Pour informations sur les caractéristiques avant le Patch 6.0, voir Carctéristiques (pré-6.0).
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Les Caractéristiques, souvent connu sous le nom de stats, sont les briques de bases pour les compétences de combat d'un personnage. Les quatre caractéristiques primaires sont la force, l'agilité, l'endurance et l'intelligence. Ces caractéristiques apparaissent dans la fenêtre de personnage dans la section "Caractéristiques". L'équipement avec plusieurs caractéristiques primaires peut changer de caractéristiques augmentée en fonction de ce qui est le plus utile pour la spécialisation de classe actuelle du personnage. Par exemple, un casque en plaques avec de la force et de l'intelligence en quantité égales, seuls les Paladins sacré vont utiliser l'intelligence alors que les paladins Rétribution et Protection (et les autres classes utilisant des armures en plaques) vont utiliser la force. Les caractéristiques primaires affectent également les caractéristiques secondaires et les caractéristiques dérivées de combat.

Tous les personnages possèdent de manière innée une quantité basale de chacun des quatre caractéristiques de base qui augmente avec le niveau et dépend de la classe. Par exemple, un mage aura plus d'intelligence qu'un voleur, qui au contraire aura une agilité de base plus importante. En plus des caractéristiques de base liées au niveau, les joueurs peuvent augmenter leurs caractéristiques avec l'équipement (grâce à leurs caractéristiques de bases et aux améliorations liées aux enchantements et aux gemmes), les talents, les effets temporaires de potions ou d'auras, ou bien d'autres moyens.

Un certain nombre de Caractéristiques secondaires apparaît également sur les équipements. Les caractéristiques secondaires comprennent notamment la chance de coup critique, la hâte, la maîtrise et d'autres. Les caractéristiques secondaires affectent également les caractéristiques dérivées du combat, de manière plus directe que les caractéristiques primaires.

Rarement, certaines caractéristiques mineures peuvent également apparaître comme des propriétés bonus sur de l'équipement et avoir des effets variés comme réduire les dommages de zone subis, être soigné par les dommages effectués ou autres. Parfois ces caractéristiques mineures ne sont valables que pour des sets d'équipements.

Presque tous les mécanismes de combat reposent en partie sur une ou plusieurs caractéristiques, parmi lesquelles beaucoup ne sont pas directement sur l'équipement mais en sont dérivés. Augmenter la caractéristique appropriée augmentera les dommages effectué, réduira les dommages reçus ou autres. Comprendre comment ces caractéristiques fonctionnent est important pour un combat efficace.

Caractéristiques primaires[]

Les quatre caractéristiques primaires sont trouvées sur les objets équipés dans les huit emplacements d'armure : tête, épaules, torse, poignet, mains, jambe et pieds, mais aussi sur les armes et boucliers. Les équipements ne correspondant pas à des armures (comme les cou, dos, doigt ou bijou) n'ont pas de caractéristiques primaires.

Chacun des quatre types d'armure possèdent un ou deux caractéristiques primaires différents de l'endurance : pour les armures en plaques on trouve de la force et de l'intillegence, pour la maille et le cuir on trouve l'agilité et l'intelligence, et pour le tissu on trouve uniquement l'intelligence. Les armures qui ne sont pas en tissu ont des montants équivalents d'intelligence et de force/agilité. Pour les spécialisations de classe qui utilisent l'intelligence, les joueurs vont utiliser l'intelligence, dans les autres cas ils utiliseront l'autre caractéristique primaire. Les joueurs ne peuvent pas utiliser les deux caractéristiques primaires en même temps.


"Endurance" redirige ici. Pour d'autres utilisations, voir Endurance (désambiguïsation).

L'Endurance est la source principale de la santé. Presque toutes les armures présentent de l'endurance et toutes les classes et spécialisations portent des armures avec de l'endurance, mais les tanks en ont généralement le plus. Les joueurs convertissent l'endurance en une augmentation de la quantité de santé en fonction du niveau du personnage, avec jusqu'à 20 de santé par point d'endurance au niveau 120.

Avant Warlords of Draenor, les joueurs avaient une santé de base indépendante de l'endurance, mais ce n'est plus le cas. Comme pour les autres caractéristiques primaires, les joueurs ont toujours une endurance de base à tous les niveaux qui permet d'avoir un niveau basal de santé, même sans porter d'équipement.


"Force" redirige ici. Pour d'autres utilisations, voir Force (désambiguïsation).

La Force augmente la puissance d'attaque et est la caractéristique la plus importante pour les classes avec des armures en plaques avec un rôle de tank ou de faiseur de dégâts. Cela inclut :

Pour les classes portant des armures en plaques, la force est également convertie en parade.


"Agilité" redirige ici. Pour d'autres utilisations, voir Agilité (désambiguïsation).

L'Agilité augmente la puissance d'attaque en mêlée ou à distance et est la caractéristique la plus importante pour les classes portant des armures en cuir ou armures en maille et ayant un rôle de tank ou faiseur de dégâts. Cela inclut :

  • Les Ui-charactercreate-classes shaman Chamans : Amélioration
  • LesUi-charactercreate-classes hunter Chasseurs : Maîtrise des bêtes, Précision, et Survie
  • Les Ui-charactercreate-classes demonhunter Chasseur de démonss : Dévastation et Vengeance
  • LesUi-charactercreate-classes druid Druides : Féral et Gardien
  • LesUi-charactercreate-classes monk Moines : Maître-brasseur et Marche-vent
  • Les Ui-charactercreate-classes rogue Voleurs : Assassinat, Hors-la-loi, et Finesse

Pour les classes portant de la maille et du cuir, l'agilité est également convertie en esquive.


"Intelligence" redirige ici. Pour d'autres utilisation, voir Intelligence (désambiguïsation).

L'Intelligence augmente la puissance d'attaque et est la Caractéristique la plus importante pour les classes utilisant du mana (indépendamment du type d'armure) avec un rôle de faiseur de dégâts ou de soigneur. Cela inclut :

  • Les Ui-charactercreate-classes shaman Chamans : Elémentaire et Restauration
  • Les Ui-charactercreate-classes warlock Démonistes : Affliction, Démonologie, et Destruction
  • Les Ui-charactercreate-classes druid Druides : Equilibre et Restauration
  • Les Ui-charactercreate-classes mage Mages : Arcane, Feu, et Givre
  • Les Ui-charactercreate-classes monk Moine : Tisse-brume
  • Les Ui-charactercreate-classes paladin Paladins : Sacré
  • Les Ui-charactercreate-classes priest Prêtres : Discipline, Sacré, et Ombre

Caractéristiques secondaires[]

Il y a 5 caractéristiques secondaires : le critique, la hâte, la maîtrise, le coup multiple et la polyvalence. Il y a aussi 2 caractéristiques secondaires liées au rôle : armure bonus (pour les tanks) et l'esprit (pour les soigneurs) ainsi que 2 autres caractéristiques spécifiques au PvP : puissance PvP et résistance PvP . Contrairement au caractéristiques primaires et tertiaires, 2 même pièces d'équipements ont le même nombre de caractéristiques secondaires. Les 5 caractéristiques secondaires peuvent apparaitre sur toutes les pièces d'équipement mais les 2 caractéristiques secondaires liées au rôle apparaissent seulement sur : les colliers, anneaux, capes et bijoux.


Le Critique change le pourcentage que des attaques ou soins peuvent résulter en un coup critique, pour généralement 200% de l'effet en PvE, et 150% en PvP. Il existe des exceptions où il est possible d'augmenter le pourcentage d'effet. On parle alors de chance de coup critique, ou de taux de critique.

Chaque joueurs a de base 5% de coup critique, sans aucun équipements. De plus, pour les joueurs utilisant l'agilité comme une des caractéristique principale, ils ont le passif Coup Critique qui augmente encore plus (de 10%) leur taux de coup critique

Players have 5% base crit chance without any gear equipped at all character levels. Additionally, agility users have the passive Critical Strikes, which increases their crit by an additional 10%.


La Hâte affecte la vitesse d'auto attaque de mêlées et à distance, le temps d'incantation des sorts, la cadence de dégat pour les dégats sur le temps , des soins pour les soins sur le temps, et des sorts canalisés. Elle affecte aussi le temps de recharge des sorts, de manière générale. La régéneration d'énergie, de runes et la concentration sont aussi augmentées avec la hâte.


La maîtrise est une caractéristique qui procure un effet différent selon la spécialisation de classe. Par exemple, pour la maîtrise de mage spécialisé arcane : Adepte de Mana, avoir plus de points de maîtrise augmente les dégâts faits par le mage en proportion du mana qu'il possède.

Cependant, ces points sont inutiles avant le niveau 80, puisque que c'est à ce niveau que l'on apprend les maîtrises.

Coup multiple[]

Removed from game Le contenu de cette section a été supprimé de World of Warcraft.

Multistrike gives most abilities up to two separate chances to hit their original target an additional time for 30% of the original amount in PvE. For instance, if a player has 25% multistrike, abilities have two chances at 25% probability to strike again. In PvP only one such chance is available. This chance applies to damaging attacks, either single-targeted or area of effect, and also to heals, but not to status-affecting attacks like Polymorph or Fear. Additionally, each tick of a DoT or HoT has an independent chance to land a multistrike. Multistrikes crit independently of the original attack—that is, the main attack does not have to crit for the multistrike to crit.

Multistrikes are treated as procs, not additional casts. In general, multistrikes will not proc other effects, but there are a few class abilities that depend on a multistrike landing, much like the handful of class abilities that react to crits landing.


Versatility increases outgoing damage, healing, and absorbs and to a lesser extent, reduces incoming damage. With 5% Versatility, players do 5% more damage and healing, enlarge their absorbs (like Power Word: Shield) by 5%, and take 2.5% less damage. The healing increase applies to self-heals like Recuperate as well.

Armure bonus[]

Removed from game Le contenu de cette section a été supprimé de World of Warcraft.

Bonus Armor is the tank-only stat, and provides armor that would not normally appear on non-armor items. It largely exists to give tanks items useful only to them, as tanks are generally vastly outnumbered in groups. Bonus Armor was re added in Warlords of Draenor to fill the role that dodge and parry used to. Bonus Armor also provides attack power through the passive ability Bladed Armor.


Removed from game Le contenu de cette section a été supprimé de World of Warcraft.

Spirit is the healer-only stat, and increases their mana regeneration. As with bonus armor, spirit largely exists to give healers items useful only to them. Spirit has changed drastically since launch, and over the years has drifted from being a primary stat to a secondary. Spirit's status as a secondary stat was formalized in Warlords of Draenor.

Spirit is of no use and should be avoided for any class or spec in a mana-using damage-dealing role (such as balance druids, mages, shadow priests, elemental shaman, and warlocks) due to how their classes' mana regeneration works.

Caractéristiques de JcJ[]

In addition to the other secondary attributes, there are two PvP-only attributes that function as counterparts to each another:

  • PvP Power increases damage done to other players and their pets and minions in PvP situations, and increases healing done in PvP zones and outdoors. PvP power has no effect on monsters or bosses. PvP power can only be found on PvP gear, and added through gems and enchantments.
  • PvP Resilience decreases damage taken from enemy players and their pets and minions, and is of no benefit against monsters or bosses. All characters have an innate level of resilience, as PvP resilience generally does not appear on gear.

Caractéristiques mineures[]

Added in Warlords of Draenor, minor attributes are one of three rare bonus properties on gear. Each individual Warlords-level piece of gear crafted or looted has a slim chance to come with a maximum of one minor stat on it.

The other two bonus properties are extra item levels (à la Thunderforged and Warforged gear in Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor), and a gem socket. Extremely rarely, gear may have any two or all three bonus properties on it. For example, one copy of an item may have avoidance and a gem socket on it, while another copy of the same item may have speed and bonus item levels, while a third copy may have no bonus properties whatsoever. See Warlords of Draenor gear changes for more information on bonus item properties.

The design intent of these bonus properties is to limit the prevalence of "best in slot"-seeking in players. Over the course of WoW, players have increasingly perceived the obligation to always be optimal in their gearing, when playing their class better would have had much more of an effect on killing the boss. Instead, players should "aim for what upgrades are most practical and useful".


Avoidance reduces the amount of damage taken from Area of Effect attacks, much like how most player pets and minions already have Avoidance (passive). Players will not have nearly as much avoidance as pets — the goal is to soften the blow of AoE attacks a bit, not to allow players to stand in the fire.


Indestructible pieces of gear are immune to durability damage in any form.

Drain de vie[]

Leech causes players to gain health from a proportion of outgoing damage and a larger proportion of outgoing heals.


Speed increases players' movement speed. Speed is calculated additively (not multiplicatively), and most movement speed buffs will stack. For example, two separate 50% movement speed increases will result in 200% movement speed, not 225%. Prior to Warlords, increased movement speed as a property existed in the form of enchants like Pandaren's Step, but now appears directly on gear.

Caractéristiques dérivées de combat[]

Many attributes do not appear directly on gear, but are instead derived from other attributes. These derived attributes are what actually affect combat. Derived attributes are split based on role. Damage dealers either attack using physical attacks (either from melee or at range), or spells. Healers as a rule cast spells, so their attributes are also listed in the spell category. Tanks are primarily concerned with defensive attributes.


Most physical attributes are split into a melee and ranged version of the same stat:

  • Weapon damage is a property of the equipped weapon(s), and is listed as a range. Weapon damage is increased with enchants for melee weapons, or scopes for ranged weapons.
  • Attack power (AP) increases the damage of the equipped weapon(s), and is derived from strength and agility. Many attacks also increase their damage from some proportion of attack power. Attack power itself is split into two sub-attributes, (melee) attack power and ranged attack power, the latter of which affects bows, crossbows, and guns, but not wands.
  • Attack speed is a function of the weapon speed of the equipped weapon and haste. As with attack power, attack speed is split into (melee) attack speed and ranged attack speed, both affected by the appropriate sub-attribute of haste.
  • (Melee) and ranged critical strike are derived from crit on gear.


  • Spell power derives from intellect and increases the power of all spells to a varying degree. Generally, the longer the base cast time (before spell haste), the higher the spell power coefficient, but exceptions exist.
  • Casting speed is a function of individual spells' base cast time (which may be instant) and spell haste. Casting speed also reduces the spell global cooldown down to a minimum of 1 second (from 1.5 seconds).
  • Mana regeneration affects the rate at which mana is refilled. All mana-using classes have a base rate of mana regeneration, but healers (and only healers) can increase their mana regeneration with spirit.
  • Spell critical strike is derived from crit on gear.


  • Armor decreases incoming physical damage. Armor always appears on gear that fits in the eight armor slots (head, shoulders, chest, wrist, hands, waist, legs, and feet), and also on weapons and shields. Bonus armor can also appear on some non-armor gear (e.g. necklaces, cloaks, rings, and trinkets) to signify that it's intended for tanks.
  • Dodge provides a chance to dodge incoming melee attacks, but not ranged attacks or spells. All characters have an innate chance to dodge, and agility increases dodge for some classes.
  • Parry provides a chance to parry melee attacks with a weapon, but not ranged attacks or spells. All melee classes with the exception of druids have an innate chance to parry, and strength increases parry for some classes.
  • Block provides a chance to block melee and ranged attacks (but not spells) with a shield. This is only relevant for paladins, shaman, and warriors, as these are the only classes who can equip shields.
  • Resistance provides a chance to resist spells. Resistance as a stat was common and important in various older encounters, but was removed from the character sheet in Mists of Pandaria, and still exists in a vestigial form on pre-Mists items.

Changements lors de patchs[]

  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (20-07-2016) :
    • Bonus Armor, Multistrike, and Spirit have been removed.
    • Spell Power is no longer itemized on weapons and has been replaced with Intellect.
    • Stamina now grants increasing Health per point based on Level, up to 60 Health per point at Level 110.
  • WoD Patch 6.0.2 (14-10-2014) :
    • Hit and Expertise have been removed. Characters are now hit and expertise capped against enemies up to 3 Levels greater.
    • Dodge rating and Parry rating are no longer itemized. These ratings still exist and function on pre-Warlords items.
    • Each point of Agility or Strength now grants 1 Attack Power (down from 2).
    • Agility and Intellect no longer provide an increased chance to critically strike.
    • The amount of Dodge gained per point of Agility has been reduced by 25%.
    • The amount of Parry gained per point of Strength has been reduced by 25%.
    • The amount of health gained per Stamina point has been doubled.
  • MoP Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28) :
  • Intellect no longer increases Mana.
  • Mastery is no longer measured in points, and is instead converted directly into a percentage bonus. Accordingly, there is no longer a standard rate of conversion for Mastery.
  • Spell Resistance is no longer displayed on character sheet, and all player cast Buffs, Enchants and Consumables granting spell resistance have been removed or reitemized with another stat. Spell Resistance can now only be found on Armor and Weapons from previous content, and still retains its functionality.
  • Spell Penetration has been replaced by PvP Power on existing items.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28) :
    • Agility: Death Knights, Paladins and Warriors no longer gain Dodge from Agility.
    • Strength: Death Knights, Paladins and Warriors now gain Parry Rating equal to 27% of their extra Strength (up from 25%)
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12) :
    • Mastery rating has been added as a new stat which provides unique benefits for characters based on class and talent specialization. Mastery rating does not currently exist on items in the game, however, Reforging can be used to add Mastery rating as a secondary stat to existing items.
    • Resilience: No longer reduces chance of receiving a critical strike, no longer reduces the damage from critical strikes, nor the power of mana drain spells. Resilience now functions as a flat reduction on damage taken from other players. No longer has any effect on creature attacks (previously, only the crit chance reduction and crit damage reduction were affected for creatures).
Undocumented changes:
  • Strength: Now gives 0.25 parry rating per point to plate wearing classes.
  • Stamina: Now gives 14 health per point (up from 10).
  • Agility: No longer increases Armor. Now provides 2 melee attack power per point to Rogues, Shamans and Druids.
  • Intellect: Now provides Spell power.
  • Spirit: No longer increases Health regeneration.
  • Spell Power: No longer itemized on Armor. All Spell Power on Armor has been converted to Intellect.
  • Defense: All characters naturally have the base maximum Defense skill available their level. This skill can no longer be increased, and is no longer visible on the client.
  • The following stats have been removed: Armor Penetration Rating, Block Rating, Block Value, Defense Rating, Mana Regeneration.
  • WotLK Patch 3.2.0 (04/08/2009) :
    • Agility: The amount of agility required per percentage of dodge has been increased by 15%. This change required recalibrating the amount of dodge a player has with 0 agility by a slight amount as well, so all players will see their dodge percentage vary a small amount.
    • Block rating: The amount of bonus block value on all items has been doubled. This does not affect the base block value on shields or block value derived from strength.
    • Dodge Rating: The amount of dodge rating required per percentage of dodge has been increased by 15%. This is before diminishing returns. Combined with other changes, this makes dodge rating and parry rating equally potent before diminishing returns apply.
    • Mana Regeneration: All items that provide "X mana per five seconds" have had the amount of mana they regenerate increased by approximately 25%.
    • Parry Rating: The amount of parry rating required per percentage of parry has been reduced by 8%. This is before diminishing returns. Combined with other changes, this makes dodge rating and parry rating equally potent before diminishing returns apply. Parry still diminishes more quickly than dodge.
    • Resilience: No longer reduces the amount of damage done by damage-over-time spells, but instead reduces the amount of all damage done by players by the same proportion. The other effects of resilience (reducing critical chance, critical damage and mana drain effects) have not changed.
  • WotLK Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14) :
    • Armor Penetration Rating: All classes now receive 25% more benefit from Armor Penetration Rating.
    • Haste Rating: shamans, paladins, druids, and death knights now receive 30% more melee haste from Haste Rating.
    • Mana Regeneration: The amount of mana regeneration derived from intellect and spirit has been reduced by 40%; however, talents that allow for mana regeneration while in combat have been increased. As a result, in-combat regeneration for classes with those talents will stay the same, while out-of-combat regeneration will be lower.
  • WotLK Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14) : Resilience: The damage reduction component of resilience has been increased from 2 times the critical strike chance reduction to 2.2 times the critical strike chance reduction. In addition, the maximum damage reduction to a critical strike from resilience has been increased from 30% to 33%.
    • Hit Rating, Critical Strike Rating, and Haste Rating now modify both melee attacks and spells.
    • Spell Power:
      • All items and effects which grant bonuses to spell damage and spell healing are being consolidated into a single stat, Spell Power. This stat will appear with the same values found on items which grant "increased spell damage and healing" such as on typical Mage and Warlock itemization.
        • For classes which do not heal, they should see no change in the character sheet other than new tooltip wording.
      • Healing characters will see their bonus healing numbers on the character sheet decrease, however, all healing spells have been modified to receive more benefit from Spell Power than they received from bonus healing, with a net effect of no change to the amount healed by their spells. Some talents have had to be rebalanced to accommodate this change, but the amount healed will remain roughly the same. In addition, some talents will provide only healing spell power.
  • TBC Patch 2.4.0 (25/03/2008) :
    • Spell Haste: Spell haste now reduces the global cooldown on spells, down to a minimum of 1 second. This change does not apply to melee and ranged abilities.
    • Resilience: Now reduces the magnitude of mana draining effects by the same amount that it reduces critical strike damage. The Tooltip has been revised to reflect this.
    • Spirit-Based Mana Regeneration: This system has been adjusted so that as your Intellect rises, you will regenerate more mana per point of spirit.
  • TBC Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13) : All items have had their bonuses to Weapon Skill Rating converted to a new stat called Weapon Expertise Rating. Each point of Weapon Expertise reduces the chance for your attacks to be dodged or parried by .25%.
  • Modèle:Patch 2.2.0
  • TBC Patch 2.1.0 (2007-05-22) :
    • Spell Haste: The amount of spell haste rating needed per percentage of haste has been increased substantially. However, spell haste will now affect channeled spells, increasing the rate of their effects and decreasing their total duration. The same amount of damage/healing per casting will occur, but will take less time.
    • The amount of parry rating needed to get 1% parry has been reduced by 25%.
    • Dodge Rating: Low level players now calculate dodge from dodge rating at the same rate as level 34 players.
    • Health Regeneration: This effect on random property items has been renamed to Health per 5 sec.
  • Modèle:Patch 2.0.7
  • TBC Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05) :
    • New item property "Resilience" has been introduced. Resilience reduces your chance to be the victim of a critical strike, and reduces the amount of damage critical strikes do to you.
    • Items that give bonuses, such as critical strike percentage, have been modified to adhere to a combat rating system.
    • All current items will provide the exact same benefit from ratings at level 60 as they provided before the ratings system.

