ↑ 74,0 et 74,1 Ultimate Visual Guide, page 117
- ↑ Ultraxion abilities: "Thrall, now the Earth-Warder of Azeroth ..."
- ↑ 76,0 et 76,1 Quest:Elemental Bonds: Doubt
- ↑ Quest:The Call of the World-Shaman
- ↑ Twilight of the Dragons - Reign of the Destroyer, Son of Durotan
- ↑ Lord of the Clans, page 136
- ↑ Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans trailer
- ↑ Rise of the Horde, page 123
- ↑ Rise of the Horde, page 139
- ↑ Rise of the Horde, page 242
- ↑ Rise of the Horde, page 292
- ↑ Rise of the Horde, page 353
- ↑ Mount Journal entry for Reins of the Drake of the East Wind
- ↑ Rise of the Horde, chapter 18
- ↑ Rise of the Horde, chapter 20
- ↑ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, pg. 100-101
- ↑ Ultimate Visual Guide, page 56, 59
- ↑ Thrall and Maraad entering the alternate Draenor
- ↑ Pearl of Pandaria
- ↑ 93,0 et 93,1 Quest:Crossroads Conscription
- ↑ Quest:The Old Ways
- ↑ Quest:Parts of the Swarm (2)
- ↑ Mount Journal entry for Blue, Green and Tawny Wind Riders
- ↑ Alliance & Horde Compendium, page 61
- ↑ http://www.gamespot.com/features/pcgraveyard/p4_04.html
- ↑ Caesar (Planet of the Apes)
- ↑ http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/maps-and-mods/mods/dota
- ↑ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
- ↑ 102,0 102,1 et 102,2 War Crimes
- ↑ Christie Golden on Twitter
- ↑ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 7
- ↑ Neilson on Twitter
Liens externes[ | ]
Le Maelström | Les Iles Perdues | Tournoi d'Argent | Sommet d'Hyjal | Hautebrande d'antan |
Prédécesseur : Muln Rageterre |
Position : Chef du Cercle terrestre |
Successeur : En exercice |
Prédécesseur : Orgrim Marteau-du-Destin |
Position : Chef de guerre de la Horde |
Successeur : Garrosh Hurlenfer |
Prédécesseur : Drek'Thar |
Position : Chef du clan Loup-de-givre |
Successeur : Drek'Thar |
Prédécesseur : Aile de mort |
Position : Gardeterre |
Successeur : En exercice |