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APB Skill Cuisine WoW Icon 16x16 Cuisine (Profession)

La Cuisine est une des professions secondaires de World of Warcraft.

De l'aile de chauve-souris croustillante à la queue de sagerelle délicieuse, il n'existe pas de recettes trop obscures ou étranges qui n'attirent les chefs cuisiniers d'Azeroth. La nourriture est utilisée en jeu pour soigner les joueurs hors des combats, pour qu'ils puissent retourner se battre le plus rapidement possible. De nombreux plats possèdent également des bénéfices durables, sous la forme d'une amélioration qui peut durer de 15 minutes à 1 heure.

Alors que vous voyagez à travers le monde, il arrivera fréquemment que vous trouviez des bouts de viande qui, au lieu d'être vendus à des marchands, peuvent être utilisés pour cuisiner. En fait, même si la viande et le poisson sont les principaux ingrédients de cuisine, vous découvrirez qu'il y a de très nombreux objets qui peuvent être utilisés pour cuisiner. Si vous êtes un joueur qui a besoin de nourriture, par exemple car vous jouez seul ou êtes d'une classe qui ne peut se soigner, la cuisine pourra donc devenir très importante pour vous.

Il est possible d'acheter de la nourriture à des marchands, mais la nourriture fabriquée par la cuisine est presque gratuite et beaucoup plus efficace. La cuisine est également une profession secondaire originale qui peut permettre de créer à loisir des plats originaux et amusants.

Presque toute la nourriture cuisinée, qui ne donne pas d'amélioration spéciale, va conférer au joueur l'amélioration Bien nourri durant 15, 30 ou 60 minutes en plus d'une régénération périodique de la santé. Ce type d'amélioration va booster les statistiques du personnage. Par exemple s'il reste un peu de temps avant un combat, manger un Ragoût épais de kodo peut permettre d'avoir 12 points d'esprit et 12 points d'endurance supplémentaires pendant 15 minutes. +12 points d'endurance correspondent à 120 points de vie et +12 points d'esprit permet de régénérer du mana plus rapidement. Une liste des recettes et des améliorations associées peut être trouvé sous Bien nourri. À l'origine quasiment toute la nourriture cuisinée ne fournissait que de l'Esprit et de l'Endurance ; cela fut changé lors de The Burning Crusade, qui a introduit des améliorations Bien nourri qui au lieu d'augmenter l'Esprit augmentent l'Agilité ou la Force.

D'autres exemples de nourritures spéciales peuvent inclure la nourriture pour les mascottes de combat, l'alcool et des "banquets" qui peuvent être placé en tant qu'objet permettant d'être consommé par plusieurs joueurs à la fois.

Présentation officielle[]

Cooks experiment with strange and wondrous ingredients gathered from the far corners of Azeroth. A dedicated chef is able to turn mundane ingredients, recently caught fish or leftover animal meat into a delectable and nutritious meal. Ambitious cooks can even create massive feasts to sate the hunger of entire adventuring parties. Food made with cooking speeds health recovery, and some foods provide long-term buffs to heroes with full bellies.

Cooking is a secondary profession - anyone can train to be a cook, no matter how many other professions they've devoted themselves to.

Most cooking must be done over a heat source - either a cooking fire you've started yourself, or an open stove, campfire, etc.

Though many cooking recipes utilize meat from animals you've slain in the wilderness (making cooking a convenient way to utilize your leftovers), the fishing profession also provides you with a great deal of stock to try out new recipes. The health benefits of Azerothian seafood are well-documented.[1]

Classes suggérées[]

Toutes les classes peuvent bénéficier de la cuisine indépendamment de leurs rôles. De plus, l'ajout de nouvelles recettes à chaque extension permet d'avoir toujours un nouveau contenu.


La création de nourriture requiert trois composants : une recette, des ingrédients et de la chaleur.

  • Les recettes de cuisine peuvent être apprises par les maîtres de cuisine, qui peuvent être trouvé dans les capitales et certaines villes de moindre importance, ou par des recettes (des objets) qui peuvent être obtenu comme butin sur des créatures, acheté auprès de vendeurs ou obtenu en récompense de quêtes.
  • Les ingrédients seront souvent de la viande obtenu sur les bêtes ou des poissons. Certaines recettes nécessitent également des ingrédients que l'on peut uniquement acheter comme l'Inv drink 07 [Eau de source] ou des herbes obtenues par un herboriste.
  • La source de chaleur doit être un feu de cuisine, comme un feu de camp, un brasier ou une cheminée, mais pas une forge.

Résumé des niveaux d'expérience[]

Recettes de cuisine

Outreterre TBC
Norfendre WotLK
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandarie MoP
Draenor WoD
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth

Nom Niveau maximal Continent associé
Recettes du vieux monde 300 Kalimdor, Royaumes de l'Est
Plats de l'Outreterre 75 Outreterre
Recettes du Grand Nord 75 Norfendre
Recettes de Cataclysm 75 Zones du Cataclysme
Cuisine pandarène 75 Pandarie
Nourriture de Draenor 100 Draenor
Nourriture des Îles Brisées 100 Îles Brisées
Nourriture de Kul Tiras 175 Kul Tiras
Nourriture de Zandalar 175 Zandalar


La cuisine est comme toutes les autres professions d'artisanat. Pour pouvoir progresser, il faut créer de la nourriture de niveau de plus en plus élevé en obtenant de nouvelles recettes et de nouveaux ingrédients. Quand on crée un objet de niveau de profession adéquat, on peut gagner des points de compétence.

La couleur de la recette dans la fenêtre de cuisine indique le gain de points de compétence de Cuisine associé à l'objet. Le code couleur est le même pour toutes les professions :

  • Rouge = Impossible à créer ; un niveau de compétences de cuisine plus important est nécessaire. Cela ne sera jamais affiché pour une recette connue comme un sort, mais pour une recette sous forme d'objet.
  • Orange = Toujours récompensé par des points de compétences de cuisine, sauf si le niveau maximal est déjà atteint.
  • Jaune = Souvent récompensé par des points de compétences de cuisine.
  • Vert = Rarement récompensé par des points de compétences de cuisine.
  • Gris = Jamais récompensé par des points de compétences.

Tous les objets vont devenir gris au fur et à mesure de la progression dans la profession. La plupart des objets commencent orange lorsqu'on les apprend, mais certains peuvent commencer jaune, vert voire gris.

Avec l'extension World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, la cuisine, comme les autres professions, a vu une refonte de son système de niveau. Désormais, il existe un niveau de progression séparés pour la cuisine associée à chaque extension.

Apprentice (0-75)[]

Modèle:See also

  • Cooking trainers which are able to train you all the way to Illustrious Grand Master are found several places in the game. For young chefs, cooking trainers can conveniently often be found in the second village a player is likely to find, such as Kharanos in Dun Morogh or Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore. This is common for most professions.
  • Apprentice Cooking can be obtained for a cost of 1s.
  • Apprentice Cooking can be learned at level 5. Unlike most professions however, Cooking does not have any level-requirements in order to learn skill levels. Technically, this means a level 5 player could level cooking all the way to skill 525 (max) as long as higher-level players supplied the ingredients and recipes needed.
  • Upon obtaining the Cooking-ability, you will instantly learn three recipes; Roasted Boar Meat, Charred Wolf Meat and Herb Baked Egg. In addition, you may learn Spice Bread right away from the trainer.
  • Trade fishing Fishing is a very useful, possibly mandatory profession for anyone who practices or levels cooking. It is a good idea to learn it at the same time you learn cooking, and afterwards try to level both professions at the same time (no matter how boring fishing may be).
  • You can start doing the Cataclysm-daily cooking quests in Stormwind or Orgrimmar once you become level 10. Each quest turned in yields +1 or +2 skills to cooking (depending on quest). The Chef's Awards can be used much later.

Journeyman (76-150)[]

Modèle:See also

  • Journeyman Cooking is taught by cooking trainers for 5s when you reach Cooking skill 50.
  • Most cooking recipes are not learned from trainer, but from recipes as items. While 9 recipes are available from trainer from skill 0-75, only 2 are available from skill 80-125. This means that the foods you'll be using to level cooking with will likely be learned from recipes purchased from different vendors. This is the case with higher levels of cooking as well.

Expert (151-225)[]

See also: List of Expert Cooking Recipes
  • Expert Cooking is taught by cooking trainers for 1g when you reach Cooking skill 125.
  • Before patch 3.1.0, chefs had to buy the item Expert Cookbook from a vendor some distance from any major city in order to learn Expert Cooking. This is however no longer needed as trainers after the patch are able to teach it.

Artisan (226-300)[]

Modèle:See also

  • Artisan Cooking is taught by cooking trainers for 2g 50s when you reach Cooking skill 200.
  • Before patch 3.1.0, obtaining Artisan Cooking required the completion of a quest. The quest, Quest:Clamlette Surprise, is still available and now teaches a recipe instead: Clamlette Magnifique.
  • Cooking at skill 300 will also grants access to a few TBC-recipes.
    • In patch 2.3.0, The Rokk <Master of Cooking> TBC was added to the game. He gives daily cooking quests which require a cooking skill of at least 275 and are only available for players at or above level 70. The rewards for these quests are the only way to obtain a few recipes.
    • A few recipes at 300 skill and above are sold by NPC's which are members of factions. This means that a certain standing with the relevant factions is necessary in order to obtain them. This was already the case with several recipes used in other professions such as Blacksmithing and Enchanting prior to the Burning Crusade, but none in Cooking. The factions, along with the required standing, are:
      • NeutralSporeggar - Neutral (player begins at Unfriendly)
      • AllianceKurenai - Neutral (player begins at Unfriendly)
Notice that the standing with all these factions does not affect whether a player can learn the recipes or not, only whether it's possible to buy them. It is possible for a player that is at Neutral to buy the recipes and give them to a player who is still at Unfriendly.

Master TBC (301-375)[]

Modèle:See also

  • The Burning Crusade expansion pack offers master level cooking.
  • Master Cooking is taught by cooking trainers for 10g when you reach Cooking skill 275.
  • Before patch 3.1.0, chefs had to buy the item Master Cookbook from one of a few vendors in Outland in order to learn Expert Cooking. After the book was removed, Master Cooking could only be learned from cooking trainers in Outland and Northrend. Now, the skill is learned from all cooking trainers.
  • As mentioned, the Burning Crusade-food is a lot more varied than the food cooked below skill 300.
  • Cooking up to skill 375 will also grant access to several WotLK-recipes.
  • There are more faction-relevant recipes beyond skill 300. The factions, along with the required standing, are:
    • AllianceKurenai - Neutral (player begins at Unfriendly)
    • HordeMag'har - Neutral (player begins at Unfriendly)

Grand Master WotLK (376-450)[]

Modèle:See also

  • The Wrath of the Lich King (WOTLK) expansion pack offers Grand Master level cooking.
  • Master Cooking is taught by cooking trainers for 35g when you reach Cooking skill 350.
  • The WOTLK daily cooking quests rewards a cooking-currency called Epicurean's Award. These are used to buy WOTLK cooking recipes, and the Chef's Hat. Many of the cooking recipes in WOTLK are obtained this way.
  • Cooked food in WOTLK often have "lower" and "higher" versions, depending on whether the player use Northern Spices. For example, a Shoveltusk Flank can be cooked into a Shoveltusk Steak which yields 35 SP and 30 Stamina. With Northern Spices, you can cook it into a Tender Shoveltusk Steak which yields 46 SP and 40 Stamina instead. Lower versions can be learned with 375 cooking, but the higher ones require 400. It is the higher versions that are purchased with Cooking Awards.
  • Some recipes at skill 425 and beyond will be "feasts" which can be placed on the ground (or anywhere less dirty) in order for several players to eat from it at once. This saves materials and time. The Fish Feast which is made at skill 450 was the most powerful food in WOTLK.
  • Cooking up to skill 450 will also grant access to a few Cataclysm recipes.

Illustrious Grand Master Cataclysm (451-525)[]

Modèle:See also

  • The Cataclysm expansion pack offers Illustrious Grand Master level cooking.
  • Illustrious Grand Master Cooking is taught by cooking trainers for 50g when you reach Cooking skill 425.
  • While the daily cooking quests in Stormwind and Orgrimmar are available to level 10-players, most of the cooking recipes which are purchased with the cooking-currency Epicurean's Award require a skill over 450 to learn.
  • While WOTLK-feasts aim to fit all types of classes by giving a Well Fed which supplements different stats, Cata-feasts work a little different. Depending on the player's highest stat, Well Fed apparently gives either strength, agility or intellect. The most powerful feast in the game at the moment, Seafood Magnifique Feast, is made at skill 525 (max).
  • Like in WOTLK, most Cataclysm-recipes have a "lower" and "higher" version. The difference is that the versions in Cataclysm use different materials and no spices.

Zen Master MoP (526-600)[]

Modèle:See also

  • The Mists of Pandaria expansion pack offers Zen Master level cooking.
  • Zen Master Cooking is taught by cooking trainers for 51g when you reach Cooking skill 500, or from the quest Ready for Greatness.
  • It is possible to buy cooking ingredients for Zen Master Cooking using Ironpaw Token, gained by doing cooking quests, dailies or by a repeatable quest, Replenishing the Pantry, located at Halfhill in Valley of the Four Winds.
  • Similar to WOTLK and Cataclysm, Pandaria foods have three different versions, a "lower", "middle" and "higher" version.
  • The vegetable ingredients for recipes may be grown at the new player-controlled farm, Sunsong Ranch.

Draenor Master WoD (601-700)[]

Modèle:See also

  • Draenor Cooking is taught from The Joy of Draenor Cooking, a world drop.
  • Recipes can be discovered through cooking recipes, or sampling the dishes themselves. Recipes grant skill points all the way from 1-700.
  • Standard dishes offer +75 buffs, while delicacy dishes are combined through a meat and fish selection, and offer +100 buffs. Only +75 feasts are produced through Cooking, while the +100 feasts are obtained from the Barn. +125 buff food was added in 6.1, purchased from Garrison vendors.

Legion Master Legion (701-800)[]

Modèle:See also

  • The Legion expansion pack offers Legion Master level cooking.
  • Legion Master Cooking is taught by cooking trainers for 48g when you reach Cooking skill 700.
  • Legion food is split into several categories. Snacks provide small buffs, Light Meals provide +225 buffs, Large Meals provide +300 buffs, Delicacies combine large meals with more reagents to provide +375 buffs, and Feasts.
  • Recipes can be obtained through drops or purchased from Nomi in Dalaran.

Maître de Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth[]


Article détaillé: Quêtes de cuisine

La majorité des quêtes de cuisine sont journalières. Elles offrent souvent des recettes de cuisine (tout comme des quêtes non journalières). D'autres quêtes demandent au joueur de cuisiner quelque chose.

Hauts faits[]

Comme les autres professions secondaires, la cuisine est associée à un certain nombre de hauts faits. La plupart sont en lien avec l'apprentissage de recette, la création de nourriture et la réalisation de quêtes journalières de cuisine.

Liste des hauts faits de cuisine[]

Hauts faits de cuisine
[link]Cliquer ici pour révéler la liste (cela peut prendre quelques secondes)[/link]
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Monter de niveau en Cuisine[]

If you're trying to level cooking, there are a few useful things to note:

  • The Spice Bread which can be learned at skill 1 is great for leveling early cooking. It requires Simple Flour and Mild Spices which can be purchased from Cooking Supplier(s) (a type of vendor), and gives skillups to skill 40, at which point it turns grey. That is almost enough to obtain Journeyman. The three other recipes learned at skill 1 go grey at skill 85.
  • Alliance Kendor Kabonka <Master of Cooking Recipes> sells 13 recipes that will help you level up cooking from the drops of the lower level zones
  • As stated, the daily cooking quests in Stormwind and Orgrimmar yield skill points. This can be very nifty if you're absolutely stuck in the leveling progression, or perhaps for some reason needs an additional skill point (or two) fast.
  • Also as stated, Trade fishing Fishing is a very useful profession together with cooking. Not only are many types of fish very easy to farm compared with drops from mobs, different fishing recipes will also "overlap" each other through skill 1 to 525. This makes fish-recipes an excellent choice for leveling.
  • Basic Campfire, which is also learned when obtaining cooking, can also sometimes provide skill points.
  • During the seasonal event "Pilgrim's Bounty" it is possible to level cooking from 1 to 350 in about 30 minutes, without traveling to other places than just to your faction's capital cities. To get started, buy the Bountiful Cookbook from the Pilgrim's Bounty vendor outside any capital city, and learn all the recipes you can from it. Most of the mats for each recipe can be bought from the same vendors. Cook one recipe until you've raised your Cooking level enough to learn the next recipe; repeat as needed until you can learn Slow-Roasted Turkey at Cooking 280, then hunt and kill Mob Wild Turkey around Elwynn Forest or Tirisfal Glades.
  • This article previously listed some extensive guides for leveling cooking from skill 1 to 375 (not updated for WOTLK and Cataclysm). The guides eventually became outdated, but the Burning Crusade-part is probably still workable as neither WOTLK nor Cataclysm has affected much of Outland (due to them being separate expansions).

Alliance (300-375)[]

  • Once arriving at Outland, buy Recipe: Ravager Dog from Alliance Sid Limbardi at Honor Hold and learn Master cooking (300→375) from Alliance Gaston in the kitchen behind him. Then, farm Ravager Fleshx25 from the Ravagers in the south-west of Hellfire Peninsula on the path to Terokkar Forest (hit the Expedition Armory and travel West until you find the Ravagers). You'll need Cooking 325 to proceed.
  • Fly to Telaar in Nagrand and purchase Recipe: Talbuk Steak and Recipe: Roasted Clefthoof from Alliance Uriku (she sells two other fish based recipes which are good to have, but not required). The area immediately to the North East from Ring of Trials South to Kil'sorrow Fortress will have all the Clefthoof Meat and Talbuk Venison you'll need. There are also especially large packs of clefthoofs around Oshu'gun. Farm meat until you have 25-30 total pieces. You'll need cooking 350 to continue.
  • Fly to Evergrove in Blade's Edge Mountains and purchase Recipe: Mok'Nathal Shortribs and Recipe: Crunchy Serpent from Neutral Xerintha Ravenoak. Fly to the crossroads above Death's Door in South East Blade's Edge Mountains and farm 15-20 each of Raptor Ribs and Serpent Flesh. This should take you to level 375.

Horde (300-375)[]

  • Buy Recipe: Ravager Dog from Horde Cookie One-Eye in Thrallmar (by the stables) and learn Master cooking (300→375) from Horde Baxter. Then, go kill Ravagers around Falcon Watch until you have about 35-40 Ravager Flesh. This should get you to 325.
  • 325 to 350:
    • Buy the Recipe: Roasted Clefthoof from Nula the Butcher in Garadar (Nagrand) and then kill Clefthooves in Nagrand for about 35-40 Clefthoof Meat, or...
    • Buy the [Recipe: Warp Burger] from Horde Innkeeper Grilka in Stonebreaker Hold (Terokkar Forest) and then kill Warp stalkers/Warp Hunters around Terokkar Forest for about 35-40 Warped Flesh.
  • If you have fishing, fish up Furious Crawdads in one of three lakes around Terokkar Forest and cook them. However, these lakes are only accessible if you have a flying mount. You also need a 330+ fishing skill to be able to fish there. The three lakes are:
    • Lake Jorune - north-west of Stonebreaker Hold.
    • Lake Ere'Noru - south-east of Allerian Stronghold.
    • Blackwind Lake - in the south-east corner of the map, in the Skettis area.
  • You can buy Recipe: Spicy Crawdad from Horde Rungor in Stonebreaker Hold.
  • Non-fishers can go to Blade's Edge Mountains and find an NPC called Horde Matron Varah (she's the innkeeper at Mok'Nathal Village) who gives you the quest Quest:Mok'Nathal Treats to get her Raptor Ribs and Serpent Flesh. As reward, she'll give you the recipe for Crunchy Serpent, which will stay green until 375. It is also possible to get the recipe from Neutral Xerintha Ravenoak at Evergrove. You can now kill Scalewings (wind serpents) around Blade's Edge Mountains for Serpent Flesh. You will need about 60 to get to 375.

Changements lors de patchs[]

  • Battle for AzerothPatch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17) : Chaque profession possède désormais une barre de progression séparée pour chaque extension.
  • PTR client Patch 0.6 (2004-04-13) : Les recettes qui nécessitent du poisson ont été ajoutées aux zones de l'Alliance.

Voir aussi[]

  • Tenue de cuisine pour les adeptes de jeu de rôle
  • Powerlevel cooking and fishing (vieux)


Liens externes[]

For leveling guides please visit Tradeskill leveling guides