Línea 129: Línea 129:
===Martillo Maldito===
===Martillo Maldito===
: ''Main article: [[Doomhammer (artifact)]] and [[Fury of the Stonemother]]''
: ''Artículo principal: [[Martillo Maldito (artefacto)]] and [[Furia de la Madre Pétrea]]''

Revisión del 23:01 19 Abr 2019

Words of Wind and Earth

Palabras de viento y tierra es un libro que se encuentra en El Corazón de Azeroth, en la Vorágine. Contiene la historia de los artefactos de los chamanes.




Shaman Crest

Redactadas por Gorma del Anillo de la Tierra.

El Puño de Ra Den

Artículo principal: Inv hand 1h artifactstormfist d 01 [Puño de Ra-Den] y Inv shield 1h artifactstormfist d 01 [Resguardo del Alto Centinela]


El mítico alto centinela Ra se llevaba dos objetos a sus batallas contra los dioses antiguos. Uno era el puño de Ra Den, un arma imbuida del poderío destructor de las tormentas. El otro era el Resguardo del Alto Centinela, un escudo que palpita con los elementos primordiales del fuego, la tierra, el aire y el agua.

Nadie ha blandido con éxito estas armas después de Ra. Ni siquiera Lei Shen, Rey del Trueno y emperador de los mogu, lo logró. ¿Triunfarás tú donde otros fracasaron?


It is known that the titan Aman'Thul crafted the Fist of Ra-den. How he did so is another question.

According to one legend, Aman'Thul called on mysterious celestial beings to forge an instrument that would hold sway over the power of storms. These creatures reached into Azeroth's sky and took a single bolt of lightning, which they shaped with their hands as if it were mere clay.

When the craftsmen had finished their work, Aman'Thul encased the captured lightning in stone and branded the rock with titan runes of containment.


Aman'thul le dio esta arma imbuida de relámpago a Ra, uno de los legendarios forjados por los titanes. Estos gigantes de piel de piedra y hierro fueron creados por los titanes para librar Azeroth de los dioses antiguos.

Dichos dioses eran inmensamente poderosos, y sus esbirros innumerables. Pero ni Ra ni sus aliados dudaron un solo instante. Aconsejados por Aman'thul y los demás titanes, los nobles gigantes vencieron a los dioses antiguos y los encadenaron en prisiones en lo más profundo de la tierra.

Ra logró muchas hazañas durante esta guerra. Blandía el relámpago con la precisión letal de una hoja, y así se abría paso entre los siervos de los dioses antiguos y los reducía a cenizas. Solo había un enemigo capaz de igualar el dominio de Ra sobre las tormentas: el astuto señor elemental conocido como Al'akir.


De una antigua leyenda mogu que detalla la batalla de Ra y sus aliados contra Al'akir, el Señor del Viento:

"El maestro Ra y sus hermanos persiguieron al Señor del Viento a una montaña tan alta que raspaba el vientre de los cielos. Al'akir alardeaba sin cesar de su inminente victoria, pero sus palabras eran tan huecas como el aire.

Sí, era grande y poderoso, y dominaba las tormentas, pero no respiraba truenos y hablaba con relámpagos como el maestro Ra. No blandía el puño que rompe el cielo.

El maestro Ra y los suyos volvieron las propias tempestades de Al'akir en su contra hasta que el Señor del Viento flaqueó.

Entonces, para sellar la caída de Al'akir, el maestro Ra golpeó la cumbre con el puño. Los cielos se abrieron y toda la furia y el fuego que contenían se abalanzaron sobre la cabeza del Señor del Viento".


Un pasaje de El Destierro de los Señores Elementales, del historiador Llore:

"Los señores elementales sirvieron a los dioses antiguos como sus mejores tenientes, pero los forjados por los titanes los derrotaron a todos. La victoria fue trascendental, pero también presentaba un desafío único. Los espíritus de los señores elementales estaban vinculados a Azeroth. Aunque los forjados por los titanes los eliminaran, con el tiempo, volverían a manifestarse en el mundo. Para impedirlo, el alto centinela Ra decidió encerrar a estos seres tan destructivos.

Colaboró con Helya, hechicera forjada por los titanes, para crear una dimensión cerrada que se conocería como el plano elemental. Incluía cuatro dominios que representaban los cuatro elementos: fuego, aire, tierra y agua. Ra y Helya desterraron a este plano prisión a los señores elementales y a casi todos sus siervos.

Ra y Helya fabricaron un escudo, el Resguardo del Alto Centinela, llave hacia el plano elemental. Desprendía la energía de los cuatro elementos, que Ra podía invocar a su antojo".


Aman'thul y sus compañeros titanes observaban de cerca el desarrollo de estos acontecimientos. Confiados en que Azeroth estaba a salvo en manos de sus siervos, abandonaron el mundo.

En un día tormentoso, Ra y sus seguidores mogu subieron a una montaña colosal para despedir a los titanes. Cuenta la leyenda que el Alto Centinela golpeó su arma contra el escudo y los elementales obedecieron su voluntad. Las lluvias cesaron y las nubes se abrieron. La montaña a sus pies ascendió, y relámpagos y fuego iluminaron los cielos para que Ra y sus seguidores pudieran ver mejor a los titanes.

Por último, los vientos ulularon una sentida despedida.


Un pasaje de El Auge del Rey del Trueno, por el historiador Llore:

"Muchas eras después de que los titanes abandonaran Azeroth, una extraña aflicción llamada la maldición de la carne se propagó entre los mogu. Debilitaba sus formas pétreas y los transformaba en criaturas de carne y hueso.

Los mogu se dividieron en clanes enfrentados, y durante años lucharon entre sí por el control de las tierras del sur de Azeroth. En este crisol de violencia surgió un mogu que hizo de su gente un imperio.

Se llamaba Lei Shen, el Rey del Trueno, y su fuerza no tenía parangón.

Se cuentan muchas historias sobre cómo consiguió Lei Shen su poder. La teoría más aceptada es que se lo robó a un ser legendario llamado Ra Den, que significa 'maestro Ra' en la lengua mogu.

Pero ¿qué hay de los fabulosos artefactos de esta criatura, el Puño de Ra Den y el Resguardo del Alto Centinela? Sin duda Lei Shen se habría hecho también con ellos, pero apenas se menciona que el Rey del Trueno los usara".


Pese a su inmenso poder, Lei Shen no conseguía aprovechar las energías del Puño de Ra Den y del Resguardo del Alto Centinela. Su incapacidad lo enfurecía. Al fin y al cabo, Lei Shen había conquistado a los mogu y había forjado un imperio con ellos. Había vencido a Ra. ¿Cómo era posible que dos artefactos desafiaran su voluntad?

Pero así era. El escudo y el arma eran demasiado indómitas incluso para el Rey del Trueno. Cada vez que intentaba usar los artefactos, energías elementales se revolvían contra Lei Shen y lo abrumaban.

A pesar de estos fracasos reiterados, Lei Shen no se rendía. De un modo u otro, utilizaría el poder de estas armas ancestrales.


Lei Shen le dio el Puño de Ra Den y el Resguardo del Alto Centinela a un herrero dotado, el maestro de forja Deng. El Rey del Trueno le ordenó desentrañar los secretos de los artefactos, pero también advirtió al artesano de que no usara el poder para sí o sufriría graves consecuencias.

Deng prometió a Lei Shen que seguiría sus órdenes, pero en secreto tramaba desobedecer a su amo. Pensaba el herrero que si conseguía encontrar un modo de usar el arma y el escudo, cosa que el Rey del Trueno no había sido capaz, podría controlar el imperio mogu por su cuenta.

Mientras Deng manipulaba el Puño de Ra Den, un relámpago cayó del cielo y lo golpeó. El artefacto absorbió la mayor parte de la energía, lo que le salvó la vida al herrero.

Pero Deng no quedó ileso. El rayo lo desfiguró para siempre.


Tras mucho experimentar, Deng encontró un propósito para el Puño de Ra Den y el Resguardo del Alto Centinela. Usó los dos artefactos para alimentar un inmenso motor llamado la Forja del Trueno. Esta máquina funcionaba día y noche, creando armamentos de una calidad excepcional para los militares mogu.

Lei Shen estaba satisfecho con el trabajo y ordenó a Deng que le creara personalmente armas y armaduras que eclipsaran cualquier otra. El herrero trabajó en la Forja del Trueno para complacer a su amo. Las labores de Deng produjeron lo que serían sus tres mayores creaciones: una lanza enorme, un hacha de batalla y un poderoso yelmo.


Con el tiempo, Deng y Lei Shen murieron. El imperio mogu se desmoronó. Pasaron las estaciones. El mundo cambió.

La raza de los pandaren subió al poder en las tierras antaño señoreadas por lo mogu. Los nuevos dirigentes gobernaban con sabiduría y benevolencia, no como Lei Shen y su brutal pueblo. Bajo el mando de los pandaren se estableció una era de relativa paz y prosperidad.

Miles de años tras la caída del imperio mogu, un grupo de guardianes pandaren llamados el Shadopan descubrió los artefactos que habían hecho funcionar la Forja del Trueno. Estos exploradores estaban liderados por el maestro Wan Ventisca Algente, que no era consciente de las peligrosas energías guardadas en los objetos encontrados.

Ventisca Algente tomó el Puño de Ra Den y, de inmediato, un rayo le atravesó la piel y le calcinó el cuerpo.


Aunque quedó herido, el maestro Wan Ventisca Algente sobrevivió a su encuentro con el Puño de Ra Den. Él y el resto del Shadopan temían que el arma y su escudo homólogo pudieran causarle un gran daño al mundo si caían en malas manos. Para evitarlo, le llevaron los artefactos a Xuen, el Tigre Blanco.

El Tigre Blanco era uno de los Augustos Celestiales, criaturas ancestrales e increíblemente poderosas veneradas por los pandaren. El sabio Xuen coincidió con la valoración que hizo el Shadopan del arma y el escudo. Los dejó en su guarida, el Templo del Tigre Blanco, donde estarían a salvo.

Pero Xuen no pensaba conservarlos allí para siempre. Conocía la historia de los artefactos. Aunque los mogu los habían usado para el mal, el titán Aman'thul los había creado para el bien.

Xuen creía que solo era cuestión de tiempo que llegara un mortal digno de blandir tanto arma como escudo para su verdadero propósito.

Martillo Maldito

Artículo principal: Inv mace 1h doomhammer [Martillo Maldito] and Inv offhand 1h artifactdoomhammer d 01 [Furia de la Madre Pétrea]


Forged in elemental fury, handed down from generation to generation, a harbinger of destruction to all who oppose it, the Doomhammer is prophesied to bring about both salvation and doom.

Some of the most renowned orcs in history have possessed the Doomhammer: Blackhand, Orgrim, Thrall. And now it passes to you. In your hands, the Doomhammer carries the potential for either victory... or ruin.


The Doomhammer's origins have been traced to the ogre empire's rise to power on Draenor, and to an orc named Gelnar.

It is said that Gelnar, faced with the problem of preventing the orcs from being enslaved by the ogres, wandered alone in contemplation for days upon days. When a mighty storm forced him to take shelter in a Gorgrond steam cavern, Gelnar experienced fever-induced visions. Pledging his body and spirit to the elements, he submerged himself in a pool of lava and was miraculously unharmed.

According to legend, the head of the Doomhammer was coaxed forth from the heart of Draenor itself. When Gelnar later crafted an oaken handle, the forming of the Doomhammer was complete. From that day forward, both the weapon and the name Doomhammer would be passed down from father to eldest son.


From the writings of Tolla Kol'gar, orc shaman:

" Our clan faced an army of ogre invaders.

" Gelnar raised the Doomhammer to the sky, and it spoke-it spoke in fire and lightning. Thunder rolled through the blackened clouds above, shaking the very ground beneath our feet. Draenor boomed with all its fury.

" Rain anointed us with the elements' blessing, and as Gelnar rushed toward the enemy, I knew that somehow our clan would survive.

" Emboldened and with a fierce war cry upon our lips, we charged forward to meet our fate.""


There is a long-standing prophecy associated with the Doomhammer: "The last of the Doomhammer line will use it to bring first salvation and then doom to the orc people. Then it will pass into the hands of one who is not of the Blackrock clan; all will change again, and it will once again be used in the cause of justice."


For generations, the Doomhammer was passed from father to eldest son upon the father's death. The chain was temporarily broken when a young Orgrim Doomhammer took the weapon to the lava pool where it had been created. There, he attempted to negate the prophecy associated with it, while retaining the hammer's power.

The pool reclaimed the weapon from Orgrim. It remained in the lava until an orc chieftain, clearing his mind of pride and dreams of glory, reached in and took the Doomhammer in his grasp. Though the lava left him permanently scarred, the chieftain did not die.

From that day forward, that chieftain would be known as Blackhand.

Blackhand used the Doomhammer to forge weapons and help fight off an invading ogre army. When the battle was complete, Blackhand returned the weapon to Orgrim, who would carry it until his death.


Throughout the First War between orcs and humans, Orgrim Doomhammer crushed enemies with the weapon of his namesake, blazing a path of destruction through one settlement after another.

As the war drew to a close, Orgrim used the Doomhammer to kill his commander, Blackhand, and claim the title of warchief of the Horde.

Doomhammer in hand, Orgrim led the charge against the human capital of Stormwind, sacking it and winning a decisive victory for the orcs.


From the writings of General Turalyon, recounting the battle between Orgrim Doomhammer and Lord Anduin Lothar:

" I drove my way through friend and foe alike in an effort to reach the two combatants. A massive blow from Orgrim crumpled Lothar's shield, but our leader answered with a fierce strike of his own, nearly rending the orc commander's breastplate. Orgrim tore his armor free even as Lothar discarded his shield.

" The two re-engaged, trading vicious blows. Punishment and pain were dealt and endured. Orgrim punched, forcing Lord Lothar back; the orc followed with an overhead swing that our leader attempted to block, but before my horrified eyes, the massive hammer clove through the mighty blade of Stormwind, smashing down into the helm of our beloved commander.

" With his broken blade and his final breath, Lord Lothar opened a gash across the chest of Orgrim. Then, the Lion of Azeroth fell, his life's essence draining out onto the battlefield."


In the aftermath of the Second War, Orgrim Doomhammer went into hiding. It was his desire to liberate his fellow orcs from human internment camps, but he needed a strong ally. He would find that comrade in an orc raised by humans--Thrall.

Upon first meeting the hooded Orgrim, Thrall was unaware of the stranger's identity. When Thrall challenged him to a fight at the camp of the Frostwolves, the former chieftain accepted.

Thrall quickly proved his mettle, trading blows with the armored combatant, grappling with him, and at one point, successfully wrenching the Doomhammer from the other orc's grasp.

By the end of the bout, Orgrim was so pleased with his opponent's tenacity that he named Thrall his second-in-command.


An account of the death of Orgrim Doomhammer, by Warchief Thrall:

" I was outraged! Orgrim lay there, dying, attacked from behind. The lance haft still protruded from his back. This was a cowardly act!

" I knelt beside him. 'My lord,' was all I could manage to say.

" My mentor then told me that I must carry on, that he had led the Horde once but it was not his destiny to do so again. At last he said, 'Yours is the title of warchief, Thrall, son of D-Durotan. You will wear my armor and carry my hammer.'"


When a dying Orgrim Doomhammer bequeathed his armor and hammer to Thrall, the young orc felt that he was unworthy of such an honor.

Orgrim told Thrall that there was no one breathing who was worthier.

The last words of Orgrim Doomhammer to Thrall were, "You will lead them... to victory... and you will lead them... to peace."

Orgrim expired in Thrall's arms. To show that the orcs were not without a leader, Thrall took on the old warrior's armor. Once the plate mail was secured, Thrall bent down and picked up the Doomhammer--passed on not from father to son, but from mentor to student.


Over many years, the appearance of the Doomhammer has changed, based on alterations made by its owners.

In the possession of Thrall, a Frostwolf symbol was added to the head of the hammer to honor his ancestral clan.

The newly modified Doomhammer quickly became an icon of strength and justice. Most importantly, though, it served as a symbol of hope for all orcs.


Long ago, before Orgrim passed the Doomhammer to Thrall, he confided that although the weapon had once brought him closer to the elements, over time it had become a dead weight in his hands.

Through the years, Thrall wielded the Doomhammer with honor and integrity. However, following his execution of the malign warchief Garrosh Hellscream, Thrall felt conflicted. This internal struggle was reflected in the Doomhammer as well. In Thrall's mind, the weapon that had embodied the ideals of justice and virtue had now come to represent vengeance.

History repeated itself as the Doomhammer had once again become a "dead weight." This has caused many to wonder whether the Doomhammer will reclaim its place as a symbol of righteous wrath.

Sharas'dal, Cetro de las Mareas

Main article: Sharas'dal, Scepter of Tides and Shield of the Sea Queen


By merely touching Sharas'dal, one can feel the weight of the world's oceans at their fingertips. This extraordinary scepter can command the rivers and the seas, and even manipulate life itself.

Just like the tides, Sharas'dal's power can ebb and flow between acts of good and evil. Some have used the scepter to destroy, but its true potential lies in its ability to serve as a fount of healing and hope.


The ancient night elf empire was one of the greatest mortal civilizations that ever spanned the lands of Azeroth. At its apex, one figure held sway over it all. Her name was Azshara. She was a leader of leaders, a queen of queens. Her power was absolute, and her thirst for knowledge and glory was unquenchable.

Of the records that speak of Azshara, nearly all mention her bejeweled scepter called Sharas'dal. The legends claim it granted the queen command over the world's seas, among other miraculous feats. So cherished was this scepter that Azshara rarely let it out of her sight.

It was with her when she raised the night elf empire to new heights. And it was with her when she later brought the civilization crashing down in blood and fire.


An excerpt from The Coronation of Queen Azshara:

" For days the coronation ceremony went on. Each night, the Highborne nobility lavished precious gifts on Azshara to curry her favor, but there was one she cherished more than all the others. A night elf named Lord Xavius presented the queen with a jeweled scepter, etched with delicate magical sigils. He promised Azshara that so long as she kept it close, it would bring her prosperity and great power.

" Azshara held the scepter aloft, and the jewels shimmered in the light of the moons like brilliant stars. The sight of the queen and her gift was so beautiful that it brought many of the attendant Highborne to tears."


At the heart of ancient Azeroth sat a massive lake of scintillating energy called the Well of Eternity. For decades, the night elves studied this fount of arcane magic, and they became learned sorcerers. Queen Azshara carried on this tradition, as did her loyal Highborne servitors. They devoted themselves to plumbing the Well of Eternity's depths in search of knowledge and power.

Perhaps no one was more suited to this task than Azshara. She was one of the greatest magic users who had ever lived. As she honed her command over the lake's energies, she infused a drop of its living waters into her bejeweled scepter.


Queen Azshara's enchanted scepter afforded her great power. Imbued with the Well of Eternity's potent waters, it held sway over the rivers and the seas, aquatic creatures of all kinds, and the life energies that stirred within Azshara herself. She granted it a new name, one befitting its remarkable properties: Sharas'dal, Scepter of Tides.

One of the first things Azshara did with Sharas'dal was use its power to enhance her legendary beauty. As the years wore on, the queen seemed to grow younger and more mesmerizing. A brilliant aura enveloped Azshara, enthralling those who looked upon her. The Highborne marveled at this strange phenomenon. A few even took it as a sign of divinity.


An excerpt from Glory to the Queen Born of Stars:

" Of the wonders our queen brought to this world, perhaps none was so great as Lathar'Lazal. As masons constructed the temple, Azshara shaped the waters around it with the Scepter of Tides. She spoke the names of the rivers and the seas, and they moved at her command. Salt water from the roaring ocean and fresh water from the mountain streams trickled to Azshara's side. With the flick of her wrist, the queen partitioned them into great lakes that hugged Lathar'Lazal's sturdy foundation.

" Creatures of all kinds populated these waters, and they were at Azshara's beck and call. Whenever she walked the bridges of Lathar'Lazal, nearby schools of exotic fish would array themselves in colorful patterns. She even kept a colossal sea giant bound to one of the lakes. She used her scepter to make him perform tricks and feats of strength, much to the delight of the watching Highborne. Curious night elves from the far corners of the empire journeyed to Lathar'Lazal to study the mythical creature and his habits."


As the night elf empire stretched across the world, Azshara spent more and more time in her palace at the Well of Eternity's shores. She obsessed over the lake and used Sharas'dal to manipulate its mysterious energies. Azshara dreamed of making the world into a paradise--her paradise. But it would only be possible if she and her Highborne servitors could harness the Well of Eternity's true potential.

Their reckless experiments eventually sent arcane magic crashing through the Twisting Nether, the realm of demons. In time, the Burning Legion learned of the Well of Eternity and the world of Azeroth.


An excerpt from The War of the Ancients, by the historian Llore:

" Azshara's obsession with remaking the world led her straight into the clutches of the Legion's ruler, Sargeras. The queen forged a pact with him for unfathomable power. All that Sargeras asked in return was for Azshara and her Highborne to summon his minions into Azeroth.

" It was a difficult request, even for such gifted sorcerers. Azshara and the Highborne approached the challenge with great fervor. Legends say the queen helped her servants open a gateway for the Legion's agents. She used Sharas'dal to gather the Well of Eternity's energies and fuel the Highborne's spellwork.

"Through this portal, the first armor-clad demons spilled into Azeroth. Many more would follow. The Legion would march across the land, spreading fire and death, bringing war and cataclysm."


The War of the Ancients ended in catastrophe. Azshara's hubris and abuse of power would lead to the destruction of the Well of Eternity. The enormous lake buckled in upon itself, eventually igniting a monstrous explosion that shattered the world's surface.

Azshara watched these events unfold from her broken palace. She refused to believe that her dreams of paradise were dead, that the world she had once cradled in her palms was coming apart beneath her feet. Many of the Highborne were just as delusional as the queen, and they remained at her side.

As the ocean roared in to fill the void left by the destroyed Well of Eternity, Azshara raised Sharas'dal high. She wove a magical shield around herself and the Highborne, saving them from being crushed by the colossal waves.

But it was only a momentary reprieve. The howling ocean soon swallowed the queen, Sharas'dal, and her followers.

Then it sucked them down and down into darkness.


From a fragmented text called The Song of Scales, author unknown:

" They drifted into the abyss, but Azshara and her Highborne remained unbroken.

" The darkness around them was absolute, and so the queen willed Sharas'dal to bring them light. It did.

" Azshara's and the Highborne's blood ran cold, and so the queen willed Sharas'dal to warm them. It did.

" Their lungs burned for air, and so the queen willed Sharas'dal to let them breathe the water... but it did not. The scepter could not save them. Oblivion spread its arms and beckoned the desperate Highborne.

" As the ocean crushed the life from their bodies, ancient creatures stirred in the darkness. Their whispers flowed through the currents. Their powers wrapped tight around the queen and her servants.

" The Highborne became something new. Something more.

" A fleece of scales shimmered over their skin. Tails thrashed against the currents. The unknown entities made the queen and her followers one with the sea... they made them into the naga."


Though Azshara's old empire was in ruins, she crafted a new one far from the light of the sun. The queen and her naga servants created a capital, Nazjatar, at the bottom of the sea. With patience and cunning, they expanded their dominion over the oceans. It is even said that Azshara nurtured an alliance with the mysterious and powerful entities who had transformed them into naga.

As the years wore on, Azshara relied on Sharas'dal less and less. She still treasured the scepter, but she found it was more useful in the hands of her fearsome sea witches. These loyal servants wielded Sharas'dal as a weapon to spread the naga's domain and crush all who opposed them.


It was not long before the naga sea witches learned to harness Sharas'dal as Azshara had. With a swipe of the scepter, they drove thousands of aquatic predators into a frenzy and unleashed them against troublesome sea giants. With a whispered incantation, they boiled Kvaldir raiders from the inside out and scattered their remains to the currents.

When the sea witches were not wielding Sharas'dal, Azshara would often carry it at her side and reminisce about times long past. She still remembered Lord Xavius's promise: so long as she kept the scepter close, it would bring her prosperity and great power.

The queen had lost much, but she was not dead. Far from it. In her heart, she knew that one day her empire under the sea would eclipse even that of the ancient night elves. One day, the world would be hers again, and she would not let it slip through her fingers a second time.

Véase también


  • En el arte de World of Warcraft: Crónicas Volumen 2 se muestra a Puño Negro de una manera similar a la película de Warcraft, sin cicatrices, con pelo y con la mano tatuada en lugar de su sucedáneo de piedra. Matt Burns explicó que Blizzard había decidido finalmente no utilizar el diseño de Warlords of Draenor. En la línea temporal del universo original, Puño Negro sigue ayudando a Orgrim a conseguir el Martillo Maldito per ya no es consumido físicamente por el fuego [1][2]

Últimos cambios


  1. Matt Burns on Twitter (2017-03-11). Retrieved on 2017-03-16. “Yeah that was something we ultimately decided to go away from in Chronicle. Not to say he didn't help Orgrim get the--
  2. Matt Burns on Twitter (2017-03-11). Retrieved on 2017-03-16. “--hammer back, but just the stuff related to him being "consumed" in fire.

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