Lor'themar Theron
Image of Lor'themar Theron
Titre Seigneur Régent de Quel'Thalas,[1]
Seigneur Régent de Lune-d'argent,[2]
Seigneur Régent,[3]
Seigneur Ranger[4]
Sexe Masculin
Race Elfe de sang
Classe de personnage WoW Icon 16x16 Ranger elfique
Modèle:TCG-inline Chasseur
Affiliation Royaume de Quel'Thalas, Lune-d'argent, Horde, Assaut des Saccage-soleil, Pérégrins
Occupation Seigneur Régent de Quel'Thalas, Commandant de l'Assaut des Saccage-soleil
Emplacement Variés
Statut Vivant
Compagnon(s) Halduron Luisaile, Grand Magistère Rommath, Dame Liadrin, Aethas Saccage-soleil

Lor'themar Theron est le Seigneur Régent de Quel'Thalas[5] et ainsi considéré comme le dirigeant des elfes de sang d'Azeroth. Il était le dirigeant des sin'dorei en l'absence du Prince Prince Kael'thas Haut-Soleil, mais après sa trahison et sa mort, Lor'themar est devenu le seul dirigeant de son peuple. Lor'themar était autrefois le second du Général des Ranger [[Sylvanas Coursevent], et a acquis temporairement le gouvernement des hauts elfes après l'assaut du Fléau, un rôle qui a ensuite conduit à sa régence après le retour du prince.[6]

Après avoir survécut la brutale invasion de Que'Thalas par le Fléau, Lor'themar, un ancien commandant des Forestiers, eu le rôle de surveiller le royaume elfique pendant le voyage du Prince Kael'thas en Outreterre. Peu de temps après, la volonté de Lor'themar a été testée quand le prince, corrompu par des énergies démoniaque, de retour sur Azeroth a tenté d'utiliser le Puits de soleil pour invoquer son nouveau maître, le seigneur démon Kil'jaeden. Les plans de Kael'thas ont été ruiné et il fut tué par l'Opération Soleil brisé pour sa trahison. Cela laissa a Lor'themas de guider le destin des elfes de sang seul.



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Lor'themar, un Pérégrin haut elfe et un gardien du Puits de Soleil.

En tant que Lieutenant des Pérégrins, Lor'themar Theron participa fréquemment au conflit avec les trolls Amani de Zul'Aman. Lors d'un de ces conflits, son groupe de trois hommes fut pris en embuscade et attaqué par des pillards Amani. Lor'themar fut alors amené dans une chambre sacrificielle. Il y rencontra les elfes Liadrin, Dar'Khan et Galell. Les quatre elfes tentèrent de s'échapper avant le début des tortures. Cependant, le chef des Amani, Zul'jin les confronta lui-même et plannifia de les interroger sur les pierres runiques éparpillées sur le territoire. Zul'jin tortura personnellement Lor'themar de manière horrible, le coupant en-dessous du nombril et enfonçant ses doigts dans la plaie, puis il peint le visage de Lor'themar avec son propre sang. Après s'être débattu, Lor'themar se libéra de ses liens et se battit contre les trolls assez longtemps pour que Dar'Khan ai assez de force pour téléporter le groupe en sûreté. [7]

Lor'themar grimpa ensuite rapidement les rangs des Pérégrins au fil des années. Il fut nommé Capitaine Ranger peu de temps avant la Deuxième guerre et devint le second du Général Ranger Sylvanas Coursevent. Au moins une partie de sa carrière fut dédiée à garder le Puits de soleil.[8]

La seconde guerre[]

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Lors de la Seconde Guerre, Lor'themar était le second de Sylvanas Coursevent, qui était alors Général Ranger de Lune-d'argent.[9] Lor'themar a combattu aux côtés de ses frères d'armes contre l'ancienne Horde après que le roi Anasterian Haut-Soleil ait décidé de détruire les Amani. Lor'themar, dans une armure maculée de sang, rencontra alors Alleria et Turalyon lors d'une attaque aérienne par le Clan Gueule-de-Dragon et les dragons rouges esclaves qui leurs servaient de monture. Alleria l'introduit comme l'un des meilleurs rangers elfes et Lor'themar et Turalyon, qui étaient tous deux les seconds de leurs leaders militaires respectifs développèrent alors un respect mutuel au cours du conflit.[10]

Lor'themar et ses guerriers réussirent à s'échapper du brasier provoquer par les dragons rouges rampants, mais ne purent traverser les flammes pour sauver leur peuple. Même si Alleria préférait continuer à se battre en dépit de leur défaveur, Lor'themar réussit à la convaincre de battre en retraite. Il accompagna ensuite Khadgar, Turalyon, Allerion et Kurdran à Lordaeron où ils défendirent la ville. La capitale était asségiée par Orgrim Marteau-du-destin, qui abandonna vite le combat lorsqu'il apprit la trahison de son chef Démoniste, Gul'dan.[11] Alors que Lor'themar et Alleria se battaient à Lordaeron, les elfes à Quel'Thalas rassemblaient des troupes pour détruire les Amani pour de bon. Zul'jin fut capturé dans le chaos par le camarade et ami de Lor'themar, Halduron, qui tortura alors le chef des Amani. Halduron avait l'intention de la ramener à Lune-d'argent pour que Lor'themar décide de son destin, mais Zul'jin s'échappa lors d'un raid des Amani et parvint à se cacher.[4]

Suite à la Seconde Guerre, Lor'themar fut promut au rang de seigneur ranger (Alar'annalas en Thalassien) par Sylvanas Coursevent lors d'une grande cérémonie lors de laquelle il porta le tissu de Fora'nal pour symboliser sa progression. Il fut félicité par le roi Anasterian Haut-Soleil en personne.

La troisième guerre[]

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Theron Sunwell Isle

Lor'themar se fraille un chemin ver le Puits de soleil lors de l'invasion de Quel'Thalas par le Fléau.

Years later, following King Anasterian's secession of Quel'Thalas from the Alliance, Lor'themar had become a chief commander of the Farstriders — specifically, tasked with watching over the Sunwell and safeguarding those who, in turn, would watch over all of Quel'Thalas. During this time, Lor'themar was approached by Dar'Khan Drathir, a disillusioned face from the past who craved the recognition he felt he had never received.

Dar'Khan used his friendship with Lor'themar to gain intimate knowledge of Quel'Thalas' defenses, ostensibly to bolster them after the Hordes invasion during the Second War, and informed the death knight and scion of Lordaeron, the evil Prince Arthas (whom Dar'Khan had sold his loyalty to), of how to bypass them. Lor'themar and his company had been patrolling near the mountains of Zul'Aman[12] when he began to notice hints of an invasion. They rushed to An'owyn, whose invisibility had been dispelled and whose hidden mooncrystal—one of three which empowered the grand shield, Ban'dinoriel ("Gatekeeper" in Thalassian), around Silvermoon—had been stolen. Lor'themar, reasoning that even if the crystals had been displaced, the magi could still empower Ban'dinoriel themselves, made haste to An'daroth, the second resting place of the mooncrystals. It became gradually apparent to Lor'themar that treachery was at work, but with the kingdom in imminent danger, he had little time to speculate on it.

At An'daroth, only corpses and strangely decayed ground remained. To Lor'themar's disbelief, the dead were reanimated and butchered many of his rangers. Lor'themar deduced that decapitation would fell the risen elves, and dealt with several in such a manner, though his wounds and fatigue slowed him down. After a struggle, Lor'themar was brutalized by several undead guardians, one of whom raked his face and damaged his left eye. Forcing the ranger lord down, the undead prepared to deal Lor'themar killing blows, though Halduron Brightwing and his rangers arrived and fettered the risen guardians with arrows. Theron and Brightwing then rushed back to the capital, hoping it was not too late.[4]

Despite Lor'themar's belief that the situation could still be salvaged, it was already too late. The Ranger Corps fought Arthas at every turn, but were pushed further and further back towards their capital.[13] Sylvanas Windrunner was slain by Arthas outside Silvermoon, the city was sacked,[14] and King Anasterian and the entire Convocation of Silvermoon were also slain. Theron fought his way to the Isle of Quel'Danas, but the well had already been defiled by Arthas.[12]

With the deaths of Anasterian, the Convocation, Grand Magister Belo'vir, and Sylvanas, Lor'themar assumed temporary leadership of the high elves and, along with his much-reduced forces, remained in Quel'Thalas after the fall of Silvermoon as a resistance to the Scourge remnants.[9] Lor'themar reclaimed The Bazaar from the Scourge, and made it a makeshift base for any elven survivors he could find. Soon after, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider returned to his homeland, and surveyed the damage done to his kingdom. He sent the archmage Rommath to confer with Lor'themar, and to prepare for his arrival. Lor'themar showed the prince to the body of his father and was present when the king was cremated on a funeral pyre. Lor'themar accompanied Kael, Rommath, Halduron, Liadrin, and several others to Quel'Danas once more, to destroy the tainted Sunwell before the Amani could seize it.

Lor'themar heritage flashback

Lor'themar when Prince Kael'thas destroyed the corrupted Sunwell.

The group returned triumphantly to Silvermoon, freed from the threat of the Sunwell's corrupted state, though the loss of the Sunwell led to a withdrawal-based lethargy for the survivors, who had become dependent on the well's arcane energy. Kael'thas then proclaimed the high elves reborn as the blood elves, in honor of all those perished. Appointed as Regent Lord[15] of Quel'Thalas, Lor'themar was commanded to safeguard the land and seek a cure for their people while Kael'thas took a group of the blood elf forces to join the New Alliance resistance against the Scourge in Lordaeron, led by Lord Garithos. His old friend Halduron Brightwing, Ranger-General of Silvermoon, aided him in this task.[16]

Le Puits de Soleil[]

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Farstriders 2

Lor'themar, Halduron and the Farstriders intercept Kalecgos and his companions.

After the Third War, the traitor Dar'Khan Drathir pursued Anveena Teague, the current avatar of the Sunwell, into Quel'Thalas. Leading a group of blood elf rangers and employing guerilla tactics against the Scourge forces, Lor'themar, along with his close friend Halduron Brightwing, sought to relieve his ravaged and shattered homeland from the Scourge's grasp. After a skirmish, Lor'themar orders his fallen comrades to be burned — to ensure they are not re-animated. Lor'themar learns of Dar'Khan's presence in Quel'Thalas, and in a conversation with Halduron, explains his history with Quel'Thalas' greatest traitor.

Following Dar'Khan's betrayal, Lor'themar had fought desperately to protect the sight of the Sunwell; and though he survived the onslaught of the Scourge, he personally observed the annihilated sight of the once glorious font of power. That day, he resolved to protect the remains of Quel'Thalas from being further tainted by the Scourge, and especially by Dar'Khan. Lor'themar rallies his rangers, and they leave to destroy the treacherous Dar'Khan.

Lor'themar observes Dar'Khan speaking with Anveena. Lor'themar arranges an ambush, and his forces encircle Dar'Khan; though the great traitor summons the skeletons of fallen high elves to protect himself. Lor'themar and his rangers are overpowered, and are forced to retreat. During the march back to safety, Lor'themar is shocked to hear a voice echoing loudly in the distance, which he identifies as belonging to his former ranger-general — the banshee Queen, Sylvanas Windrunner. Lor'themar approaches Kalecgos and his companions, suggesting the outsiders drop their weapons and surrender to him. Lor'themar offers them but one chance to live — to inform him of Sylvanas' location. Kalecgos reveals Anveena's current predicament to Lor'themar, and that Dar'Khan is as much their enemy as he is his.

Though Lor'themar is apprehensive to trust the word of a half-blood, Kalecgos states that he is no such thing — but in fact, a blue dragon, albeit currently without the ability to transform. Lor'themar and Halduron are amused by such an unlikely story, and Lor'themar mockingly notes that they might actually believe him if he could prove it. At that point, Tyrigosa reveals her dragon form to the shocked blood elves. Stunned, Lor'themar drops to one knee, and apologizes for his disrespect.

Lor'themar converses with his new companions and reveals to them the history behind Sylvanas Windrunner's demise. Unsure as to whether the banshee would be friend or foe, they at least acknowledge that she would forever be an enemy of Dar'Khan. The group travels to the Sunwell Grove, and Kalecgos reveals that Anveena is, in fact, the mortal avatar of the Sunwell itself. Lor'themar splits with the group after this and joins with Halduron and company while Kalecgos deals with Dar'Khan. Lor'themar takes to the field once more to attack Dar'Khan, though the traitor chides him for his consistent failures and turns his attention to Kalecgos. Anveena herself is able to awaken and annihilates Dar'Khan with the great power of the Sunwell.

In the wake of Dar'Khan's defeat and the revelations surrounding Anveena by Korialstrasz, Lor'themar placed her under the protection of the blood elves — her true identity to be kept a closely guarded secret.[17]

Reconquête de Quel'Thalas[]


Lor'themar Theron battles the Scourge.

After Kael'thas' abandonment of the New Alliance, Kael'thas had traveled to Outland to claim a new home for his people, taking 15% of the sin'dorei with him.[18] Kael'thas, however, had not forgotten his people on Azeroth: Grand Magister Rommath and a number of magisters were sent back to Quel'Thalas, arriving with orders from the blood elven scion - Lor'themar was to protect Quel'Thalas in Kael'thas' stead, and prepare their people to join the prince in the promised haven of Outland.[16] Rommath also brought word of a new method to sate magical addiction, and to become more formidable as a result, smoothly attributing it to being one of Kael'thas' teachings. This process was the harvesting of arcane magic, including the mana-bearing creatures maddened since the Sunwell's destruction.[18] The elves of Quel'Thalas generally took well to this efficient method, though a minority did not.

As the highest figure of authority in Quel'Thalas, ruling conjointly with his scion in Outland, Lor'themar was forced to exile several of his former comrades who refused to accept Rommath's teachings, reasoning that he could not lead a nation divided. This decision would come to weigh him down deeply, during the tribulations to come.[19]

The Scourge threats that Lor'themar and his rangers had once had harsh troubles with proved little match for Rommath and the magisters, who quickly went about reclaiming and rebuilding Silvermoon City "almost overnight." Ruling as the Regent of Quel'Thalas, Lor'themar presided over the much-restored city of Silvermoon. Lor'themar was assisted in this daunting task by his two primary advisors: his good friend Halduron and the prince's most loyal advocate, Rommath.

Sang des Biens-nés[]

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Lor'themar remained in infrequent contact with Liadrin over the next few years. He made sure she was supplied with enough mana crystals to sate her arcane hunger (the rangers were not as affected by the onset of magical addiction as much as more magically-inclined elves), and while initially skeptical of the creation of the Blood Knight Order, Lor'themar believed they would overcome their critics and prove a valuable asset to Quel'Thalas. Around that time, Theron began thinking about negotiating with the Horde. Liadrin once visited him and she noticed letters with the Horde seal.

The switch in lifestyle from that of a ranger to a politician was a daunting one for Lor'themar, who would never truly eschew the passion he had for his old life, and continuing to think of himself as a Farstrider on some level.[19] His close friendship with Halduron helped him greatly in this regard, acknowledging his ranger-general as his closest and most loyal ally through this turbulent time in history.[4]

Lor'themar was troubled by the emergence of a figure named Thadirr, and quickly deduced his true identity: Dar'Khan Drathir, thought destroyed by Anveena, but still active and plotting to subvert Quel'Thalas for the Lich King. The traitor had lured the Blood Knights into a trap at Dawnstar Spire. Theron and Astalor Bloodsworn arrived to aid them, joining forces with Halduron and the rangers. Lor'themar confronted Dar'Khan personally, though was set ablaze and left to die. The combined healing of the Blood Knights revitalized him, and Lor'themar, arming his bow with a fragment of the Stone of Sparks, loosed at Dar'Khan and "killed" him once more. Noticing Liadrin was not present, Lor'themar left to find her, tracking her to the old troll den they had been held captive in so many years before. There, he found her distraught over the near-wretched corpse of Galell, whom Liadrin was forced to slay.[4]

The Burning Crusade[]

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New allegiances[]


Lor'themar, Rommath and Halduron preside over Quel'Thalas from Sunfury Spire.

Leading the blood elves conjointly with Prince Kael'thas, Lor'themar watched over Quel'Thalas as its regent. However, Quel'Thalas was still in turmoil, and Lor'themar had few resources to protect the kingdom: its military was still in tatters, the Amani had been making bolder strikes in the south, and the emergence of the Wretched had further weakened the elves. To make matters worse, Kael'thas had still not returned from Outland, and the latest news Lor'themar heard of his prince did not bode well. Kael'thas had suffered considerable defections from within his ranks, and the Burning Legion was amassing for reasons unknown. The prince was vulnerable, but Lor'themar could not leave Quel'Thalas undefended while he led a campaign to assist Kael'thas on Outland.[20]

The blood elves needed allies, and they would no longer find them among the humans, dwarves, gnomes, and night elves. Kael'thas' alliance with Lady Vashj and Illidan Stormrage had soured relations between Quel'Thalas and the Alliance, and the kingdom's secession during Anasterian's rule still left bitter memories; the Alliance had no interest in fighting for Quel'Thalas,[21] to the point that their ambassador was actively working with several night elven spies to sabotage the blood elves' arcane sanctums.

The blood elves were offered support from an unlikely source: the Forsaken, under the former ranger-general Sylvanas Windrunner. Though initially skeptical of a trick, the blood elves allowed the Forsaken to assist them in terms of manpower in the Ghostlands. Through the Forsaken, Lor'themar was introduced to the wider Horde. Rumors circulated that some lingering part of her still sympathized with Quel'Thalas and its hardships. Other stories hinted that Sylvanas had ulterior motives. Whatever the truth, she arranged for Warchief Thrall and High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof to convene with Lor'themar and discuss such a possibility. Despite the elves' history of bitter warfare with the orcs, Lor'themar was receptive to the idea. He knew this Horde was different than the one that had ravaged Quel'Thalas in years past. He was also painfully aware that time was running out for his kingdom and his prince. The Horde's leaders also saw great promise in Lor'themar's people and considered it an act of honor to offer another race facing extinction their support. Thrall and Cairne extended the hand of peace, and Lor'themar accepted.[22]

Though thought destroyed, Dar'Khan Drathir once again managed to elude death, and again he had intentions to steal the power of the Sunwell.[23] Magister Kaendris sent troops to defeat Dar'Khan and sent the great traitor's head to Lor'themar. Pleased with this turn of events, and confident that a major Scourge defeat in the Ghostlands would prove the sin'dorei's power to their critics, Lor'themar sent a letter to Thrall in which he requested an equal seat with the rest of the Horde. With the strong endorsement of Sylvanas, and revealing to the Warchief that Silvermoon's Grand Magister had received word back from Outland about what is hinted to of a clan of uncorrupted orcs, Thrall officially accepted the sin'dorei into the Horde.[24]

The fallen sun[]


Lor'themar in his original attire.

The Sunwell's mortal avatar, Anveena Teague, continued to reside in Quel'Thalas under Lor'themar's protection. Only Lor'themar himself and a handful of others were aware of her presence and of what she truly was; they'd kept this information a secret even from Kael'thas. Lor'themar and his followers understood that the prince was desperate to save their people, but feared that if Kael'thas learned of Anveena, he might act without considering the consequences. The elves did not know what would happen if the avatar's power was infused into the site of the Sunwell. Quel'Thalas was already a wounded nation, and another disaster might destroy it forever.

Over time, however, Lor'themar's opinion about this secrecy changed. He and his people constantly worried about Kael'thas's fate on Outland, and Lor'themar knew it was time for him to come home. Lor'themar believed the only way to bring him back was by telling him about Anveena. After Kael'thas had dispatched M'uru to Azeroth, messengers from Lor'themar set out to inform the prince about Anveena -- but they never reached him. Demonic agents of Kil'jaeden the Deceiver had infiltrated Quel'Thalas' highest circles and made sure that no word of Anveena reached Kael'thas. The prospect of restoring the Sunwell would give Kael'thas hope, and that was not what the demon lord needed. He wanted the prince to be desperate and uncertain about the future until he was firmly under control.[25]

With the Horde's support, the blood elves were able to reach Outland, but what awaited them was not the paradise Kael'thas had promised. In Shattrath, some learned of their prince's fate: Kael'thas had fallen into despair and a damning addiction to fel magic while sojourning on the shattered planet, and had betrayed Illidan in favor of Kil'jaeden, lord of the Burning Legion, who had targeted Kael'thas for a specific purpose: access to the Sunwell. The Scryers worked tirelessly to prove that in allying with the demons the prince had betrayed them all, but some blood elves did not believe these stories. It was not until gathering in Netherstorm that they saw the truth for themselves.

Word of this discovery reached Lor'themar and the other ranking elves in Quel'Thalas. The news broke their hearts, but they came to a consensus. Kael'thas was lost, and it was their duty to vanquish him and end his treachery. The Horde made war on Kael'thas and his followers, the battle spreading into Tempest Keep and engulfing every corner of the dimensional fortress. It was there where the prince made his final stand. It was there where some of his own loyal subjects spilled his blood and ended his reign. Yet unbeknownst to the Horde, Kael'thas did not die. Kil'jaeden had expected the prince's defeat, and he had prepared accordingly. Kael'thas's demonic allies spirited him away and brought him back from the brink of death, leaving little of his sanity. He was now Kil'jaeden's loyal servant, and he would do whatever his master asked of him. As the war on Outland reached a climax, Kael'thas finally journeyed home to Quel'Thalas, but it was not the homecoming Lor'themar had hoped for: his prince returned at the head of a demonic army, kidnapped Anveena, briefly assaulted Silvermoon itself with his felblood elves to kidnap M'uru, and entrenched his forces on the Isle of Quel'Danas.[26]

Fury of the Sunwell[]

Kael'thas, twisted by demonic energies, used the vast arcane resources he'd acquired on Outland to revitalize the Sunwell. Leeching Anveena's power, the well would be transformed into a gateway through which Kil'jaeden could at last enter Azeroth. Lor'themar told his people that they would endure despite the betrayal of Kael'thas, and that like Arthas before him, Kael'thas would not crush the spirit of the sin'dorei.

After a bitter battle, Kael'thas was slain and Kil'jaeden was banished back through his would-be portal. The world was spared from the Legion once more, but there were consequences: Kael'thas's meddling had tainted the Sunwell. As before, corruptive energies coursed through the fount, and they would soon spread throughout Quel'Thalas and engulf the blood elves. Lor'themar and his followers considered destroying the Sunwell again, but another solution presented itself. The draenei prophet, Velen, had come to the Sunwell to pay his respects to M'uru, who had fallen in the battle. Little was left of the naaru save its heart, but Velen sensed a glimmer of power in what remained of M'uru. He used the naaru's heart to cleanse the Sunwell and transform it into a fount of Holy Light and arcane magic. Its brilliant energy blazed across land and sky for all in Quel'Thalas to see. The Sunwell was reborn, and its return heralded a promising future for the blood elves.[27] Lor'themar personally gazed upon the restored Sunwell after its revitalization, and despite being shocked to the core, could not help but "feel nothing" in the face of the sole leadership role that now lay ahead for him, his scion branded a traitor and his people turning to him for answers in Kael'thas' stead.[19]

The sin'dorei have generally accepted Lor'themar's rule in the absence of surviving royalty, and the blood elven sentries that had once announced that Kael'thas would lead them to power and glory now speak of Lor'themar fulfilling this role.

With the death of Prince Kael'thas, and no surviving members of the Sunstrider dynasty to claim the elven crown, the future of Quel'Thalas has thus become Lor'themar's alone to guide. Kael's betrayal and the involvement of blood elven forces among Illidan's (and more damningly, the Legion's) army severely hampered relations abroad, and Lor'themar must now also work to repair his people's connections to the other races while he restores Quel'Thalas and governs its people.[12]

Dans l'ombre du soleil[]

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Lor'themar as depicted in In the Shadow of the Sun.

Lor'themar, still with the fresh scars of Kaelthas' betrayal and the civil war that ran concurrent, had become the sole leader of the blood elven people. Despite his status, and despite Rommath and even Halduron's support in taking on a more prestigious role and attire, Lor'themar retains the belief that he is the regent lord - not the king - citing Anasterian's status as the last king of Quel'Thalas as reason enough not to stake that claim.

After receiving numerous letters from Archmage Aethas Sunreaver, all of which Lor'themar had chosen to ignore, Aethas announces that he will be visiting Silvermoon City. After a brief encounter with Halduron regarding the contents of this visit, the ranger-general likens Lor'themar's professional attitude towards such political matters to that of a king's. Halduron goes as far as to offer Lor'themar the Silvermoon City Tabard to better look the part, though Lor'themar writes the notion off as unnecessary. Halduron reminds him that his role as a Farstrider is long behind him now, and that their head of state must look the part. After observing his stoic Grand Magister, Lor'themar reflects that for all the thorn Rommath had been in his side, he can feel nothing but sympathy for the shattered man after Kael'thas' great betrayal. Lor'themar personally greets the newly-arrived Archmage, impressed with his ambition and rank for such a young elf, and decides to hear out his plea.

Aethas reveals that Malygos the Spellweaver has resolved the destroy all mortal spell-casters and requests the aid of his people in dealing with the threat the crazed aspect poses, on behalf of the Kirin Tor. Though Lor'themar remains neutral in the matter, Rommath immediately denies the request, citing the Kirin Tor's refusal to assist the sin'dorei as they faced execution in the dungeons of Dalaran. Aethas persists, though Rommath assures him that none of his magisters will assist the Kirin Tor this task. He coldly notes that only the regent lord can overrule the Grand Magister's judgment.

Lor'themar asserts his authority on the matter and silences their bickering. He mentions that he has business in the south, extends his hospitality to the Archmage, and retires to his quarters. After conferring with Halduron, he concludes that perhaps aid would be acceptable if Aethas is given a boundary to work within - reporting back to Quel'Thalas directly, though not representing it officially. Halduron takes amusement in the thought and likens his words to that of a king's once more.

Days later, atop his hawkstrider, Lor'themar and several Farstrider honor guards begin the journey south. Halduron expresses disdain for Lor'themar's decision to partake in the journey, though Lor'themar continues on. As he travels through the Ghostlands, Lor'themar's ranger roots cannot help but force repulsion upon him as he observes the fate that befell southern Quel'Thalas—the fate that would befall more of it were it not for the tireless efforts of those who had perished to protect it.

Lor'themar arrives at his destination, the Quel'Lithien Lodge that he and his fellow Farstriders had many a time visited as heroes of their people. He is greeted by the cold response of the quel'dorei rangers present, and after a harsh exchange with them, he throws down his weapons. Lor'themar requests an audience with a former comrade - one Ranger Lord Hawkspear, and Aurora Skycaller. It is granted, and Lor'themar comes face-to-face with the embittered Hawkspear and Skycaller. Lor'themar reveals that a number of the Sunfury had returned to Quel'Thalas, and Hawkspear asks as to whether the return of the prince's forces means Lor'themar is here to apologize on behalf of Kael'thas. Lor'themar says that would likely be so, if the prince was still alive. As a shocked Hawkspear hears the tale, Lor'themar painfully tells the story of the fate that befell their scion, and Aurora concludes that the Sunwell has thus been returned to its people.

Hawkspear inquires about who will take the crown of Quel'Thalas, and Lor'themar—referencing Prince Kael'thas' royal decree that King Anasterian would be the last king of Quel'Thalas—states that there are none alive with any right to it. Having informed them of this turn of events, Lor'themar mentions that now the Ghostlands have become far more secure with the Sunfury's input, he could offer the battered quel'dorei aid and supplies. Despite Lor'themar's good intentions, however, Hawkspear is furious at the notion. He reveals that Lor'themar had banished those few who opposed Rommath's radical teachings from their home rather than lead a nation divided, and that they have been forced to scrape a living within the harsh plaguelands rather than their homes. In addition, he mentions that Horde agents on behalf of one Nathanos Blightcaller had attacked the lodge, ransacking their documents for a registry and killing several rangers in the process. Hawkspear states that these Forsaken were Lor'themar's allies, and that by rights he should kill Lor'themar in retaliation, and send his head to Sylvanas.

Lor'themar attempts to mend their bridges, assuring them that he was entirely unaware, though it is to no avail. Hawkspear cannot bring himself to order his death; instead, he outright demands that Lor'themar begone from the lodge, and that any "aid" he dares send to Quel'Lithien will be returned to him wrapped around its bearers' hearts. The regent lord immediately leaves with his Farstriders, and finds himself wounded far deeper than he had expected. Reflecting on Hawkspear's words, he makes the journey back to Silvermoon in the chilling snowfall. One of his Farstriders suggests he don his cloak, though Lor'themar can only lament that he could not possibly feel any colder.

Upon his return, Aethas inquires about how his journey was conducted - specifically, if as a ranger he could find some common ground with one who opposes the blood elves being allowed entry to Dalaran - another ranger named Vereesa Windrunner. After Rommath and Halduron conclude that the journey was a failure, Aethas deduces that such a thing is thus unlikely, and Lor'themar informs him that his deduction is correct. Later, Lor'themar reiterates the tale to Halduron, and reasons that he had no choice but to banish them; that he could not possibly afford to lead a nation violently divided at that point. They speak of Nathanos, and Lor'themar cannot bring himself to believe that their former comrade could have turned on the quel'dorei so. However, Halduron encourages the embittered regent lord, and reasons that while trusting the Forsaken was a risk, no one else would fight for Quel'Thalas.

Later, Lor'themar begins to consider how to deal with Aethas' request. He is interrupted by a courier, who states that an individual of importance is here to see him. Lor'themar notes that he is unavailable, though the courier informs him that the Banshee Queen will not wait. Lor'themar quickly ventures into Sunfury Spire to meet with the Dark Lady; Halduron and Rommath flanking him. He stares upon Sylvanas with a listless interest; the wounds of the Scourge invasion coming back to him after looking upon her face. Sylvanas informs him that the Horde has declared war on the Lich King, and insists that as fellow members of the Horde, the sin'dorei dedicate troops. Lor'themar is apprehensive, citing that he had only just overcome the civil war at Quel'Danas. Sylvanas reasons that if the sin'dorei do not mobilize, they would certainly lose Horde support - specifically, Forsaken support in their lands. With his arm twisted, Lor'themar relents, and agrees to send troops to the Undercity, though Rommath is less willing to give into Sylvanas' orders. Lor'themar silences a brief argument between his enraged Grand Magister and the Dark Lady and bids his former ranger-general a Thalassian farewell.

Rommath is outraged and confronts Lor'themar for giving in to what was essentially blackmail. Lor'themar states that he does what needs to be done for the survival of Quel'Thalas, even if that means playing the role of a pawn. Rommath simply informs him that another leader of the sin'dorei had once said something similar to him, and that Rommath did not challenge him; indeed, at the time he thought him right - and that they had buried him on Quel'Danas. He leaves to inform the Blood Knight leadership of the Regent Lord's decision.

Lor'themar informs Halduron of what has been decided and orders him to prepare the Farstriders for battle. Halduron also appears somewhat disheartened by Lor'themar's decision, treating him with an uncharacteristically cold courtesy, though unlike Rommath, he does not vocalize his concerns. Lor'themar then finally agrees to support Aethas' endeavour, though not on behalf of the Kirin Tor. He sends Aethas to confer with Rommath, and Lor'themar, seething, notes that Quel'Thalas is still ruled by his will alone.

Wrath of the Lich King[]

WotLK Le contenu de cette section est exclusif à Wrath of the Lich King.


Lor'themar et Rommath observent le Puits de soleil restauré.

Suite à la restauration du Puits de soleil et les événements de Quel'Danas, Lor'themar Theron a transformé le site en lieu de culte pour son peuple. Le Puits de soleil est alors gardé par des Gardiens des Arcanes et des Gardes Honoraires du Puits de soleil. Il autorisa aussi les pèlerinages des elfes de sang et des hauts elfes pour visiter le site. Lor'themar lui-même peut être aperçu à proximité du Puits de soleil lors des quêtes pour restaurer Quel'Danas, aux côtés de Rommath, Liadrin et Auric. Il fut d'abord septique quant à l’authenticité de l'épée, même s'il changea rapidement d'opinion après une inspection de celle-ci.


Lor'themar prend Quel'Delar.

Pour un personnage non elfe de sang, Lor'themar remercie le joueur pour avoir retourner Quel'Dalar à ses "propriétaires de droits", et tenta de la prendre. Cependant, l'épée ne le reconnut pas comme son maître et le projetta à travers le Plateau, coupant une part importante de sa vie. Rommath et les gardes du Puits de soleil se déplacent alors pour interpeler le joueyr et AUric pour leur trahison apparente. Après une discussion, Auris réussit à améliorer la situation. Rommath, demande alors au joueur de partir avec l'épée, si elle n'est pas pour eux. [28]

Si le joueur est un elfe de sang, Lor'themar observe simplement Quel'Dalar lors de sa purification dans le Puits de soleil. Lor'themar, Rommath et Auric échangent tous des mots de félicitations pour la part jouée par le joueur dans la récupération de l'épée et Lor'themar s'incline devant le joueur. Lor'themar nomme alors le joueur un héros et une inspiration pour les sin'dorei, mais aussi un "symbole pour l'endurance des sin'dorei face aux tragédies et trahisons", et Rommath demande au joueur d'amener l'épée reforgée à l'Archimage Aethas Sunreaver.[3]


Cataclysm Le contenu de cette section est exclusif à Cataclysm.

Avec la restauration du Puits de soleil, les elfes de sang avaient devant eux un nouveau chemin de gloire. Après avec dirigé Quel'Thalas à travers ses heures les plus ombres, Lor'themar a décidé de diriger son peuple vers un futur prospère et l'a ouvertement encouragé à se tourner vers le Puits de Soleil pour assouvir leur addiction à la magie. Alors que de nombreux elfes de sang suivent les mots de leur seigneur régent, certains hésitent à se débarrasser de leur dépendance à la magie des arcanes.[29]

Après le retour de l'empire Amani, Halduron et les Pérégrins sont partis affronter les trolls Amani à Zul'Aman avec l'aide de Vol'jin et de ses forces d'élite. Débordé, le général-ranger demanda à Vereesa Coursevent et ses rangers de les aider pour protéger Quel'Thalas de l'invasion des Amani. Lor'themar appris que Vereesa voyageait à travers les Terres Fantômes, ce qui l'irrita. Il envoya alors un messager à Halduron qui était également dans les Terres Fantômes, pour lui demander la raison de la présence de Vereesa. Après, une brève conversation avec Halduron sur sa décision d'inviter une "exilée" sur leurs terres, le message de Lor'themar appris qu'il y avait mise en place d'un assaut contre les Amani avec une conjonction des forces de Vol'jin, Halduron et Vereesa. Il est alors renvoyé à Lune-d'argent pour expliquer les plans de la bataille.[30]

Les Vagues de la Guerre[]

WoW-novel-logo-16x62 Le contenu de cette section est exclusif aux romans et aux nouvelles de Warcraft.

Lor'themar était présent durant la réunion des dirigeants de la Horde avec Sylvanas Coursevent, Vol'jin, Baine Sabot-de-Sang, Prince Marchand Gallywix, Eitrigg, Malkorok et Garrosh Hurlenfer. Il était à la droite de Garrosh. Alors que la plupart des dirigeants dévisageaient Garrosh, Lor'themar apparut plus tolérant aux côtés de Garrosh, qui en retour avait développé un certain respect pour le seigneur régent. [31]

Lor'themar fut impassible en regardant les inquiétudes de Sylvanas liée à la chute de Theramore, malgré le fait que Sylvanais pense que les Réprouvés et les sin'dorei soit les plus à risque en cas de représailles. Lor'themar l'ignora à répétition lors de la réunion, malgré les tentatives de Sylvanas de regagner la sympathie du seigneur régent. Garrosh convoqua plus tard Lor'themar pour une audience privée et le remercia de sa loyauté. A ce moment, Lor'themar fit bien comprendre que sa loyauté était pour la Horde, mais Garrosh lui rappela qu'il était la Horde. Lor'themar le corrigea en disant qu'il en était simplement le dirigeant. Alors que Garrosh observait le cortège sin'dorei quitter Orgrimmar, il conclut mal à l'aise qu'il devait particulièrement garder un œil sur Lor'themar.

Mists of Pandaria[]

MoP Le contenu de cette section est exclusif à Mists of Pandaria.


One Last Grasp Silvermoon

Lor'themar, Halduron, Rommath, and a rescued Aethas back in Silvermoon.

Lor'themar is summoned to Pandaria by Warchief Garrosh, and leaves with a Reliquary excavation and a retinue of the Sunfury forces, rangers and Blood Knights for protection. Lor'themar is first seen in the Shrine of Two Moons alongside his bodyguard, Ellendra Palescorn, Garrosh and Malkorok. Lor'themar clashes with Garrosh after the warchief fails to warn him of a strong mogu presence in Kun-Lai Summit, though pushes on with his orders to uncover mogu artifacts in the area. Later, Lor'themar sends Horde agents along with Ranger Orestes and Blood Knight Aenea to discreetly fight their way through the mogu-controlled Valley of the Emperors, and to capture and interrogate the mogu leaders before Garrosh – who Lor'themar concludes is sceptical of his loyalty at this point – can hamper their chances of a subtle victory.

Lor'themar becomes increasingly wary of Garrosh's emulation of the mogu, a race of belligerent conquerors whose brutal reign saw them overthrown by the more moderate Pandaren. Theron returns to Silvermoon, and is ordered by Garrosh to uncover the secrets of a certain mogu device. Lor'themar puts Rommath to the task, and calls upon Archmage Aethas Sunreaver to assist him in figuring out this quandary. Rommath makes considerable progress with its understanding, though a rampant sha is released on Silvermoon, compelling the grand magister and Aethas – their emotions heightened by the sha – to come to blows. Horde heroes and the Silvermoon guards are able to contain the threat, and Lor'themar arrives to bear witness to it.

Lor'themar reiterates his past as a ranger, and why the sin'dorei are part of the modern Horde. However, coming under the same disregard and scrutiny on behalf of Garrosh as the blood elves had suffered under Garithos years before, Lor'themar considers looking into “Old Alliances.” Rumors of Lor'themar's dissatisfaction with Garrosh's leadership begin to spread within the Horde's ranks, and Theron himself enters into talks with King Varian Wrynn to negotiate Quel'Thalas back into the Alliance.

Theron then waits in Garrosh'ar Advance while Garrosh and Baine interrogate Shan Kien. Garrosh organized a heist in Darnassus that led to the blaming of the blood elves and thus sabotaging Theron's diplomatic efforts.[32] With Fanlyr Silverthorn's help, members of the Horde take the Divine Bell from the Alliance and send it to Silvermoon. Jaina Proudmoore, leader of the Kirin Tor, is quickly able to discover that someone within her organization helped the Horde circumvent her wards. Enraged at what she believes to be another betrayal, Jaina leads a purge of the Sunreavers from Dalaran, with many being imprisoned while others killed. Rommath himself leads a rescue mission that sees Aethas and a number of Sunreavers rescued, though many more are said to still be imprisoned in the Violet Hold. Lor'themar and Halduron quickly move to oversee the return of the rescued elves in the Court of the Sun.

After giving a speech about how Jaina's purge was inexcusable and her actions reaffirm his belief in supposed Alliance bigotry, and the fact they also had led the blood elves back to Hellscream's Horde to Rommath, Halduron and Aethas, Lor'themar concludes that Garrosh had bought his new treasure with the blood of Lor'themar's people, and hopes dearly that it destroys him. Lor'themar orders Rommath to summon the magi and add the Sunreavers' strength to his own, and for Halduron to assemble the rangers. Rommath comments that Lor'themar would make "a fine Warchief", and noting that it might come to that. Theron demands his blades and vows that the next move will belong to him.

Rise of the Thunder King[]

Theron Crimson Treader

Lor'themar aboard his destroyer, the Crimson Treader.

Lor'themar takes command of the Horde forces moving against the newly-returned Thunder King, christening his force (a coalition of Sunreavers, Magisters and rangers, among others) the Sunreaver Onslaught.

With Garrosh focusing solely on attacking the Alliance from Domination Point, Lor'themar mobilizes the Onslaught against the threat Lei Shen poses to all of Pandaria. Lor'themar's reasoning is twofold: for justice, and to claim the emperor's weaponry for himself, as leverage against Garrosh. Lor'themar suspects that a Horde uprising is on the cards, and believes it is best to be prepared for it. The conflict on the isle poses the first major martial affair Lor'themar has engaged in since being named regent lord, and Theron expresses that it will be good to find himself in the midst of battle again.

Theron Dawnseeker Promontory

Lor'themar at Dawnseeker Promontory.

From his destroyer, the Crimson Treader, Lor'themar goes about forming an alliance with the Shado-Pan. Lor'themar oversees construction of the Dawnseeker Promontory, directing agents of the Horde to strike against the Kirin Tor's base camp and to back up Halduron's attempts to battle the Zandalari. As the war effort progresses, Lor'themar personally leads the Sunreavers' attacks against the Thunder King's stronghold, the regent lord's presence on the front lines posing a danger to his person that Scout Captain Elsia is fearful of; however, Lor'themar maintains that getting his hands dirty is long overdue. Lor'themar commandeers the Lightning Vein Mine after the rangers finish off its defenders, and Theron plans to have Horde metalsmiths study mogu fabrication techniques for his own ends.

Later, the Regent Lord met with Taran Zhu and Taoshi who prepared the attack on Stormsea Landing. When Lor'themar saw Choker of Storms he immediately recognized to be a powerful artifact and claimed that Aethas will examine it.

Hordeside Bloodied Crossing

Lor'themar and Aethas battling the Zandalari at the Bloodied Crossing.

Lor'themar ultimately leads the Horde advance into the Bloodied Crossing, aiding Lord Taran Zhu's assault on the Thunder King's stronghold. Both Elsia and Aethas aid him in this task, along with a contingent of rangers. Lor'themar's forces are not alone, however -- Lady Jaina Proudmoore herself leads the Alliance advance into the courtyard. Lor'themar states that he will deal with Jaina himself if need be, and the Horde and Alliance groups focus on dealing with Shan Bu's legions before turning to one another.

Lor'themar and Jaina face off after Shan Bu is dealt with. Lor'themar demands the release of the Sunreavers from the Violet Hold, professing their innocence in Garrosh's raid on Darnassus. Jaina rebukes him with the notion that they are prisoners of war, and that she will let him leave alive if Aethas is handed over to her. Theron refuses this demand, though the parties are interrupted by an injured Taran Zhu, who orders both Lor'themar and Jaina to stand down and move on from this conflict.

After some convincing (Jaina citing the Horde's lack of effort with peace, Lor'themar stating his duty to protect his sovereign people), Lor'themar and Jaina agree to retreat bloodlessly. Jaina makes clear that no true peace will be achieved while Garrosh Hellscream rules the Horde, though to her surprise, Lor'themar states that that is precisely why he wishes to conserve his strength today. Jaina's expression softens at his answer, and the two leaders leave their "parley" with courteous bows.

Ultimately, Lor'themar acquires the leverage he had sought to find on the isle: heroes of the Horde deliver to the regent lord a crystal charged with the power of the Dark Animus, which Lor'themar uses to re-empower a dormant Animus Golem at the promontory. Lor'themar puts his top archmages to the task of extensively studying it.[33]


Lor'themar comes into contact with Chieftain Vol'jin of the Darkspear Tribe, and throws his support behind Vol'jin's burgeoning rebellion to overthrow Garrosh. However, with the Warchief oppressing, arresting, and executing members of the Darkspear as Lor'themar is still finishing up on the Isle of Thunder (and across the sea besides), Vol'jin is forced to take a more immediate approach and declares open rebellion against Garrosh.

Siege of Orgrimmar[]

After the Sha of Pride was unearthed in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Lorewalker Cho fled the scene to get help, returning with both Lor'themar and Jaina. Jaina tells the Regent Lord that she is not surprised that Garrosh's arrogance unleashed the Sha upon the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. They also notice that Garrosh left Gorehowl behind. Lor'themar, along with Sylvanas's Forsaken and most of the Alliance, returns from Pandaria and storm the Bladefist Bay.

On board, Theron and Sylvanas discussed if she can raise dead elves. He forbade it but did not care about the human ones. After capturing the bay and docks from the hands of the Dragonmaw orcs led by Warlord Zaela atop of Galakras, he and his blood elves make contact with Vol'jin and Baine at the front gates of Orgrimmar and arrive to aid them. Theron brought all his people's resources to the Siege of Orgrimmar, Blood Knights included.[34]

Lor'themar was present along with the rest of the Horde's leadership (barring Ji Firepaw, who was injured earlier in the siege) at the defeat and arrest of Garrosh. When Thrall named Vol'jin the new Warchief, Lor'themar bowed in respect.

Crimes de Guerre[]

WoW-novel-logo-16x62 Le contenu de cette section est exclusif aux romans et aux nouvelles de Warcraft.

Lor'themar, accompagné par Halduron, était présent lors du procès de Garrosh Hurlenfer en Pandarie, avec les autres dirigeants de la Horde et de l'Alliance. Il a eu un problème avec le fait que les Astres Vénérables soient les seuls juges, jurys et exécuteurs de Garrosh. Cependant, Taran Zhu rassura son ami sur le fait que ce ne serait pas le cas. Lor'themar était d'accord avec la proposition de faire de Baine le défendeur de Garrosh, car il pensait que Baine pouvait très bien jouer ce rôle. Cependant, il trouva que c'était une erreur de poser un veto au fait que Varian devienne l'accusateur. Lor'themar et Vereesa échangèrent de manière polie et courtoise lors du procès, à la grande surprise de Sylvanas. Lors d'une conversation en Thalassien, le seigneur régent et la dame noire discutèrent des conclusions de la journées. Reconnaissant le ressenti de Lor'themar contre elle du fait de conflits passés, Sylvanas essaya à nouveau de former un partenariat entre eux, mais sans succès. Après, l'échappement de Garrosh, Lor'themar et bien d'autre écoutèrent le verdict des Astres Vénérables.[35]


Legion Le contenu de cette section est exclusif à Legion.

Lor'themar Listens to Vol'jin

Lor'themar écoute Vol'jin choisir le nouveau chef de guerre de la Horde

Lor'themar assista à la mort de Vol'jin dans le Fort Grommash et était présent le jour de ses funérailles à la Barricade de Dranosh'ar. Il s'est battu contre les Assassins gangrelames qui avaient infiltré l’événement.

Quand le joueur de la Horde atteint le Rang de Prestige 2, Lor'themar peut être trouvé à Fossoyeuse avec les autres dirigeants notables de la Horde. Durant la quête Une Audience Royale, il est présent à la cérémonie organisée par Sylvanas Coursevent qui félicite le joueur pour ses batailles contre l'Alliance, suite à sa réception de la Médaille de Valeur de Haut Chef de Guerre du Chef de guerre, ainsi qu'une apparence d’artefact.

Suite à la fin de la Campagne d'Argus, Lor'themar Theron était présent à la parade à Orgrimmar. Il monta un faucon-pérégrin rouge et était accompagné des elfes de sang vivant à Orgrimmar. Il échangea un regard bref avec Sylvanas et acquiesça.[36] Après la parade, il participa au dîner avec les dirigeants de la Horde célébrant la défaite de la Légion ardente.[37]

Battle for Azeroth[]

Fichier:Theron in Tides of Vengeance.png

Lor'themar depuis Tides of Vengeance.

Sin'dorei leadership

A la fin de la suite de quêtes Héritage.

Battle for Azeroth Cette section concerne du contenu lié à l'extension Battle for Azeroth.

Lor'themar est d'accord avec l'opinion positive de Dame Liadrin sur les Sacrenuits de Suramar, et considère leur royaume très similaire au sien. Il a ainsi invité la Première Arcaniste Thalyssra pour une visite à Lune-d'argent. Au même moment, il accueilli également un autre invité, son ancien camarade pérégrin Alleria Coursevent, qui était venue pour essayer de convaincre le seigneur régent de Quel'Thalas de quitter la Horde et de rejoindre l'Alliance. Lor'themar répondit sèchement à l'offre d'Alleria, en disant qu'il espérait qu'elle revienne à Lune-d'argent par amour pour sa partie d'origine et non pas en messagère de l'enfant-roi. Alleria demanda alors si ces mots était bien les seins, ou si le noble pérégrin qu'elle connu n'était devenu qu'un porte-parole de sa sœur. De plus, le lien entre Alleria et le Vide était également un problème entre eux. Alleria conclut alors que son offre avait été anticipée et éconduite. Avant de partir, elle demanda de pouvoir visiter le Puits de soleil, étant donné que cela faisait plusieurs milliers d'années qu'elle ne l'avait vu. Rommath, suspicieux, s'y opposa, mais Lor'themar le contredit, disant que quoiqu'elle ai pu devenir, Alleria restait une fille de Quel'Thalas et qu'ils ne pouvaient lui refuser un pèlerinage. Le premier contact de Lor'themar avec Thalyssra fut plus positif et les deux s'apprécièrent rapidement.

Le groupe conduit Rommath au portail du Puits du Soleil, mais le site sacré avec était attaqué par des bêtes du vide qui avaient senti la présence d'Alleria. Lor'themar participa à la bataille contre ses agents du vide, dont une énorme horreur du vide qui essaya directement de contaminer le Puits du Soleil. Après la bataille, Lor'themar écarta la tentative de Rommath d’accuser Alleria d'être une saboteuse, mais la bannit tout de même de ses terres, car sa présence pouvait être une menace directe pour Quel'Thalas. Lor'themar s'excusa auprès de Thalyssra pour cette tournure inattendue des événements, mais la dirigeante des Sacrenuits refusa son excuse, expliquant que cette bataille lui avait montré la dévouement de Lor'themar pour son peuple et ses traditions. Thalyssra offrit ensuite le soutien de Suramar à la cause de la Horde et Lor'themar lui assura que les portes de Lune-d'argent lui serait toujours ouvertes.[38][39][40]

Lor'themar est l'un des dirigeants de la Horde qui a participé à la Bataille de Lordaeron pour défendre les Ruines de Lordaeron. A la fin, il s'échappa avec Sylvanas et Baine.

Lor'themar au côté de Liadrin aida les elfes de sangs de niveau 120 et Exalté envers Lune-d'argent a participer à un rite annuel en mémoires des pertes des elfes de sang lors de leur combat contre le Fléau, ce qui permet au personnage d’acquérir l'armure héritage.

Lor'themar était présent aux funérailles du Roi Rastakhan et au couronnement de la Reine Talanji, aux côtés des autres dirigeants de la Horde.

Quand Baine fut arrêté et Thomas Zelling tué pour leur participation à la libération de Derek Portvaillant, Lor'themar s'inquiéta du fait que Sylvanas puisse avoir lancé la Horde suit un chemin de ruines.[41]

Rise of Azshara[]

Lor'themar later joined the Horde fleet under the command of Nathanos Blightcaller, who used the black blade to guide the Horde fleet and the pursuing Alliance fleet towards Nazjatar where both would be attacked by the naga under Queen Azshara's command after the seas opened.[42] Following the attack, Nathanos departed to complete his own mission and in his absence, Lor'themar rallied the Horde forces together.[43] He directed the Speaker of the Horde to aid Thalyssra and ordered for his rangers to provide what aid they could to the Speaker.[44] Following the death of Tidemistress Ethendriss, the Speaker, Lor'themar, and Thalyssra ventured further into Nazjatar where they encountered Neri Sharpfin, the leader of the Unshackled.[45] As they ventured together, they were confronted with an astral projection of Queen Azshara, who boosted that Nazjatar would be the last thing they would see and promised that she would hold the waters around Nazjatar at bay as long as she remained entertained.

Deciding to work together, the Unshackled allowed the Horde to reinforce their base of Newhome.[46] As the Horde established itself, Lor'themar sent scouts to check out Azshara's palace, however, the scouts never returned. Seeking to discover what became of them, Lor'themar turned to Spiritwalker Ussoh who used his abilities to discover that the scouts were dead.[47] Recognizing that his troops were weary and needed rest, Lor'themar turned to the Unshackled who offered to aid them. Realizing that the best way to survive against Azshara's forces was to support the Horde's new allies, Lor'themar entrusted the Speaker to join with one of their hunters and aid them in their tasks, as he plotted the Horde's next move.[48]

Lor'themar later turned to Neri in order to discover what insight she could provide against the naga,[49] and Neri and the Speaker would set out against them in order to rescue enslaved members of the kelfin.[50] Lor'themar would later regroup with his allies and revealed to them that the Azerite weapons used by the naga were created by Lady Ashvane.[51] Informed of Ashvane's rescue by Azshara causes Lor'themar to realize that he had underestimated Azshara's influence and was content in securing the Azerite weapons for his allies.[52] Despite this victory Lor'themar knew that their situation remained perilous. As he considered the Horde's next move he encouraged the Speaker to further improve relations with the Unshackled as they would need their aid in the battles to come. By showing them unity, Lor'themar believed that it would teach them that there were no obstacles that could stand in the Horde's way.[53]

Lor'themar was informed by Spiritwalker Ussoh that the tauren had received a vision in which Sylvanas ordered Baine's death, causing Lor'themar to declare that they must stop prevent the vision from coming to pass.[54] Though Lor'themar followed her orders through peacetime and war, he found he couldn't follow her orders now. Declaring that Baine's execution would drive a blade into the very heart of the Horde, he then directed the Speaker to meet with allies within the Cleft of Shadow in order to save Baine. He further declared that Baine represented the best of the Horde but warned that when Sylvanas learned of their defiance her wrath would be swift and terrible.[55] Following the successful rescue, Lor'themar thanked the Speaker for saving Baine's life and voiced surprise that Jaina Proudmoore and Mathias Shaw came to his aid as well. In turn, Thalyssra was surprised by Lor'themar's shock, as she recalled the Horde and Alliance working together to liberate Suramar from the Legion, which caused Lor'themar to reveal that cooperation between the sides was more the exception than the rule. Thalyssra countered that their animosity only strengthened Azshara and that divided neither Horde or the Alliance would be a match for her. Lor'themar retorted that as long as Sylvanas had the loyalty of the people and as long as she was Warchief, the war would never end in their hearts, causing Thalyssra to muse that it might enough to simply direct their attacks against Azshara over the Alliance. After recalling Taran Zhu's words, Lor'themar declared that Thalyssra was correct and that they needed to focus their attacks on Azshara but warned that if the Alliance undermined their efforts the flames of war would rise again.[56]

Seeking to gain control of the Tidestone away from Azshara, Lor'themar directed Thalyssra and the Speaker to investigate the ruins of Zin-Azshari for anything potent enough to counter Azshara's sorcery.[57] After Lor'themar learned that the Javelins of Suramar were obtained, he declared that the javelins would allow them to obtain the Tidestone of Golganneth.[58] Declaring that now was the time to act, Lor'themar directed the Horde to take the fight to the naga. En route, however, the Horde encountered Alliance forces led by Jaina and Genn Greymane and after a brief argument, both sides agreed to fight together against Azshara's forces, where during the fighting Lor'themar fought side by side with Genn. After the Javelins of Suramar were used to shatter the Tidestone's protective barrier around Lady Zharessa, Lor'themar joined the fight against Azshara's champion.[59] After Jaina and Thalyssra combined their magics in order to use the Tidestone to open the way to Azshara's Palace, Lor'themar warned that they couldn't underestimate Azshara as she was one of the most powerful sorceresses alive but declared, nevertheless, that she must be defeated. However, Lor'themar and Jaina argued about which side would deal the final blow to the Queen only to be interrupted by Azshara herself, who formally invited all of them to enter her palace.[60]

Accepting Azshara's invitation, Lor'themar was among the forces to strike at the heart of Azshara's power. After Azshara was defeated, Lor'themar and Jaina approached about to finish her off when the chains binding N'Zoth shattered and the Old God subsequently rescued Azshara. Though triumphant over Azshara, Lor'themar considered it a hollow victory as not only did Azshara survive but N'Zoth was freed. He also agreed with Jaina's assessment that the Blood War has kept them distracted and that divided they had no hope against N'Zoth. Thus Lor'themar vowed to tell his people of what transpired in Nazjatar, of how Azshara fell because the Horde and Alliance stood together, and of the rising threat of N'Zoth. Then he vowed to take his place besides Saurfang and Thrall.







Notes et faits[]



Official art[]

Fan art[]


Changements de patchs[]

  • Patch 8.2.0 : Ajout d'une épée unique.
  • Patch 8.1.0 (11/12/2018) : Mise à jour du modèle.
  • Patch 8.0.1 (17/07/2018) : Mis au niveau 120.
  • Patch 7.3.5 (16/01/2018) : Nouvelles paroles.
  • Patch 7.0.3 (19/07/2016) : Mis au niveau 110.
  • Patch 6.0.2 (14/10/2014) : Mis au niveau 100.
  • Patch 5.1.0 (27/11/2012) : Mise à jour mineure du modèle, Mise à jour de la voix.
  • Patch 5.0.4 (28/08/2012) : Mis au niveau 90.
  • Patch 4.0.3a (23/11/2010) : Mise à jour de la voix.
  • Patch 4.0.1 (12/10/2010) : Mis au niveau 85, Mise à jour du modèle.
  • Patch 3.0.2 (14/10/2008) : Mis au niveau 80.
  • Patch 2.0.3 (09/01/2007) : Ajout


  1. The Characters of Warcraft/Lor'themar Theron
  2. Messager de Lune-d'argent#Dialogue
  3. 3,0 et 3,1 La Purification de Quel'Delar (Horde)
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 et 4,4 Sang des Bien-nés
  5. The Burning Crusade Townhall/History of the Blood Elves#Chapter 6: Reconstruction
  6. The Warcraft Encyclopedia/High Elves
  7. Blood of the Highborne, chapter 1
  8. The Sunwell Trilogy
  9. 9,0 et 9,1 The Burning Crusade Townhall/History of the Blood Elves#Chapter 4: The Third War (Warcraft 3)
  10. It does tend to sound informal
  11. It does tend to sound informal
  12. 12,0 12,1 et 12,2 Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 144 - 145
  13. "Path of the Damned: Into the Realm Eternal, Key of the Three Moons", Warcraft III. Blizzard Entertainment.
  14. "Path of the Damned: Fall of Silvermoon", Warcraft III. Blizzard Entertainment.
  15. Modèle:Ref WoWCV3
  16. 16,0 et 16,1 The Burning Crusade Townhall/History of the Blood Elves#Chapter 5: Rise of the Blood Elves
  17. Ghostlands
  18. 18,0 et 18,1 The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Blood Elves#Blood Elves and the Horde
  19. 19,0 19,1 et 19,2 Erreur de référence : Balise <ref> incorrecte : aucun texte n’a été fourni pour les références nommées In the Shadow of the Sun
  20. World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 150
  21. The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Blood Elves
  22. World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 150
  23. The Traitor's Destruction
  24. Hero of the Sin'dorei quest chain
  25. World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 145
  26. World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 157
  27. World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 159
  28. The Purification of Quel'Delar (Alliance)
  29. Erreur de référence : Balise <ref> incorrecte : aucun texte n’a été fourni pour les références nommées
  30. Silvermoon Messenger
  31. Tides of War
  32. The Characters of Warcraft/Lor'themar Theron
  33. Life Blood
  34. Dave Kosak on Twitter (2014-04-15).
  35. Crimes de Guerre
  36. Before the Storm, chapter 2
  37. Legion Epilogue Horde Cinematic
  38. Silvermoon City (quest)
  39. Remember the Sunwell
  40. The Nightborne
  41. A Display of Power
  42. of Azshara Now Live – Cinematic (Alliance)
  43. Descent (Horde)
  44. The First Arcanist
  45. Up Against It
  46. Stay Low, Stay Fast!
  47. Scouting the Palace
  48. Down Into Nazjatar
  49. Insight into Our Enemies
  50. Deteriorating Knowledge
  51. Stealing the Naga's Secrets
  52. Clearing Out the Cache
  53. Down But Not Out
  54. Visions of Danger
  55. Old Allies
  56. Stay of Execution
  57. To Zin-Azshari
  58. We'll Poke Their Eye Out
  59. The Tide Turns
  60. The Eternal Palace: Queen's Gambit