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Horde Conseil de la Horde
Horde Council
Membres du Conseil de la Horde
Race(s)OrcOrc Orc
TrollTroll Troll de la jungle
TaurenTauren Tauren
RéprouvéRéprouvé Réprouvé
Elfe de sangElfe de sang Elfe de sang
GobelinGobelin Gobelin
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
SacrenuitSacrenuit Sacrenuit
Tauren de Haut-RocTauren de Haut-Roc Tauren de Haut-Roc
Orc Mag'harOrc Mag'har Mag'har
Zandalari trollTroll Zandalari Troll Zandalari
Vulpérin Vulpérin Vulpérin
Base d'opérationFort Grommash

Le Conseil de la Horde[1] est le corps dirigeant de la Horde. Les membres du conseil ont chacun une position de pouvoir dans la Horde. Ils remplacent le rôle du Chef de guerre. Chaque membre est considéré comme un représentant de son peuple, même si ce n'est pas le dirigeant de la race dans certains cas.



Battle for Azeroth Cette section concerne du contenu lié à l'extension Battle for Azeroth.

In the aftermath of the end of the Fourth War and the defeat of N'Zoth, various leaders of the Horde gathered together at the Orgrimmar Embassy where they received the terms for an armistice from the Grand Alliance, putting the Fourth War on hold indefinitely, if not permanently. With that matter settled, Lor'themar Theron addressed the absence of a Warchief. Despite support for Thrall to take the mantle on again, he refused, citing that he had promised Varok Saurfang he would not take on the role once more. Instead, he brought up the notion of the Warchief being unnecessary, bringing in the belief that a change was needed for the Horde's leadership. With this, instead of a singular dictator, the Horde would be led by a conglomerate of leaders who would represent their people's interests.[2]

At the time of its creation, the council was composed of Thrall, Rokhan, Baine Bloodhoof, Lilian Voss, Lor'themar Theron, Monte Gazlowe, Ji Firepaw, Thalyssra, and Geya'rah. At some point afterwards, Chieftain Mayla Highmountain and Voldunai vulpera caravan leader Kiro joined the council.[3][4]

Shadows Rising[]

WoW-novel-logo-16x62 Le contenu de cette section est exclusif aux romans et aux nouvelles de Warcraft.

Sometime after the death of N'Zoth, the Horde Council convened with Queen Talanji of the Zandalari and a key ally. The Horde leaders sought to have Talanji take a place on the council with them, however, this meeting was derailed by a failed assassination attempt on the Queen's life. Forced into action by this, the Horde Council empowered the young troll shaman Zekhan, still grieving the loss of Varok, with a critical mission to aid Talanji and help uncover the rising threat against her.[5]

After the Earthen Ring shaman Yukha warned Thrall that something was terribly wrong in the spirit world, Thrall informed the council. Despite their misgivings and fears of an ambush, the council voted in favor of Thrall's decision to go to Nordrassil, in order to find a way to help the spirit world.[6] Thrall later informed the council of how his meeting with the kaldorei leadership went down.

Upon learning that the Alliance was aware of the unrest in Zandalar, their belief that Talanji was working with Sylvanas, and that they had requested to speak with the council, another meeting was held. The council unanimously voted in favor of Thrall and Ji Firepaw meeting with Jaina Proudmoore and Anduin Wrynn in the hopes that the meeting would aid in the hunt and capture of Sylvanas Windrunner.[7]

After the threat against her was ultimately removed by the combined Horde and Zandalari forces, Talanji joined the council.[8]

Exploring Azeroth[]

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The Horde Council was made aware of Mathias Shaw's and Flynn Fairwind's mission across the Eastern Kingdoms and allowed them to travel across Horde territories.[9] At some point following the end of the Fourth War, the council sent Belgrom Rockmaul to Feralas to answer the calls for help from Camp Ataya and Camp Mojache, which were being raided by the Gordunni ogres and Woodpaw gnolls.[10] The council also ordered for Rexxar and Zekhan to look over the Horde holdings within Kalimdor, in order to assess the needs and statuses of the people, how the wounds from the Fourth War were healing, and where there were still aches within the Horde. Thus they later received word from Zekhan about what he learned: that war took from all and how he found hope in seeing their Horde brothers and sisters rebuilding their outposts and homes, the hope in the songs and stories booming from their hearths, and ultimately hope in the Horde's future in every corner of Kalimdor. [11]



Horde Council Grommash Hold

The council and guests atop Grommash Hold.

The council, along with Aggra, Calia Menethil, Nazgrim, and Valeera Sanguinar, convened atop of Grommash Hold where they informed Horde champions of the return of the Scourge and the abduction of Thrall and Baine. They also learned from Valeera Sanguinar that Jaina Proudmoore and Anduin Wrynn had also been abducted, and that an attempt was made on Tyrande Whisperwind, who neutralized her attackers.[12] These champions were subsequently sent to unite with the Knights of the Ebon Blade and the Argent Crusade in order to combat the returning enemy.[13] Following the death of Herald Dalora, they returned to Orgrimmar to inform the council about the events that occurred in Icecrown and the dark powers that Sylvanas had allied with.[14]

Horde Council Frozen Throne

The council and Calia Menethil at the Frozen Throne.

The council, alongside leaders of the Alliance and Calia, convened with Bolvar Fordragon at the Frozen Throne within Icecrown Citadel. Though desiring to rescue their comrades the council knew that they couldn't risk the stability of the Horde and send their fellow leaders on what might well be a suicide mission. To that end, Lor'themar encouraged the Alliance to do the same by pointing out that even their captured friends would offer the same counsel. However, this earned the hostility of Tyrande, which caused the council to prepare themselves for battle before Bolvar convinced the Horde and Alliance leaders to stand down.[15]

The council, and the others, then witnessed the ritual to open the doorway to the Maw. Once the ritual was complete the council witnessed champions of Azeroth, the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and even Tyrande Whisperwind enter to rescue their comrades and seek out Sylvanas.[16] The council subsequently departed from Icecrown.

Calia, who had gone to Oribos within the Shadowlands, later sent word of Thrall's and Baine's recovery to Lor'themar Theron, who presumably informed his fellow council members.[17]

Following Zovaal's defeat, members of the Horde Council reunited with Thrall and Baine within Oribos, and then attended the judgment of Sylvanas Windrunner. After the Banshee Queen submitted to the judgment of Tyrande Whisperwind, the night elf matriarch ordered that her penance was to scour the Maw for every soul lost in its depths, betrayed or condemned and to send them forth to the Arbiter. While Voss and Thalyssra departed soon after, Lor'themar joined Thrall and Baine in witnessing Sylvanas entering the Maw to begin said penance.[18][19]

After the Forsaken reclaimed the Ruins of Lordaeron, they established a new Desolate Council to govern them.[20] As the members of the Desolate Council have equal authority, it is likely that they each can speak for the Forsaken on the Horde Council.


Modèle:Df-section When the Dragon Isles were revealed to Azeroth, the Horde leadership turned to the Reliquary and instructed them to work with the Explorers' League as a joint expedition to investigate.[21]

Membres et représentants[]

Membres du Conseil[]
Nom Rôle
IconSmall Thrall3 Thrall Chef[22] et représentant des orcs de Durotar[23]
IconSmall Rokhan Rokhan Chef et représentant des trolls de la jungle Sombrelance
IconSmall Baine Baine Sabot-de-Sang Grand Chef et représentant des tribus taurènes des Pitons-du-Tonnerre
IconSmall Voss Lilian Voss Membre du Conseil de la Désolation et représentante des morts-vivants Réprouvé
IconSmall Lor'themar Lor'themar Theron Seigneur Régent et représentant des elfes de sang de Quel'Thalas
IconSmall Gazlowe Monte Gazleu Prince marchand et représentant des gobelins du Cartel Baille-Fonds
IconSmall Ji Ji Patte de Feu Maître et représentant des pandarens Huojin
IconSmall Thalyssra Thalyssra Première Arcaniste et représentante des Sacrenuits de Suramar
IconSmall Mayla Mayla Haut-Roc Grande Cheffe et représentante des taurens de Haut-Roc
IconSmall Geya'rah Geya'rah Commandante et représentante des clans orc Mag'har
IconSmall Talanji Talanji Reine et représentante de l'Empire Zandalari et des trolls
IconSmall Kiro Kiro Dirigeant de caravane et représentant des vulpérins Volduni

Conseillers et représentants du Conseil[]

Nom Rôle
IconSmall Calia2 Calia Menethil Conseillère de Lilian Voss[24] et membre du Conseil de la Désolation
IconSmall Zandalari Female Tayo Ambassadrice de la princesse Talanji auprès de la Horde
IconSmall Troll Male Zekhan Ambassadeur du Conseil de la Horde.[25]


  • Not every member of the council is going to be in Orgrimmar all the time, with dignitaries and/or ambassadors serving as their representatives, such as in the case of Mayla Highmountain remaining in Highmountain during the events of Shadows Rising.[26]
  • Prior to becoming leaders of their people and serving on the Horde Council, Gazlowe and Rokhan served under Horde adventurers in the Garrison of Frostwall, while Lilian Voss served as a champion.
  • Ji is the only member of the council introduced after Warchief of the Horde that does not have a triggered conversation with another member of the council at the Orgrimmar Embassy.
  • Overlord Geya'rah and Mayla Highmountain are the only members of the Horde Council not mentioned in Shadows Rising.
  • According to Lor'themar Theron, Calia Menethil has been a voice of wisdom to the council.[13]
  • As of Shadows Rising every playable Horde race is represented on the council.
    • It is currently unknown if the future playable races (such as the Dracthyr) would be immediately granted a seat on the council or if the council seat would need to be earned in some manner.
    • It is currently unknown if non-playable races (such as the Stonemaul ogres) would one day have a seat on the council.



  1. Elizabeth Harper 2020-02-07. Read an excerpt of Shadowlands prequel novel Shadows Rising, featuring Zappy Boi. Blizzard Watch. Consulté le 2020-02-07.
  2. Warchief of the Horde (quest)
  3. Nobbel87 2020-07-15. Beyond Shadows Rising - Lore Interview With Madeleine Roux (57:58- 59:07). YouTube. Consulté le 2020-07-15.
  4. Shadows Rising, chapter 1
  5. Shadows Rising, chapter 4
  6. Shadows Rising, chapter 14
  7. Shadows Rising, chapter 19
  8. Shadows Rising, chapter 29
  9. World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms
  10. World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 92
  11. World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor
  12. Cause for Distraction
  13. 13,0 et 13,1 Return of the Crusade
  14. With Hope in Hand
  15. A Chilling Summons
  16. Through the Shattered Sky
  17. Torment Chamber: Thrall
  18. The Fate of Sylvanas
  19. Penance and Renewal
  20. The Desolate Council
  21. 2022-04-20, WORLD OF WARCRAFT: DRAGONFLIGHT INTERVIEW WITH JACKIE WILEY AND TINA WANG. Blizzplanet, retrieved on 2022-04-22
  22. Shadows Rising, pg. 262
  24. Shadows Rising, pg. 137
  25. World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 2
  26. Nobbel87 2020-07-15. Beyond Shadows Rising - Lore Interview With Madeleine Roux (57:58- 59:07). YouTube. Consulté le 2020-07-15.

