mSin resumen de edición
Línea 1: Línea 1:
|name = Krasarang Wilds
{{For|the playable human race|Humano (jugable)}}
|title = [[Subzona]]s de la [[Espesura Krasarang]]
{{Infobox race
|list1 = [[Anglers Expedition]]{{·}} [[Anglers Wharf]]{{·}} [[Bilgewater Beach]] ([[Blacksand Spillway]]{{·}} [[Boiling Crustacean|The Boiling Crustacean]]{{·}} [[Daxil's Dig]]{{·}} [[Oregrind's Dig]]){{·}} [[Cradle of Chi-Ji]] ([[Angkhal Pavilion]]{{·}} [[Dome Balrissa]]{{·}} [[Pedestal de la Esperanza]]){{·}} [[Crane Wing Refuge]]{{·}} [[Dawnchaser Retreat]]{{·}} [[Deepwild|The Deepwild]]{{·}} [[Dojani River]]{{·}} [[Fallsong Village]]{{·}} [[Field of Korja]]{{·}} [[Forbidden Jungle]] ([[Shattered Convoy]]){{·}} [[Incursion|The Incursion]]{{·}} [[Kea Krak]]{{·}} [[Krasarang Cove]] ([[Desembarco del León]]{{·}} [[Ruins of Ogudei]]{{·}} [[Seaspittle Nook]]{{·}} [[Sparkrocket Outpost]]){{·}} [[Krasarang River]]{{·}} [[Krasari Falls]]{{·}} [[Krasari Ruins]]{{·}} [[Kril'Mandar Point]]{{·}} [[Marista]] ([[Marista's Bait & Brew]]){{·}} [[Narsong Spires]]{{·}} [[Narsong Trench]]{{·}} [[Nayeli Lagoon]] ([[Mortbreath Grotto]]){{·}} [[Quickchop's Lumber Farm]]{{·}} [[Ruins of Dojan]] ([[Pools of Youth]]){{·}} [[Ruins of Korja]]{{·}} [[Sandy Shallows]]{{·}} [[Sarjun Depths]]{{·}} [[Sentinel Basecamp]]{{·}} [[Southern Isles|The Southern Isles]] (''[[The Defiant (vessel)|The Defiant]]''{{·}} [[Domination Point]]{{·}} [[Horde Landing Site]]{{·}} ''[[Valor's Edge]]''{{·}} ''[[The Skyfire]]''){{·}} [[Southern Wall]]{{·}} [[Templo de la Grulla Roja]]{{·}} [[Thunder Cleft]]{{·}} [[Turtle Beach]]{{·}} [[Unga Ingoo]]{{·}} [[Zhu Province]] ([[Wilds' Edge Inn]]{{·}} [[Zhu's Watch]])
| image = Human_Crest.jpg
|image = [[File:WorldMap-Krasarang.jpg|120px|Mapa de la Espesura Krasarang]]
| caption = [[Ícono de Coraje]]
|below = [[:Category:Espesura Krasarang|Categoría de la Espesura de Krasarang]]
| name = Humanos, Defensores de la Luz
}}<includeonly>{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Krasarang Wilds||[[Category:Subzonas de la Espesura Krasarang]]}}</includeonly><noinclude>[[Category:Zone navigation templates|{{PAGENAME}}]]</noinclude>
| capital = [[Stormwind City|Ciudad de Ventormenta]], [[Theramore]] (Alianza)
| faction = [[Alianza]], [[Neutral]], [[Independiente]]
| character = [[Mago]], [[Paladín]], [[Sacerdote]], [[Pícaro]], [[Brujo]], [[Guerrero]], [[Caballero de la muerte]] (WoW); [[Caballero]], [[Arquero]], [[Archimago]], [[Bárbaro]], [[Beastmaster|Maestro de bestias]] [[Templar|templario]], [[Berserker]], [[Buccaneer|Bucanero]], [[Commoner|Plebeyo]], [[Demon hunter|Cazador de demonios]], [[Exemplar]], [[Gladiador]], [[Gunman|Pistolero]], [[Infiltrador]], [[Soldier|Soldado]], [[Marksman|Tirador]], [[Nigromante]], [[Scout|Explorador]], [[Sorcerer|Hechicero]] (RPG); [[Brigand|Salteador]], Déspota, [[Asesino]], [[Bandit lord|Señor de los bandidos]] (WC3); [[Druida]] (se presume), [[Mage hunter|Cazador de magia]] (?) [[Worker|Obrero]], [[Witch doctor|Médico brujo]]
| mount = [[Caballo]]
| homeworld = [[Azeroth (mundo)|Azeroth]]
| region = [[Lordaeron (continente)|Lordaeron]] ([[Tirisfal Glades|Claros de Tirisfal]], [[Silverpine Forest|Bosque de Argénteos]], [[Hillsbrad Foothills|Laderas de Trabalomas]], [[Arathi Highlands|Tierras Altas de Arathi]], [[Western Plaguelands|Tierras de la Peste del Oeste]], [[Eastern Plaguelands|Tierras de la Peste del Este]], [[Gilneas]], [[Kul'Tiras]]), [[Azeroth (continente)|Azeroth]] ([[Stranglethorn Vale|Vega de Tuercespina]], [[Westfall|Páramos de Poniente]], [[Bosque de Elwynn]], [[Blasted Lands|Las Tierras Devastadas]], [[Deadwind Pass|Paso de la Muerte]], [[Duskwood|Bosque del Ocaso]]), [[Dustwallow Marsh|Marjal Revolcafango]]
| language = [[Común (idioma)|Común]]
| slang = Cualquiera
| leader = [[Rey Varian Wrynn]], [[Lady Jaina Proudmoore]], Varios
| exact = 4'10" - 6'6" (147 a 198 cm) (hombre),<br />4'5" - 6'1" (135 a 185 cm) (mujer)<ref name="WoWRPG 174">''[[World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game]]'', 174.</ref>
|source=''[[World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game]]'', 174
Los '''Humanos''' en ''Warcraft'' son seres inteligentes nativos del mundo de [[Azeroth (mundo)|Azeroth]]. Muchos viven en los [[Reinos del Este]], una vez conocidos como [[Azotha]].<ref name=LoC18Q>[[Lands of Conflict]], 18. "[&hellip;] and named the land as a whole in homage to their ancient ancestors: Azeroth."</ref> Fundaron los [[Siete Reinos]] que pelearon juntos durante la [[Segunda Guerra]]. Los humanos nativos de Northrend fueron convertidos en esclavos bajo dominio de los magnatauros.<ref>''[[Lands of Mystery]]'', 125-6.</ref> Luego de la [[Tercera Guerra]], el reino de [[Stormwind (reino)|Stormwind]] ha liderado a la humanidad y es una poderosísima ciudad de la [[Alianza]].
== Introducción ==
Los humanos son de las razas mas jóvenes de Azeroth, pero una de las más numerosas. Su expectativa de vida es generalmente más corta que las otras razas, de modo que deben esforzarse más para mantener el status de su imperio, su exploración y sus estudios de la magia. La agresiva e inquisitiva naturaleza de los humanos hace que las naciones humanas sean muy activas y tengan gran influencia en el mundo. Esto los ha llevado a ser una de las razas más castigadas en los distintos conflictos que han azotado el mundo, especialmente con la llegada de los orcos y con las tres grandes guerras que ha visto Azeroth.
Muchos humanos murieron en la Tercera Guerra, y muchos supervivientes heridos fueron dejandos bajo el comando de [[Jaina Proudmoore]], asentándose en el salvaje continente de [[Kalimdor]]. Esto ha hecho que crezca un cierto sentimiento de recelo hacia los humanos de los Reinos del Este acerca del liderazgo de Stormwind.
Por su parte, Lordaeron, el reino humano del norte de los Reinos del Este, se encuentra diezmado, al ser pasto de las luchas contra los [[Troll del bosque|trolls del bosque]], la [[Scourge|Plaga]], los [[Forsaken|Renegados]], [[ogro]]s y otras criaturas. Los pocos humanos que quedan allí están cansados, amenazados y constantemente peleando para mantener sus pequeños asentamientos a salvo de los peligros que acechan. El reino de Stormwind, la columna vertebral del imperio humano y la nación más poderosa, fue el primero en sentir la rabia de los [[orco]]s. Su fortaleza no le hace permanecer a salvo ya que sus enemigos avanzan a sus alrededores y persistentemente atacan.
Los humanos valoran la virtud, el honor y el coraje, pero como todas las razas también ansían el poder y la abundancia. n pasado generaciones luchando contra las fuerzas oscuras y han perdido algunos de sus grandes reinos por el camino, estas perdidas hacen que los humanos sean algo paranoicos y tengan una diplomacia bastante agresiva (golpea primero, pregunta después). Guiados por la [[Luz sagrada]] han peleado en las mas largas y duras batallas contra la Horda y la Legión Ardiente, y a pesar de eso los humanos continúan resistiendo valientes, construyendo sus sociedades, manteniendo sus reinos y recuperando sus naciones. Los años de guerra han fortalecido sus decisiones y están mas fuertes y determinados que nunca. <ref name="WoWRPG43">''World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game'', 43.</ref>
== Historia ==
[[File:Humans.png|thumb|El símbolo humano en ''Warcraft I''.]]
[[File:HumanCinW2.jpg|thumb|Los humanos triunfaron en la Segunda Guerra.]]
[[File:Stormwindcitypicture.jpg|thumb|Han construido sus ciudades con dignidad y fuerza.]]
=== Orígenes ===
Los humanos son descendientes de los [[vrykul]].<ref>{{ref web |url= |title=WoWWotLK interview 2 |accessdate=14-06-2009 |author= |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |date=May 9, 2008 |work='''Jeffrey Kaplan and J. Allen Brack talk about Death Knights, Tuskar, and Arthas in this exclusive interview''' |publisher=Gamespot |language=English |quote=...known as the [[vrykul]], and what this guys were, are almost like the progenitors of the human race in [[warcraft]] [[lore]]...}}</ref> 15,000 años atrás, los dioses "abandonaron" a los [[vrykul]], con el tiempo, sus hijos nacieron "débiles y feos".<ref>{{quest|Anguish of Nifflevar}}</ref> El [[Rey Ymiron]] ordenó el asesinato de todos los infantes, pero no todos obedecieron sus órdenes y en lugar de cumplirlas, escondieron a sus hijos y los hicieron crecer lejos de [[Northrend]].<ref>{{quest|The Echo of Ymiron}}</ref>
Los registros indican que fueron conocidos como [[Azotha]].<ref name=LoC18Q/> Pero entre el descubrimiento del [[Pozo de la Eternidad]] y su posterior destrucción (Aproximadamente hace 14.000-10.000 años)<ref name=LoC17>''Lands of Conflict'', 17.</ref>),<ref name=LG150>''[[The Last Guardian]]'', 150.</ref> los Azotha se convirtieron en humanos.<ref name=LoC17Q>''Lands of Conflict'', 17. "In the early histories of dwarves and humans, the kaldorei are shadowy figures of dark perfection wielding incredible god-like powers."</ref> Eran tan salvajes como los [[troll]]s y ambos grupos vivían combatiendo unos contra otros mientras intentaban plantar las semillas de su civilización.<ref name=LoC17/> Los trolls eran los "cazadores".<ref name=LoC22>''Lands of Conflict'', 22.</ref> Estos ancestrales humanos veían a los [[kaldorei]] como figuras sombrías con poderes de dioses,<ref name=LoC17Q/> pero eran capturados y usados como esclavos por ellos.<ref name=LG150/> Siglos antes de la [[Guerra de los Ancestros]], los osos [[Ancestro]]s [[Ursoc y Ursol]], lograron que algunas generaciones de humanos y de Kaldorei tuvieran contacto entre si.<ref name=S&L84-85>''[[Shadows & Light]]'', 84-5.</ref>
Cuando los elfos nocturnos lucharon contra los demonios durante la [[Guerra de los Ancestros]] en sus tierras, los trolls y los humanos se escondieron en los bosques y zonas salvajes.<ref name=LoC17/> Varios grupos de humanos y elfos fueron salvados por [[Aviana]], disfrazada en forma mortal.<ref>''Shadows & Light'', 73.</ref>
Luego de la destrucción del Pozo de la Eternidad, las tribus humanas permanecieron por miles de años al borde de la extinción. Sin embargo, no se rindieron y exploraron los continentes en busca de recursos, madera y refugio.<ref name="LoC18">''Lands of Conflict'', 18.</ref><ref name=LoC22/> Estos años pudieron ser el fin de la raza, ya que ganaban a duras penas sustento de las cenizas y las consecuencias de la destrucción hasta que el Sol volvió.<ref name="LoC19">''Lands of Conflict'', 19.</ref> Las tribus humanas sobrevivientes organizaron intrépidas [[banda]]s para explorar el mundo renacido. Poco a poco, se establecieron rutas de comercio entre el nuevo mundo.<ref name=LoC18/> Estos primeros humanos pudieron tener acceso a hechizos divinos provenientes de la adoración a los [[Old God|dioses antiguos]] o cultos que iniciarían la [[Iglesia de la Luz Sagrada]].<ref name="LoC19"/>
Durante las [[Guerras Troll]], con la ayuda de los [[altos elfos]], los humanos aprendieron el uso de la magia y emprendieron una encarnizada guerra contra los trolls que una vez abarcaron los Reinos del Este. Los humanos demostraron su superioridad ante los trolls y formaron la nación de [[Strom]], que luego se convertiría en el imperio de [[Arathor]], imperio que creció y se dividió en siete reinos que a veces se enfrentaban unos a otros durante 1200 años, hasta que se creó la Alianza.
===Historia reciente===
Con la reciente invasión de la [[Legion Ardiente]] -que dejó el reino de [[Lordaeron]] en ruinas, [[Stormwind]] es el último bastión de la civilización humana. Siguiendo el legado de Sir [[Anduin Lothar]] y el Rey [[Llane Wrynn I]] entre otros, los caballeros y los guerreros del reino de Stormwind están entre los más poderosos del mundo. Se mantienen firmes en su decisión de preservar el honor y el poder de la humanidad.
Después de los eventos ocurridos durante la tercera guerra la civilización humana estuvo en riesgo debido a los sangrientos ataques de los Orcos corruptos, además de casi perder a toda la población del norte debido a La Plaga. Los millones de humanos pasaron a unos cuantos cientos de miles. A pesar de esto los humanos han logrado superponerse al peligro de su extinción, sus tierras siendo repobladas lentamente y mantienen aguerridamente sus ciudades.
Ahora, los [[Forsaken|Renegados]] son la principal amenaza de los humanos, quienes continúan expandiéndose desde [[Tirisfal]] hasta [[Arathi]]. Sin embargo, las presencia humana en la región permanece fuerte debido a la presencia de Lordaeron y Stromgarde, causando que [[Hillsbrad]] sea uno de los campos de batalla más grandes de Azeroth. A pesar de todo estos, los humanos siguen siendo vigilantes y se han unido más entre sí y entre la [[Alianza]] entera.
Hoy, el rey [[Varian Wrynn]] supervisa Stormwind bajo la guardia del consejo de nobles. Durante su ausencia, el imperio de Stormwind sufrió la corrupción de los nobles y el reino en sí. Esto ha hecho que algunas ciudades con las que se guardan lazos como [[Darkshire|Villa Oscura]], [[Lakeshire|Villa del Lago]], [[Goldshire|Villadorada]], [[Southshore|Costasur]], y (en menor medida) [[Menethil Harbor|Puerto de Menethil]], a pesar de estar bajo la protección de Stormwind, prefieran tener sus propias fuerzas militares independientes y su elección de líderes democráticos (a excepción de Villadorada).
La [[Isla de Theramore]] es a todos los efectos un estado independiente que colabora estrechamente con Stormwind bajo la supervisión de la jóven maga [[Jaina Proudmoore]], anteriormente perteneciente a la nación de [[Kul Tiras]]. Estos últimos permanecen aún como un miembro fuerte dentro de la estructura de la Alianza, aunque también de manera independiente bajo el gobierno de Lord [[Tandred Proudmoore]], hermano de Jaina e hijo de [[Daelin Proudmoore]], uno de los grandes héroes de la Segunda Guerra. La situación actual de los humanos se completa con la presencia de la poderosa ciudad estado de [[Dalaran]], gobernada por los [[Kirin Tor]] que se ha trasladado a [[Northrend]] desde su ubicación original en las [[Montañas de Alterac]]. También se pueden encontrar en [[Arathi Highlands|Tierras Altas de Arathi]], un enclave en ruinas con los restos del antiguo reino humano de [[Stromgarde]]. Recientemente los habitantes de [[Gilneas]], ahora convertidos en [[huargen]], tras una sangrienta guerra civil que destruyó toda la nación y que coincidió con el Cataclismo, se han vuelto a unir a la Alianza.
== Humanos notables ==
{| class="darktable sortable zebra"
! Nombre !! class="unsortable"|Rol !! Estado !! Localización !! class="unsortable"|Afiliación
||'''{{RaceIconExt|Lothar|Small}} [[Anduin Lothar|Sir Anduin Lothar]]
| Conocido como el León de Azeroth y Campéon de Stormwind, fue el Comandante Supremo de las fuerzas de la Alianza durante la Segunda Guerra.
| <font color="red">Fallecido</font>
| ''Desconocida''
|[[Reino de Azeroth]], [[Alianza de Lordaeron]]
||'''{{RaceIconExt|Turalyon|Small}} [[Turalyon]]
|Comandante Supremo de la [[Expedición de la Alianza]].
| <font color="limegreen">Desconocido</font>
| ''Desconocida''
|[[Alianza de Lordaeron]], [[Caballeros de la Mano de Plata]], [[Expedición de la Alianza]], [[Hijos de Lothar]]
||'''{{RaceIconExt|Bolvar|Small}}{{RaceIconExt|LichKing}} [[Bolvar Fordragon]]
|Antiguo regente de Stormwind, actual [[Lich King|Rey Exánime]].
| <font color="purple">No-Muerto</font>, {{text|Blue|Rey Exánime}}
|[[Icecrown Citadel|Ciudadela Corona de Hielo]]
|[[Alianza]], [[Stormwind|Reino de Stormwind]], [[Valiance Expedition|Expedición de Denuedo]]
||'''{{RaceIconExt|Uther|Small}} [[Uther]]
|Primer [[paladín]] de la [[Mano de Plata]].
| <font color="red">Fallecido</font>
|[[Uther's Tomb|Enterrado]] en la [[Sorrow Hill|Colina de las Penas]]. Su espíritu fue una vez atrapado en la Frostmourne pero ahora está libre.
|[[Alianza de Lordaeron]]<br />[[Lordaeron (reino)|Reino de Lordaeron]]<br />[[Caballeros de la Mano de Plata]]
||'''{{RaceIconExt|Proudmoore|Small}} [[Daelin Proudmoore|Almirante Daelin Proudmoore]]
|Antiguo Almirante de [[Kul Tiras]].
| <font color="red">Fallecido</font>
| ''Desconocida''
|[[Alianza de Lordaeron]], [[Kul Tiras]]
||'''{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[Tandred Proudmoore]]
|Almirante de [[Kul Tiras]].
|<font color="limegreen">Vivo</font>
|[[Boralus]] (se presume)
|[[Alianza de Lordaeron]], [[Kul Tiras]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Llane|Small}} [[Rey Llane]]
|Rey de [[Azeroth (reino)|Azeroth]] durante la Primera Guerra.
| <font color="red">Fallecido</font>
|[[Reino de Azeroth]]
||'''{{RaceIconExt|Medivh|Small}} [[Medivh]]
|El último [[Guardián de Tirisfal|Guardián]], Maestro de [[Karazhan]].
|<font color="gold">Eterno</font>
|''Desconocido'' Fue enterredo en |[[Morgan's Plot|Terreno de Morgan]] antes de resucitar, se desconoce si su cuerpo continúa en la tumba.
|[[Orden de Tirisfal]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Aegwynn|Small}} [[Aegwynn]]
|Guardiana de Tirisfal, madre de Medivh.
| <font color="red">Fallecida</font>
|[[Morgan's Plot|Terreno de Morgan]]
|[[Orden de Tirisfal]], [[Theramore]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Terenas|Small}} [[Rey Terenas Menethil II]]
|Último rey de [[Lordaeron]].
| <font color="red">Fallecido</font>
|Enterrado en [[Undercity|Entrañas]]. Su espíritu fue una vez atrapado en la Frostmourne pero ahora está libre.
|[[Alianza de Lordaeron]], [[Reino de Lordaeron]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Arthas|Small}}{{RaceIconExt|ArthasDK|Small}} [[Arthas Menethil]]
|Antiguo Príncipe de Lordaeron, Caballero de la Mano de Plata, [[Caballlero de la muerte]] del [[Lich King|Rey Lich]], antiguo [[Lich King|Rey Lich]].
| <font color="red">Fallecido</font> (lore), <font color="purple">No-muerto</font>, <font color="orange">Matable</font> (WoW)
|[[Icecrown Citadel|Ciudadela Corona de Hielo]]
|[[Undead Scourge|Azote de los muertos vivientes]], anteriormente la [[Alianza de Lordaeron]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Varian|Small}} [[Rey Varian Wrynn]]
|Rey de Stormwind, actual líder de la Alianza.
|<font color="limegreen">Vivo</font>
|[[Throne Room|Sala del Trono]], [[Stormwind Keep|Castillo de Ventormenta]], [[Stormwind City|Ciudad de Ventormenta]]
|[[Alianza]], [[Alianza de Lordaeron]], [[Reino de Stormwind]], [[Valiance Expedition|Expedición de Denuedo]], [[Casa de Wrynn]],[[Crimson Ring]] (anteriormente)
||{{RaceIconExt|Anduin}} [[Anduin Wrynn]]
|Prince of Stormwind, son of King Varian
|<font color="limegreen">Alive</font>
|[[Throne Room]], [[Stormwind Keep]], [[Stormwind City]]
|[[Kingdom of Stormwind]], [[Alliance]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Mograine|Small}} [[Highlord Alexandros Mograine]]
|The Ashbringer and former leader of the [[Scarlet Crusade]]
| <font color="purple">Undead</font>
|Missing; last seen in [[Military Quarter]], [[Naxxramas]]
|None, formerly [[Scourge]] and [[Knights of the Silver Hand]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[Thoradin]]
|Leader of the Arathi Tribe and later King of the Empire of Arathor
| <font color="red">Deceased</font>
|[[Arathi]], [[Arathor|Kingdom of Arathor]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[Reginald Windsor]]
|A hero of Stormwind from the First and Second War
| <font color="red">Deceased</font>
|[[The Trade District]], [[Stormwind City]]
|[[Alliance]], [[Kingdom of Stormwind]], [[Alliance of Lordaeron]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[Antonidas]]
|Former leader of the [[Kirin Tor]]
| <font color="red">Deceased</font>
|[[Kirin Tor]], [[Dalaran]], [[Alliance of Lordaeron]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Rhonin|Small}} [[Rhonin]]
|Current leader of the [[Kirin Tor]]
|<font color="limegreen">Alive</font>
|[[The Violet Citadel]], [[Dalaran]]
|[[Alliance of Lordaeron]], [[The Kirin Tor]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Jaina|Small}} [[Jaina Proudmoore]]
|Ruler of [[Theramore]], [[Archmage]] of the [[Kirin Tor]]
|<font color="limegreen">Alive</font>
|[[Theramore Isle]], [[Dustwallow Marsh]]
|[[Alliance of Lordaeron]], [[Human Expedition]], [[Kirin Tor]], [[Alliance]], [[Theramore]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Khadgar|Small}} [[Khadgar]]
|[[Archmage]] of the [[Kirin Tor]], Apprentice to Medivh
|<font color="limegreen">Alive</font>
|[[Terrace of Light]], [[Shattrath City]]
|[[Sha'tar]],[[ Sons of Lothar]], formely the [[Alliance Expedition]], [[Alliance of Lordaeron]],[[ Kirin Tor]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Tirion|Small}} [[Highlord Tirion Fordring]]
|Paladin of the Silver Hand, current leader of the [[Argent Crusade]]
|<font color="limegreen">Alive</font>
|[[Argent Crusade]], formerly [[Silver Hand]] and the [[Alliance of Lordaeron]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[Saidan Dathrohan]]
|Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade
| <font color="red">Deceased</font> (possessed by [[Balnazzar]])
|[[The Scarlet Bastion]], [[Stratholme]]
|[[Scarlet Crusade]], [[Crimson Legion]], formerly the [[Knights of the Silver Hand]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[Alonsus Faol]]
|Mentor of [[Uther]] and [[Benedictus]]
| <font color="red">Deceased</font>
|Believed to be buried outside of the [[Scarlet Monastery]], [[Tirisfal Glades]]
|[[Alliance]], [[Clerics of Northshire]], [[Church of Light]], [[Order of the Silver Hand]], [[Brotherhood of Northshire]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[High General Abbendis]]
|General of [[Tyr's Hand]] of the Scarlet Crusade
| <font color="red">Deceased</font>
|[[Scarlet Crusade]], [[Kingdom of Lordaeron]]
||{{RaceIconExt|EdwinVanCleef}} [[Edwin VanCleef]]
|Kingpin of the [[Defias Brotherhood]]
| <font color="red">Deceased</font>
|[[Ironclad Cove]], [[The Deadmines]]
|[[Defias Brotherhood]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[Thoras Trollbane]]
|Warrior-King of [[Stromgarde]] during the Second War
| <font color="red">Deceased</font>
|Buried in [[Stromgarde]]
|[[Alliance of Lordaeron]], [[Stromgarde|Kingdom of Stromgarde]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Danath|Small}} [[Danath Trollbane]]
|Ex-Stromgarde Captain, Force Commander of [[Honor Hold]]
|<font color="limegreen">Alive</font>
|[[Honor Hold]], [[Hellfire Peninsula]]
|[[Alliance of Lordaeron]], [[Stromgarde|Kingdom of Stromgarde]], [[Alliance Expedition]], [[Sons of Lothar]], [[Honor Hold]]
|{{RaceIconExt|Galen}}{{RaceIconExt|UndeadGalen}} [[Galen Trollbane]]
|Prince of Stromgarde.
|[[Galen's Fall]], [[Arathi Highlands]]
|[[The Forsaken]], [[Horde]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Female|Small}} [[Mara Fordragon]]
|Patron of the refugees who fled Lordearon
| <font color="red">Deceased</font>
| [[Stormwind (kingdom)]] (presumed)
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}}{{RaceIconExt|Kel'Thuzad|Small}} [[Kel'Thuzad]]
|[[Lich|ArchLich]] of the [[Scourge]], former Archmage of the Kirin Tor
|<font color="red">Deceased</font> (lore), <font color="purple">Undead</font>, <font color="Orange">Killable</font> (WoW)
|Kel'Thuzad's Chamber, [[Naxxramas]]
|[[Scourge]], [[Cult of the Damned]], formerly the [[Kirin Tor]]
||{{RaceIconExt|Human Boy|Small}} [[Little Timmy]]
|A small boy who was kidnapped near [[Strahnbrad]] and rescued by [[Arthas]], now sells the "[[Ice Shard]]" [[artifact]].
|<font color="limegreen">Alive</font>
|[[Theramore]], [[Alliance of Lordaeron]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[Aiden Perenolde]]
|Former King of Alterac and traitor to the Alliance
| <font color="red">Deceased</font>
|[[Syndicate]], formerly [[Alterac]] and [[Alliance of Lordaeron]]. Affiliated briefly with the [[History of the Horde|Horde]] during the [[Second War]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}}{{RaceIcon|Worgen|Male|Small}} [[King Genn Greymane]]
|King of Gilneas
|<font color="limegreen">Alive</font> (<font color="blue">Worgen</font>)
|Throne Room, Stormwind Keep, Stormwind City
|[[Gilneas]], Alliance
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[Garithos]]
|[[Dark Knight]], self-proclaimed Grand Marshal
| <font color="red">Deceased</font>
|[[The Alliance]], [[Kingdom of Lordaeron]], [[Detheroc]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[Archbishop Benedictus]]
|Leader of the [[Church of Light]]
|<font color="limegreen">Alive</font>
|[[Cathedral of Light]], [[Stormwind City]]
|[[Alliance]], [[Church of Light]], [[Kingdom of Stormwind]]
||{{RaceIcon|Human|Male|Small}} [[General Marcus Jonathan]]
|General of [[Stormwind (kingdom)|Stormwind]]
|<font color="limegreen">Alive</font>
|[[Valley of Heroes]], [[Stormwind City]]
|[[Kingdom of Stormwind]], [[Alliance]]
==Human nations==
Humanity has generally been controlled by seven powerful kingdoms, each with their own sphere of influence. All seven city-states were descended from the ancient nation of [[Arathor]]. Recently, however, a series of devastating wars have plagued humanity, resulting in the end of several kingdoms and the creation of a new one, Theramore, the only human state in Kalimdor. Playable humans are from Stormwind. Kul Tiras and Gilneas cannot yet be visited in ''World of Warcraft.''
After the end of the Third War, Alliance forces under Jaina Proudmoore sailed to Southeastern Kalimdor. They founded a stronghold called Theramore, a small, walled city on a rocky isle east of [[Dustwallow Marsh]]. Theramore Isle and the nearby mainland fall under human control and border [[Durotar]], the orcs' new homeland, to the North. Humans and orcs maintain a tentative peace along their borders, but clashes are common. Since most of the human warriors and mages lost their lives during the war against the Burning Legion, only a handful of veteran mages and paladins remain in Theramore. While [[Ironforge]] dwarves and the high elves also occupy the small island city, humans hold the seats of greatest power. Goblin vendors and traders are a common sight in and around the rocky isle.
In the east, Lordaeron still boasts several human settlements, but it has diminished to a fraction of the size and power that it once was. Hillsbrad and Kul Tiras are still mostly under human control, and a few settlements hold out in Silverpine Forest and the Alterac Mountains. Stormwind, in the Southern continent of Azeroth, suffered in the First and Second Wars but remained relatively untouched in the Third. Stormwind has been rebuilt and stands larger and better defended than before. Though the Scourge did not make itself felt in Stormwind, the small kingdom faces its own enemies, both from without and within. Nevertheless, currently Stormwind is humanity’s strongest nation and a symbol of reclamation and renewal.<ref name="WoWRPG43"/><ref name="WoWRPG44">''World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game'', 44.</ref>
{| class="darktable"
! colspan="3" valign="bottom" | Nation
! [[First War]] || [[Second War]] || Interim || [[Third War]] || [[World of Warcraft|Post-Third War]] || [[Cataclysm]] || Current Status || Population (city proper)
![[Lordaeron (kingdom)|Lordaeron]]
| || || - || - || - || Destroyed || See the [[Forsaken]],<br />[[Scarlet Crusade]],<br />[[Argent Dawn]] || - || [[Undercity]] || Undead
! [[Stormwind (kingdom)|Azeroth/Stormwind]]
| || || Destroyed || - || Rebuilt || - || - || Damaged || Healthy || 200,000<ref>''Lands of Conflict'', 52.</ref><ref>''World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game'', 13.</ref>
! [[Dalaran]]
| || || - || Damaged || Rebuilt || Destroyed || Rebuilt || - || Independent || 3,000<ref>''Lands of Conflict'', 90.</ref> ||
! [[Kul Tiras]]
| || || - || - || - || - || - || [[Kul Tiras#Cataclysm|Unknown]] || Healthy || 10,000<ref>''Lands of Conflict'', 101.</ref>
! [[Stromgarde]]
| || || - || - || Left Alliance || Destroyed || Rejoined Alliance<ref name="League">[[League of Arathor]]</ref> || - || Crippled || 1,200<ref name="Stromgarde Population">Including [[Syndicate]], [[Trolls]] and [[Ogres]].</ref><ref>''Lands of Conflict'', 88.</ref>
! [[Gilneas]]
| || || - || - || Left Alliance || - || [[Gilneas civil war|Civil war]] || Rejoined [[Alliance]] || See [[Worgen (playable)|Worgen]] ||Unknown<ref>''Lands of Conflict'', 96.</ref>
! [[Alterac]]
| || || - || Destroyed || - || - || See [[the Syndicate]] || - || Destroyed || Ogres
! [[Theramore]]
| || || - || - || - || - || Founded || - || Healthy || 9,500<ref>''Lands of Mystery'', 36.</ref>
Humans come from many backgrounds and show great physical variety among all the races. Humans' skin ranges from dark to light and may have tones of other colors. Their eyes are blue, brown, green, gray, or hazel. Human hair is brown, black, blond, or red. Men often grow short beards and women commonly wear their hair long. Humans average six feet in height and weigh about 180 pounds, with men noticeably taller and heavier than women.<ref name="WoWRPG43"/>
The physique of humans is more muscular and sturdy than of elves, but much more slender than that of dwarves. The color and hue of human skin is varied, ranging from a fair pink, to tanned, to a very dark brown. Hair becomes gray or white with sickness or age. Human eyes have been known to glow like those of the naturally magical elves if he or she is wielding powerful magic.
[[File:Danath.jpg|thumb|The Statue of [[Danath Trollbane]] within Stormwind (before [[Deathwing]] knocked it over in [[Cataclysm]]).]]
Humans seem to be a naturally proud and ambitious race. The humans of Azeroth have a very strong sense of [[wikipedia:triumphalism|triumphalism]] and have been known to be arrogant, overzealous, or vainglorious. Humans have also regularly displayed noble and altruistic attitudes and actions. These qualities have led to human society producing notable heroic and villainous figures in recent history.
Most humans take comfort in having an orderly society, and humans prefer to live in villages, towns, and cities. Few humans understand the reverence of nature the [[night elf|night elves]] and [[tauren]] possess, and the most rural or rugged lifestyle a human has shown to possess is that of a farmer, bandit, or soldier. Human cities are extremely large, bustling, and lively. Outside city walls, in the countryside, the human [[peasant]]ry provides basic resources to the rest of the kingdom; the peasant farms, mines, and chops wood. In the city, merchants trade goods while craftsmen practice and perform their trades and businessmen provide services. At the top of the social hierarchy are the nobility, who sit within their castles, making important political decisions on the running of the kingdom.
Despite the desire for order that generally exists among humans, some groups do deviate from this cultural trait and possess no loyalties toward their established political leaders. This is especially true in times of uncertainty for humans. Before the Third War there were humans in the Northern lands of Lordaeron that were swayed into joining the [[Cult of the Damned]]. [[Defias|Banditry]], [[Bloodsail Pirates|sea piracy]], and [[Scarlet Crusade|fanaticism]] amongst humans has been on the rise recently.
Humans have a relatively short lifespan, less than the majority of the other races on Azeroth. They are old at about 55 years of age, and at 70 years they are venerable, with a maximum age between 72-110 years.<ref name="WoWRPG 174" /> Because of this, humanity strives to make the most out of what it has and to build legacies. This has led to the formation of different nations and orders across many lands and to the forging of alliances not only between each other, but with other races, and seeking to do whatever is necessary to protect and secure their nations so future generations can live peacefully and safely. The human state of Stormwind is the leader of the Alliance. Formerly it was the kingdom of [[Lordaeron]], until its destruction at the hands of the Undead Scourge. Stormwind is the largest remaining bastion of human population and strength in Azeroth.
Humans are seen to be filled with unchecked passion and ambition. Their [[warlock|desire for power]] and knowledge has allowed for some of the greatest [[mage]]s to be human. The deep inner fire and emotions that brew within them have allowed many humans to master [[The Holy Light]] in ways unimaginable, leading the humans to establish the [[Knights of the Silver Hand]] as well as what are regarded as the most pious orders ever seen on Azeroth. The loyalty humans are capable of produces well-trained soldiers and mercenaries that will easily stay and fight for their kingdoms and their leaders' causes, no matter how dire the situation may be.
Humans began the Alliance, and it could not exist without them. Humans and orcs joined forces to face the Burning Legion several years ago, but friction again returned once they dispatched the demonic threat. Although the Alliance and Horde leaders bear a healthy respect for each another, old racial hatreds are commonplace. Humans also look upon tauren with suspicion, due to the ties tauren have established with orcs. Humans and dwarves have long enjoyed a good relationship, a bond only strengthened since the dwarves' latest discoveries have energized their archaeological efforts. Elves are a source of mystery and frustration — especially the exotic night elves, with whom they are allied. Humans dislike and distrust jungle trolls and, to an even greater extent, Forsaken.<ref name="WoWRPG44" /> They greatly respect gnomish technological prowess, though it is unknown exactly how they view [[Gnomeregan (faction)|Gnomeregan]] and their current plight.
Humans have been known to rarely intermarry with other races. The human paladin [[Turalyon]] married the elven ranger [[Alleria Windrunner]], producing one son, [[Arator]]. [[Rhonin]], the leader of the [[Kirin Tor]], is married to Alleria's sister [[Vereesa Windrunner|Vereesa]]. Less famously, a human woman now named [[Tamara Wobblesprocket]] married a gnome.
Humans follow the Holy Light. Cathedrals and churches stand in their cities, and their priests preside over followers, heal the wounded, soothe the weary, and crusade against what they consider evil. Humans have an order of holy warriors, [[paladin]]s, who follow the Holy Light and crush evil and chaotic beings in its name. Paladins are wholly committed to defending the human nations.<ref name="WoWRPG44"/>
Humans speak [[Common (language)|Common]]. They may know many other languages, however, as they deal with many different creatures.<ref name="WoWRPG44"/>
Human parents grant a child its given name at birth, while its family name has a long history and usually speaks something of its bearer’s ancestry. Some humans change their family names to emphasize their own accomplishments.
* Male Names: Merander, Gyram, Darrick, Hebry.
* Female Names: Lilla, Merian, Richelle, Ammi.
* Family Names: Renn, Townguard, Silversmith, Runetouch.<ref name="WoWRPG44"/>
==Magic and technology==
{{Main|Horde & Alliance magic#Humans|Alliance technology#Humans}}
[[File:khadgar.jpg|thumb|A statue of [[Khadgar]], one of the most powerful human mages to ever live, built in Stormwind.]]
Humans can practice [[arcane magic]] and [[divine magic]]. Their mastery of these arts are rivaled on Azeroth perhaps only by the [[high elves]], [[blood elves]], and the [[draenei]]. These magics are used to heal and create in times of peace, and to harm and destroy in times of war.
Humans have a relatively good understanding of science and technology. However, this understanding does not come close to that of their dwarven and [[gnome|gnomish]] allies. The efforts of human engineers are laughable when compared to those of the dwarves' and gnomes'. These races have provided their advanced artillery, metalworking, and engineering skills to the Alliance during times of war. These are considerable benefits, including the creation and operation of powered siege engines and flying machines. The [[Deeprun Tram]] is a gnome-built mechanical wonder that serves as a speedy underground transportation device between Ironforge and Stormwind.
Humans have a great deal of respect for both the dwarves and gnomes for these accomplishments, and are eternally grateful for their contributions to the Alliance. Humans, for the most part, do not seem to be particularly aware of nor concerned about the harms the advancement of civilization and technology (as well as the use of arcane magic) may bring upon nature and the world. However, humans respect the [[night elves]] and their desire to preserve their sacred forests and lands in [[Kalimdor]].
Human architecture is less pleasing to the eye than elven architecture, utilizing straight angles and simple materials such as wood, stone and mortar. However, human structures are much more resistant to damage than elven or [[Horde]] structures. Human structures are not nearly as strong as dwarven structures or as advanced as gnomish architecture, but they are much easier to build, and human forts and towns can be built relatively quickly.
The armies of the [[Human nations|human kingdoms]] are a force to be reckoned with. Well-trained footmen march to battle in [[plate|plate armor]] with kite shields and broadswords, while courageous [[knight]]s covered in heavy plate mail ride headlong into battle atop of their powerful equine steeds, wielding mighty lances and swords. Behind the humans come their allies; cunning [[hunter|elven archers]] and [[hunter|dwarven riflemen]] provide ranged support, human and gnomish (and in the past though there are some left, [[high elven]]) [[mages]] blast their enemies with magic and [[priest]]s use their divine magic to heal and aid wounded allies. Perhaps the most fearsome foe to evil and the enemies of humankind on the battlefield are the mighty [[paladin]]s, considered by many to be the champions of the human alliance. These fearsome knights bring justice to their enemies and aid to their allies with a combination of healing and aura magics and mastery with giant warhammers and massive runeblades.
Human bases are very difficult to penetrate. The walls of their strongholds are tall and tough, and from their watchtowers they can see enemies approach from far away, attacking them with siege weapons and archers while they advance. Behind the walls, an enemy would expect to meet ranks of dismounted knights and footmen. During the Second War, the Horde lost many of its warriors laying siege to Capital City, many of them killed by the city's [[ballistae]] and archers.
*Although many generations of humans and kaldorei were befriended before the [[Great Sundering]],<ref name=S&L84-85/> when [[Rhonin]] travelled to the past, during the [[War of the Ancients]], the [[night elves]] didn't know what race he was and their studies indicated that he was some variation of a [[dwarf]] who had simply grown much taller than the rest.<ref>''[[The Demon Soul]]'', 21.</ref>
*Some modern human females have retained the ability to turn their flesh to stone or steel in a similar way as [[dwarf|dwarves]], due to the human's ancient connection with the [[titan]]s. They believe that it was [[Khaz'Goroth]] who created them specifically.<ref>''[[Alliance Player's Guide]]'', 63.</ref>
== Gallery ==
Image:Gerald Green.jpg|A fat human.
Image:Bloodsail Raider.jpg|A buccaneer-looking human.
Image:Jeremiah Hawning.jpg|A really skinny human.
Image:Beggar.jpg|A unique looking human (stance of NPC).
Image:Dark Adept.jpg| An undead looking human. ([[Cultist]])
Humans, like ogres and broken, have their own aggro sound: Hah!
Humans have also appeared in every Warcraft-based game. The humans in Stormwind fought against the orcs in Warcraft 1 & 2, the humans of Lordaeron also fought the orcs in Warcraft 2 and tried to halt the Plague in Warcraft 3, and they are a playable race in World of Warcraft.
It can be speculated that the birthing of humans is a severe side-effect of the [[Curse of Flesh]] on the vrykul.
== References ==
{{titanic creations}}
[[Category:Humans| ]]
[[Category:World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game]]
[[Category:Lands of Mystery]]
[[Category:Alliance Player's Guide]]
[[Category:Lands of Conflict]]

Revisión del 14:01 26 sep 2013