Serpent's Spine - The Great Wall of Pandaria

El Espinazo del Dragón visto desde la cara oeste del Valle de los Cuatro Vientos

El Espinazo del Dragón es la gran muralla que separa los territorios mantide - las Estepas de Tong Long y el Desierto del Pavor - del resto de Pandaria.


Cuando Lei Shen, el primer emperador de los mogu, comenzó a unificar a su pueblo bajo un estandarte único y a subyugar a las demás razas de Pandaria, sabía que los mántides jamás se someterían a su poder. Hablaban el mismo idioma: el idioma de la fuerza. Ordenó a sus esclavos construir el Espinazo del Dragón, una magnífica muralla a lo largo de todo su imperio.

Su construcción llevaría varias generaciones, pero Lei Shen sabía cómo motivar a sus súbditos: con miedo. El miedo a los mántides movió montañas, formó ejércitos, consolidó el imperio y construyó su muralla.[1]

Recientemente, los mántides y los yaungol have laid siege to the wall, in an effort to break through to launch an assault on the lands east of the wall. The mantid have managed to damage the wall at the border with the Valley of the Four Winds and started to unleash their deadly assault upon the land, mainly at Stoneplow. The yaungol have made it past the Ox Gate and have started to settle in Kul-Lai Summit.

In the Townlong Steppes, the recently formed Dusklight Bridge, allowed the mantid to move into action, avoiding the Widening Deep.


The wall runs from Pandaria's southern coast in the Krasarang Wilds, bordering the western Valley of the Four Winds and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and ends in Kun-Lai Summit.

There are few notable settlements upon the wall:

  • The Lion's Redoubt, a tower held by the Alliance.
  • Serpent's Spine Horde Tower, a tower held by the Horde.
  • The Gate of the Setting Sun, key gate of the wall, which has also come under attack by mantid trying to move into the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
  • Shado-Pan Fallback, held by the Shado-Pan, focused on cleansing Firebough Nook which has been attacked by sha-infested yaungol.
  • The Ox Gate, the northernmost gate and path between Kun-Lai Summit and the Townlong Steppes.


